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Anabolic Steroids

How Do You Get Rid of Steroid Acne?



What Are Acne Steroids?

        Steroid acne is the name given to skin conditions, such as zits in people with high-level corticosteroids. Severe acne is also a side effect of using anabolic steroids. So if you want to Get rid of Steroid acne, this article is for you.

Steroid Acne

         One of the most visible side effects of prednisone is steroid acne. This type of acne usually appears on the chest, back and face. Acne steroid treatment. Usually, acne is an inflammation of the sebaceous glands of the skin and the roots of the hair. The bacterium (Propionibacterium acnes), combined with other factors, causes inflammation of the sebaceous glands.

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           Steroid acne has almost the same symptoms as regular acne. But with steroid acne, it is this systemic use of steroids that makes the sebaceous glands (susceptible) to inflammation and infection. Like vulgar acne, it can occur naturally or as a result of oral or injections steroids. Steroids against acne are different from the steroid rosacea, which results from the long-term use of topical corticosteroids.

What Are The Symptoms of Acne?

         Steroid acne appears more frequently in the chest. Fortunately, there are several effective ways to get rid of pimples on the chest. It can also appear on the face, neck, back, and arms.

Symptoms May Include:

  • Swelling like a cyst (pseudocyst).
  • Great red pain (pain).
  • White or yellow spots (pustules).
  • Small red bumps (papules).
  • Blackheads and open and closed comedones (blackheads).

It Can Also Have A Side Effect Of Itching Or Scratching. This May Include:

  • Scars.
  • Dark stains of old stains.
  • Red mark of the place that has just been recovered.

         When steroid zits are of the vulgar acne type, the spots may be more uniform than with conventional nonsteroidal zits. When fungal steroid acne (folliculitis by Malassezia), most acne spots will be the same size.

Common Cause

        Steroid acne is caused by the use of systemic steroids (oral, injected or inhaled). Steroid acne occurs in about 50% of people who use large amounts of anabolic steroids. The formulation known as Sustanon is a common cause of anti-acne steroids. High doses of testosterone can also cause acne flare-ups.

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     Increased use of corticosteroids after an organ transplant and chemotherapy has made anti-acne steroids more common. Steroid acne usually appears after a few weeks of steroid treatment. The severity depends on the size of the steroid dose, the duration of treatment and its vulnerability to acne.

     It is not known exactly how steroids increase your risk of acne. In addition to the presence of Propionibacterium acnes, TLR2 receptors may play a role in the occurrence of an acne outbreak.

Related Article: Which Anabolic Steroids Are Less Likely To Cause Acne

Acne Treatment Options

        Steroid acne treatments, such as common acne (common acne), involve the use of several topical skin preparations and oral antibiotics. Steroid-induced fungal acne (Malassezia folliculitis) is treated with topical antifungals, such as ketoconazole shampoo, or oral antifungals, such as itraconazole.

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Oral Antibiotics for Acne

Acnetame Get rid of acne        Oral antibiotics in the tetracycline group are prescribed in cases of severe and moderate steroid acne, as well as in cases with scarring. People of color are more susceptible to scarring due to an acne flare-up and it may be advisable to take oral antibiotics, even in mild cases. Due to the increased risk of antibiotic resistance and slow action, experts no longer recommend the use of topical antibiotics to treat acne.

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Benzoyl Peroxide

       Is a very effective antiseptic that helps eliminate acne bacteria and reduce inflammation. Benzoyl peroxide is available in many over-the-counter acne treatments. Do not rub your face aggressively when cleaning or using medication, as this may make acne worse. There is evidence of the effectiveness of phototherapy with blue and blue-red light to treat acne.

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         By definition, steroid acne is caused by the use of steroids. Stopping or reducing steroid use will help eliminate acne. Fatty foods, certain dairy products and especially sugar can contribute to the onset of acne. You may want to try an anti-acne diet. Although some foods and cosmetics may contribute to the acne epidemic, eliminating it will not make acne go away.


       Steroid acne is a common side effect of corticosteroid prescriptions, such as Prednisone, as well as anabolic steroid use in bodybuilding. Alternatively, treatment with a topical dosage, oral or antifungal antibiotics should be effective.


Steroid Acne Treatment Solution For Adult Men

           Acne is a skin disorder that occurs when excess fat and dead skin cells create blockages on the hair follicles. Although acne is usually associated with adolescents, many adults also suffer damage caused by this animal. Most of the time, adult male acne has some additional components that exacerbate the situation. Here are some options to treat pimples on men that you may consider trying to improve your skin.

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Acne And Shaving

          Pimples and shaving can be the worst combination as if you don't know it. If possible, use an electric razor instead of a razor and it will fix your situation immediately. However, if you are ready to use a razor, you should at least apply the right shaving technique so that you do not injure your dry bones while hitting the top. This not only causes unnecessary pain but doing so can permanently cause scar tissue.

         To allow your face to fight, you can consider investing in a shaving cream designed for a man with breakouts. Be sure also to use a sharp knife and make the least punch possible. Finally, men may tend to be a little sloppy when shaving too quickly, so slow down.

Acne Treatment For Men Using Steroids

        If you suffer from acne in adult men, which is the result of the use of any drug to improve performance (anabolic steroids), it will be very difficult to cleanse your pimples. Acne caused by steroids is highly resistant to conventional acne treatments. For the skin to move in the right direction, you may need help from a dermatologist. However, the good news is that in the future, if you decide to stop the steroid, your skin will start responding to acne treatments and will eventually be clean.

Treatment Of Acne In Men By Dermatological

         When you feel like you are at the end of the road and have not gotten rid of acne, it might be time to bring big guns and consult with a dermatologist. They have many fantastic options in their arsenal to launch the Operation Clear Skin.


           They can assume that it is necessary to take an anti-inflammatory, known as corticosteroids, to begin to eradicate inflamed pustules (pimples with pus) or cysts. To control acne, the doctor will inject the drug directly into the cyst. This will not only help to rapidly reduce the size of the offensive grain, but it will also reduce the risk of developing scarring.

Oral Retinoids:

          You can also prescribe retinoids such as Tretinoin or Tazarotene, both derived from vitamin A. The drug should be drunk about 4 to 5 months, after which severe acne is usually gone. However, these drugs are very powerful and may not be the right treatment for some men. Its side effects are quite significant and can affect liver function and cholesterol levels, as well as thoughts for suicide, diarrhea, nausea and decreased hearing and vision, to name a few.

Chemical Peel

         The chemical Peel is a procedure in which the acid solution is applied to the face and penetrates several layers of the skin. The skin will initially blister and will take off. This process eventually removes some layers of skin, revealing new and fresh skin. You will find that scars and acne spots are reduced and the skin is softer and less pigmented.

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Laser Diode Therapy

        You should also consider laser diode treatments or acne treatments with blue light. There is much success in this field when other methods fail to remove acne from adult men. In general, this therapeutic option penetrates the skin layer but does not damage the surface. Another advantage of this procedure is that they improve skin texture, reduce the look of scars and eliminate acne.

Should Steroid Acne Treatment?

         General Guidelines For Childhood Acne Treatment. Here are some of the facts that parents should know about childhood acne and its treatment. It is natural for parents to worry about illness in infants. Skin conditions are seen with the naked eye and parents tend to worry when rashes and bumps appear on baby's skin. You should remember that baby's skin condition, including acne in childhood, is not serious. However, if in doubt, please do not hesitate to consult your pediatrician or dermatologist.

       Don't panic when you see signs of acne on your baby. Acne in children is very common and starts around the age of three weeks. This form of acne appears viscous like pimples and appears on cheeks, temples, and forehead. They do not cause discomfort in infants and, in general, do not require treatment.

Some Facts About Acne

Facts     Buttons are a common form of acne. Almost all suffer at one time or another, especially during adolescence. Acne occurs when the oily secretion of the sebaceous glands of the skin obstructs small holes or pores. Blackheads, blackheads, or bumps appear on the skin's surface and can leave scars. There are many forms of acne treatment. These include conventional and unconventional; Invasive and non-invasive methods. People who suffer from acne usually heal in total. However, childhood acne is different, such as the treatment method. Acne in children, also known as acne in childhood, is caused by hormonal changes that occur in infants after birth. This disappears on its own after a few weeks.


        There is no need to put lotions or creams in the affected area because baby acne usually disappears after a few weeks. Acne products for teenagers and adults are certainly not recommended for infants.

Here Are Some Other Skin Conditions In Babies That Are Confused With Acne:

          A common rash is called seborrheic dermatitis. This usually starts with the age of one month. Parents pay attention to red bumps and yellow scales in the skin of babies. BREAST milk or formula is not the cause of this problem and does not have to worry over. However, in some cases, the doctor may prescribe a specific type of steroid cream.

        Childhood eczema also has red bumps and patches in several places. This is common in infants from one to five months. Eczema is usually treated with several types of moisturizers. Steroid creams are used in severe cases. Diaper rash is very common in infants. It is also called diaper rash. Diaper rash is caused by a baby contact that is too long with a dirty towel. They do not require any treatment. Often replacing diapers for babies will help.

Some Things To Do And Not Do

       Do not wash or rub your baby hard. Baby's skin is very soft and very sensitive to friction. Acne treatment in infants does not recommend taking the drug in the first instance. Avoid using moisturizers and creams of any type. As a general rule, parents should keep the hygiene to prevent skin problems in infants. However, you can be sure that baby pimples will disappear in a short time.

Can Prednisone Cause Acne?

         Some people who use steroids, like prednisone, can develop this type of acne called acne steroids. Away from the small side effects of the drug, acne can have a significant negative effect on the quality of life. People with IBD may feel that treating or treating acne is a secondary issue from IBD and is reluctant to talk to a health care provider about it. However, the quality of life and good feelings about one's appearance is also important to face the ITN and control the crisis.

Side Effects Of Prednisone

        Prednisone is a cheap and effective remedy. Many doctors redefine it to fight Crohn's disease or ulcerative colitis. Ideally, it should only be used for a short time, but it is sometimes used for longer periods in cases where DCI does not respond to anything else. The purpose of the current IBD treatment is to control inflammation without using steroids or at least for the shortest possible time.

          Prednisone is associated with many side effects, some of which are very disturbing for patients, such as hunger or poor mood, and some serious or persistent, such as eye problems. For this reason and more, patients and physicians should try to use Prednisone as short as possible.

Types Of Steroid Acne

           Acne is often considered a problem for teenagers, but steroid acne can happen to anyone who uses steroids, regardless of their age. That said, it tends to be more common among teenagers and adults. Acne steroids can appear on the face, chest or back and are usually associated with two forms: Acne vulgaris and folliculitis in Malassezia.

          Acne vulgaris is a term used to describe the type of man with acne in adults and adolescents, and most often occurs with prednisone treatment. It often arises as a very uniform lesion and may be more common in people with acne tendencies.

          Malassezia Folliculitis is a type of acne caused by fungi that exist in and around the hair follicle. It is estimated that between 75% and 98% of people have this type of skin fungus. Despite the normal yeast presence, the proliferation is not. M. Folliculitis is more common in the chest and body and is an itchy trait.

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         Acne steroids will begin to diminish so Prednises stop. During treatment with prednisone, you can use acne medications to help control the plague.

         The type of treatment used will depend on the type of acne that exists, as well as several other factors, such as taking medication and the severity of acne. Accutane (isotretinoin) is generally not recommended to treat acne in people with IBD as it can cause diarrhea and rectal bleeding. Topical cleansers and anti-acne agents such as benzoyl peroxide are recommended as the first step in acne treatment.

Treatment Of Acne And Special Medications:

          Several factors can cause acne, including contact with oily substances, oils, minerals or vegetable oils. Use of steroids like drugs or birth control pills can also cause acne. More common in adolescence, the body secretes androgens, male hormones in men and women, which stimulate oil production from the sebaceous glands of the skin. Sometimes, this sebaceous gland becomes overactive, blocking outflow and starts to swell due to the oil deposits. Therefore, acne appears and contact with bacteria that usually live in the skin develops in this environment, which causes the development of inflammation or even pus. Sometimes, when a gland explodes into the skin, they produce cysts.

         When treating acne, you should avoid fatty and chemical cosmetics. You can also use a non-oily facial cleanser that contains tea tree oil or echinacea, wash your face twice a day and rinse with warm water. You can use natural acne treatments, such as herbs, such as juniper; Reduce toxicity in your body and improve skin conditions.

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         Tea tree oil is a popular remedy for acne, you should apply it topically to acne lesions. Tea tree oil can kill bacteria that cause acne.

Steroid Acne Treatment

         When you have dry skin, you should be careful, using products designed specifically for dry skin. You can also have dry skin because of natural astringent cleaners because it eliminates the formation of sebum which prevents it from blocking the glands.

          Zinc is also an effective remedy against acne, but it has side effects such as indigestion and a metallic taste in the mouth. Do not consume high doses of zinc, as this can lead to copper deficiency, weaken immune function, anemia and heart problems. The best solution is to take your zinc from the elements that it assumes, so it is perfect if you consume foods such as lamb, beef, pork and peanut, peanut butter and nuts. Before applying acne treatment, you must first wash your skin with a gentle soap. You can also use spinach seeds instead of tea water.



          You should know what kind of skin you have, which is very important to seek acne treatment for your specific needs. By doing this, you will save time as you will take the most appropriate acne treatment that works and the natural acne cures you need. In this case, you will use acne products and treatments that will help you eliminate acne permanently. Then, you should first contact a dermatologist or dermatologist, especially if she is an expert in the treatment for acne, to tell you about your skin type, your skin reaction to certain ingredients, so you know what is acne treatment to grab insurance. A dermatologist may recommend an effective acne medication or acne medication to fix acne problems.


Anabolic Steroids

Joint Stiffness: How to Manage It While on AAS




Joint stiffness is a common issue in steroids bodybuilding and the use of androgenic anabolic steroids (AAS). Here's how it happens and what it involves:

AAS Mechanism of Action

Anabolic-androgenic steroids (AAS) work by enhancing muscle growth and strength. They enlarge muscle cells through hypertrophy, leading to increased muscle mass.

Activation of Androgen Receptors (AR)

    • AAS, including those produced naturally (such as testosterone and dihydrotestosterone), bind to and activate the androgen receptor (AR).
    • The AR is present in various tissues throughout the body.

Androgenic and Anabolic Effects

AAS effects can be categorized into:

Androgenic: These relate to the development and maintenance of male sexual characteristics.

Anabolic: These involve increasing bone density, muscle mass, and strength.

Impairment of Testosterone Biosynthesis

    • In supraphysiological doses, AAS can impair testosterone biosynthesis in tissues.
    • This disruption occurs due to their interaction with AR signaling.

How AAS Contribute to Joint Stiffness

Water Retention and Electrolyte Imbalance

    • AAS can cause water retention, leading to increased fluid in the joint spaces. While this might initially seem beneficial, it can lead to stiffness if the excess fluid disrupts normal joint function.
    • Electrolyte imbalances caused by AAS can affect muscle and joint function, contributing to stiffness.

Changes in Collagen Synthesis

    • AAS can affect the synthesis and degradation of collagen, a primary component of connective tissue. This can lead to a decrease in the elasticity and resilience of tendons and ligaments, making joints feel stiffer.

Increased Muscle Mass

    • Rapid gains in muscle mass can place additional stress on joints, which may not have time to adapt, resulting in stiffness and discomfort.

Altered Pain Perception

    • Some AAS can alter pain perception and inflammatory responses, potentially masking injuries or causing changes in how the body responds to minor joint stresses, leading to stiffness.

Which Specific AAS Mainly Cause Joint Stiffness?

While not all anabolic-androgenic steroids (AAS) exhibit these adverse effects, certain ones are more prone to causing them. These include:

  1. Winstrol
  2. Masteron
  3. Proviron
  4. Halotestin
  5. Trenbolone

Additionally, high doses of testosterone, Dianabol, and Trestolone may also carry similar risks.

Dealing With Joint Stiffness Caused By AAS

Most AAS are dry compounds known for causing joint dryness. Some are usually wet compounds, which can lead to joint problems when taken in high doses without an aromatase inhibitor (AI), resulting in excess water retention that affects the joints.

Other AAS either have a neutral impact on the joints or enhance their strength and healing by boosting collagen production, with Nandrolone being a prime example.

To prevent joint issues when using wet AAS compounds, it is essential to use the appropriate AI dose (not too high) to manage estradiol levels and prevent excessive water retention.

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For dry compounds, follow these guidelines to avoid joint issues:

Selective Testosterone Use

Ensure the use of a Testosterone and steroids bodybuilding base to achieve adequate estradiol conversion. While excess estradiol can cause water retention and joint damage, having the right amount is crucial for joint strength and lubrication.

Proper Gym Training

Exercise caution in the gym. Continuously pursuing personal records and lifting the heaviest weights can damage joints and cause injuries. Proper stretching and warming up with lighter weights are vital.


Supplement with joint health supplements. Fish Oil at 6g daily or Krill Oil at 3g daily is essential for every AAS user. Additionally, taking MSM (Methylsulfonylmethane) at 1g daily and a few tablespoons of Collagen Powder daily will significantly benefit joint health.

Managing Other Forms of Joint Stiffness

Proper Warm-Up and Cool-Down

Engaging in thorough warm-up routines before workouts and adequate cool-down exercises afterward can help maintain joint flexibility.

Hydration and Nutrition

Staying well-hydrated and maintaining a balanced diet rich in essential nutrients like omega-3 fatty acids, glucosamine, and chondroitin can support joint health.


Using joint support supplements such as glucosamine, chondroitin, and MSM (methylsulfonylmethane) may help alleviate stiffness.

Monitoring and Adjusting Steroid Use

Careful monitoring of AAS dosages and cycles, under the guidance of a healthcare professional, can help minimize negative effects on joint health.

Rest and Recovery

Ensuring adequate rest and incorporating rest days into training routines can help prevent overuse injuries and joint stiffness.

Physical Therapy

Engaging in physical therapy or specific joint mobility exercises can improve joint function and reduce stiffness.

Long-Term Considerations

It's important to be aware that chronic use of AAS can lead to long-term joint issues. Regular check-ups with a healthcare provider, including monitoring of joint health, are crucial for those using AAS over extended periods. Recognizing the signs of joint problems early and taking proactive measures can help mitigate the risk of long-term damage.

Where to Buy AAS Online

Buying legitimate androgenic anabolic steroids (AAS) online can be challenging and carries significant legal, health, and ethical risks. However, if someone decides to proceed, here are some general tips on where to buy and how to check the quality:

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Licensed Pharmacies (Where Legal)

In some countries, AAS can be purchased legally with a prescription from licensed pharmacies. Ensure to follow local regulations and obtain a valid prescription.

Reputable Online Retailers

Look for well-known, established online retailers with positive reviews and verified customer feedback. Forums, bodybuilding communities, and social media can provide recommendations.

Research Chemical Companies

Some companies sell research chemicals, including AAS, for "research purposes." Ensure these companies have good reputations and offer transparency about their products.

How to Check Good Quality

Third-Party Lab Testing

The best way to verify the quality of AAS and steroids bodybuilding is through third-party lab testing. Reputable sellers often provide lab reports or certificates of analysis that verify the purity and potency of their products.

Reviews and Testimonials

Check reviews on bodybuilding forums, websites, and social media platforms. Look for consistent positive feedback about product effectiveness, safety, and customer service.

Batch Numbers and Serialization

Legitimate products usually have batch numbers, expiration dates, and sometimes serialization. You can often verify these details through the manufacturer's website.

Packaging and Labels

Examine the packaging and labels for professionalism and accuracy. Poorly printed labels, misspellings, and low-quality packaging are red flags.

Customer Service

Good suppliers will have responsive and knowledgeable customer service. Ask questions about their products, sourcing, and testing procedures to gauge their reliability.

Price Comparison

If the price seems too good to be true, it probably is. Compare prices with other reputable sources to ensure you're not buying counterfeit or low-quality products.

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Warning and Legal Considerations

  • Legality: The legality of purchasing and using AAS varies by country. In many places, it is illegal to buy AAS without a prescription. Always check local laws before purchasing.
  • Health Risks: Using AAS without medical supervision can lead to severe health issues. It's crucial to consult with a healthcare provider before starting any steroid regimen.
  • Ethical Considerations: Consider the ethical implications of using AAS, especially in competitive sports where their use is often banned.


While there are ways to find and verify the quality of AAS online, it's essential to approach this with caution, awareness of the legal landscape, and a focus on health and safety. Overall, your joint health while on AAS should be a first priority so your training is not hindered.

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Anabolic Steroids

How Much Do You Know About B-AET? A Fat Burner You’ve Been Missing




Introduction to B-AET

B-AET, or Beta-Androstenetriol, is a DHEA derivative known for its impressive health benefits, including anti-catabolism and fat loss. Despite its advantages, it remains largely unknown because it is hard to obtain, not due to any significant drawbacks.

Let’s delve into its properties:

Anti-Catabolic Effects: B-AET helps prevent muscle breakdown (catabolism). By preserving muscle tissue during intense workouts or calorie deficits, it supports overall fitness goals.

Fat Loss Potential: B-AET may enhance fat loss. While the exact mechanisms aren’t fully understood, it likely influences metabolism and fat utilization.

Challenges with Availability: As we've mentioned, B-AET is not widely accessible. Its scarcity limits research and popularity.

Comparing B-AET to 7-KETO DHEA

Similar to 7-KETO DHEA, B-AET does not suppress the HPTA and promotes fat loss by inhibiting cortisol. Based on personal experience, B-AET offers superior results compared to 7-KETO DHEA.

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Understanding Cortisol’s Role in Fat-Loss

Cortisol, released in response to stress, was crucial for survival in our evolutionary past. However, in today's world, chronic stress leads to persistently high cortisol levels, contributing to various health issues including fat accumulation, especially around the abdomen, insulin resistance, muscle loss, increased blood pressure, weakened immunity, impaired memory, decreased bone density, inhibited collagen synthesis, hair loss, depression, and lower testosterone levels.

Benefits of Beta-Androstenetriol

B-AET helps with fat loss by inhibiting cortisol production through the suppression of the enzyme 11β-HSD1. Users often notice significant fat reduction, especially around the lower belly. Additionally, B-AET lowers overall stress, enhances immune function, prevents muscle loss during calorie restriction, and has anti-inflammatory properties.

B-AET helps prevent muscle breakdown during intense training, preserving your hard-earned muscle mass.

By supporting muscle preservation and potentially aiding fat loss, B-AET can optimize overall performance during cutting phases.

Potential Side-Effects of Beta-Androstenetriol

Data on B-AET’s side effects is limited. Anecdotal reports suggest minimal side effects, but overuse could potentially lead to decreased stress response, fatigue, and low blood pressure due to chronically low cortisol levels. However, these risks are minimal if B-AET is used properly.

Let’s explore the potential dangers associated with Beta-Androstenetriol (B-AET) in detail:

Limited Research: As mentioned, B-AET remains relatively unknown due to limited research. Lack of comprehensive studies makes it challenging to fully understand its safety profile and potential risks.

Individual Variability: As with any compound, individual responses can vary. What works well for one person may not be suitable for another. Always consider your unique physiology and consult a healthcare professional.

Potental Side Effects

Gastrointestinal Disturbances: Some peptides can affect the digestive system, leading to nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, or stomach discomfort. While these side effects are typically transient, they’re worth noting.

Appetite and Blood Sugar: GHS peptides (including B-AET) may increase appetite and blood sugar levels.

Fluid Retention: Fluid retention is another possible side effect.

Legal Status: B-AET’s legal status varies by region. Ensure compliance with local regulations and restrictions.

Dosage and How to Use B-AET

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B-AET can be taken orally or applied topically. Due to poor bioavailability when taken orally, the topical application is far more effective and may offer localized benefits. Let’s explore dosage and usage in detail.


Unfortunately, there isn’t a universally established dosage for B-AET due to limited research and availability.

If you decide to use it, start with a conservative dose and gradually increase if needed.

Consult a healthcare professional or a knowledgeable coach who understands peptide usage.


B-AET is typically administered via subcutaneous injections.

Follow these general guidelines:

Frequency: Inject once or twice daily.

Timing: Some users prefer morning injections to align with natural cortisol rhythms.

Cycle Duration: Cycles can vary from a few weeks to several months.

Stacking: B-AET can be stacked with other peptides or compounds for synergistic effects.


Rotate Injection Sites: Avoid injecting in the same spot repeatedly.

Reconstitute Properly: If using lyophilized powder, follow reconstitution instructions.

Store Correctly: Keep B-AET refrigerated to maintain stability.

Other Fat-burning Alternatives to Consider

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As a bodybuilder looking to optimize fat loss, consider incorporating the following peptides into your regimen:


Function: Originally used for oral ulcers, Amlexanox has shown potential for fat loss. It activates an enzyme called AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK), which plays a role in energy regulation and fat metabolism.

Mechanism: By enhancing AMPK activity, Amlexanox promotes fat breakdown (lipolysis) and inhibits fat storage (lipogenesis).

Administration: Available as a topical gel or oral medication.

Note: Research is ongoing, and its effectiveness for bodybuilders specifically needs further investigation.

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Glycyrrhetinic Acid

Function: Derived from licorice root, Glycyrrhetinic acid has anti-inflammatory properties and may aid fat loss.

Mechanism: It inhibits an enzyme called 11-beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase, which affects fat distribution.

Administration: Often used in topical creams or as a supplement.

Caution: High doses can lead to side effects, so moderation is crucial.


Function: Tesofensine was initially developed as an anti-obesity drug.

Mechanism: It increases levels of neurotransmitters like serotonin, dopamine, and norepinephrine, leading to reduced appetite and increased fat burning.

Administration: Oral tablets.

Note: Not widely available due to limited research and regulatory hurdles.


Function: AOD9604 is a modified fragment of human growth hormone (HGH).

Mechanism: It stimulates lipolysis (fat breakdown) without affecting blood sugar levels or muscle growth.

Administration: Typically injected.

Caution: Consult a healthcare professional before use.


Function: 5-Amino-1MQ is a novel compound with potential fat-burning effects.

Mechanism: It interacts with mitochondria, enhancing energy expenditure and fat oxidation.

Availability: Limited due to being a newer discovery.


When it comes to burning fat in bodybuilding, a combination of heavy training and cardio is effective. Heavy weights help build muscle and improve strength, while cardio aids in fat loss. Additionally, consider incorporating fat-burning exercises into your routine.

However, if you can lay hands on B-AET and safely, it might just be the product you have been looking for. Good luck as you embark on a journey to get rid of that extra fat.

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Anabolic Steroids

Peptides Vs. Steroids:Real Talk/Guide




Many bodybuilders are unable to distinguish peptides from regular steroids. In this article we're going to explore Peptides vs. Steroids from various perspectives.

Let’s delve into the differences between peptides and steroids.

Mechanism of Action

    • Peptides: These are short chains of amino acids. Peptides work by binding to specific receptors on the cell surface. They initiate signal transduction pathways, which activate various cellular processes. Peptides do not directly affect DNA or gene expression.
    • Steroids: Steroids, on the other hand, penetrate the cell membrane and bind directly to DNA within the cell nucleus. They act as transcription participants, modifying gene expression.

Natural vs. Unnatural Effects

    • Peptides: Peptides enhance natural processes in the body. For example, some peptides stimulate growth hormone release, improve recovery, and promote anti-aging effects.
    • Steroids: Anabolic steroids artificially increase testosterone levels. They can be used for hormone replacement therapy but may have side effects due to their unnatural impact on the body.

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Binding Sites

    • Peptides: Bind to cell surface receptors.
    • Steroids: Bind to receptors inside the cell cytoplasm and modify transcription.


    • Peptides:
      • Weight Loss: Certain peptides can aid weight management.
      • Recovery & Repair: Peptides like BPC-157 support tissue healing.
      • Anti-Aging: Some peptides have skin-rejuvenating properties.
      • Reproductive Health: Peptides like kisspeptin-10 may impact reproductive health.
      • Cognitive Enhancement: Selank and semax are nootropic peptides.
    • Steroids:
      • Hormone Replacement: Used for male hypogonadism (low testosterone).
      • Muscle Building: Anabolic steroids promote muscle growth.
      • Performance Enhancement: Athletes sometimes misuse steroids for performance gains.

Peptides Vs. Steroids Risk Profile

    • Peptides: Generally considered safer with fewer side effects.
    • Steroids: Higher risk of adverse effects, including liver damage, cardiovascular issues, and hormonal imbalances.

Peptides Vs. Steroids Dosages


Dosages vary based on the specific peptide and desired effect.

Let’s explore the dosages for various peptides commonly used in bodybuilding. Remember that individual responses may vary, so always consult with a healthcare professional before starting any peptide regimen.

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Typical Dosage: 1000 mcg to 2000 mcg per week.

Cycle Duration: 8 to 12 weeks (60 to 90 days).


Typical Dosage: 200 mcg to 300 mcg per day.

Cycle Duration: Similar to CJC-1295 (8 to 12 weeks).

Average Cost: Approximately $49 (Prices may vary depending on the supplier and product concentration).


Typical Dosage: 4-10 mg per week, divided into two doses per week.

Cycle Duration: 4-6 weeks, followed by a maintenance dose.

Benefits: GHRP-6 stimulates growth hormone release, aiding muscle growth and recovery.


Typical Dosage: Varies based on the specific purpose (e.g., injury recovery or muscle healing).

Cycle Duration: Often used for 4-6 weeks.

Application: BPC-157 accelerates tissue repair and supports muscle healing.

IGF-1 (Insulin-like Growth Factor)

Dosage: Typically administered subcutaneously.

Cycle Duration: Varies; consult with your personal trainer or healthcare professional.

Benefits: IGF-1 promotes local muscle growth and repair.


Dosages depend on the steroid type and purpose (e.g., medical or athletic use).

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Let’s dive into a comprehensive guide on steroid dosages for bodybuilding. Keep in mind that individual responses can vary, and it’s crucial to consult with a healthcare professional before starting any steroid regimen. Here are some common dosages for various steroids

Must Read: Beginner Bulking Cycle

Beginner Steroid Cycles

Testosterone Cycle

Dosage: Typically ranges from 300 mg to 500 mg per week.

Cycle Length: Usually 8 to 12 weeks.

Rest Period: Allow at least 4 to 6 weeks between cycles.

Anavar (Oxandrolone) Cycle

Dosage: Around 20 mg to 50 mg per day.

Cycle Length: 6 to 8 weeks.

Purpose: Anavar is mild and suitable for beginners, promoting lean muscle gains and fat loss2.

Bulking Steroid Cycles

Dianabol (Methandrostenolone) Cycle

Dosage: Typically 20 mg to 50 mg per day.

Cycle Length: 4 to 6 weeks.

Benefits: Dianabol is known for rapid muscle growth and strength gains.

Anadrol (Oxymetholone) Cycle

Dosage: 50 mg to 100 mg per day.

Cycle Length: 4 to 6 weeks.

Purpose: Anadrol is potent for bulking and increasing red blood cell production.

Trenbolone Cycle

Dosage: Varies (typically 200 mg to 400 mg per week).

Cycle Length: 8 to 10 weeks.

Benefits: Trenbolone promotes muscle growth, strength, and fat loss.

Deca Durabolin (Nandrolone Decanoate) Cycle

Dosage: 200 mg to 400 mg per week.

Cycle Length: 8 to 12 weeks.

Stacking: Often combined with testosterone for synergistic effects.

Cutting Steroid Cycles

Winstrol (Stanozolol) Cycle

Dosage: 20 mg to 50 mg per day (oral) or 50 mg to 100 mg every other day (injectable).

Cycle Length: 6 to 8 weeks.

Purpose: Winstrol helps preserve lean muscle during cutting phases.

Primobolan (Methenolone) Cycle

Dosage: 400 mg to 600 mg per week.

Cycle Length: 8 to 10 weeks.

Benefits: Primobolan is mild, promotes quality muscle, and has minimal side effects.

Clenbuterol Cycle

Dosage: Varies (typically 20 mcg to 120 mcg per day).

Cycle Length: 2 weeks on, 2 weeks off.

Purpose: Clenbuterol aids fat loss and enhances metabolism.

Advanced Steroid Cycles

Anadrol / Testosterone / Trenbolone Cycle

Dosages: Varies based on individual tolerance and goals.

Stacking: Combining Anadrol, testosterone, and trenbolone for maximum effects.

Winstrol / Proviron / Trenbolone Cycle

Dosages: Tailored to advanced users and pro bodybuilders.

Stacking: Winstrol, Proviron, and trenbolone synergize for cutting and hardening.

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Natural Alternatives

    • Peptides: Consider natural alternatives like collagen peptides for skin health or melatonin for sleep.
    • Steroids: Natural alternatives include resistance training, proper nutrition, and rest.

Peptides Vs. Steroids Impact on Muscle Growth


Lean Muscle Gain: Peptides promote lean muscle mass by stimulating protein synthesis.

Recovery: Faster recovery from intense workouts and injuries.

Anti-Catabolic Effects: Peptides prevent muscle breakdown.

Example: Imagine an athlete recovering from a muscle strain. BPC-157 administration accelerates tissue repair, aiding muscle growth.


Rapid Muscle Hypertrophy: Steroids lead to significant muscle growth due to increased protein synthesis.

Increased Strength: Athletes using steroids experience enhanced performance in strength-based activities.

Improved Recovery: Steroids reduce muscle damage and inflammation.

Example: A bodybuilder using testosterone sees substantial gains in muscle size and strength during a bulking phase.

FDA Stance on Peptides Vs. Steroids

The FDA has closely examined the commercialization and utilization of specific peptides and steroids, expressing apprehensions about their safety and the absence of approval for numerous substances.

As a result, the FDA has prohibited the sale of several peptides formerly favored by bodybuilders and fitness enthusiasts due to their purported muscle-building and performance-enhancing attributes.

This regulatory measure emphasizes the significance of following lawful and secure protocols when contemplating peptides for enhancing muscle growth.

It is crucial for individuals to remain well-informed regarding the peptides that adhere to FDA guidelines, enabling them to make prudent and lawful decisions concerning their health and fitness routines.

Importantly,  the legality of steroids and peptides varies among countries and jurisdictions. We recommend checking legality in your country before commencing your routine.

Also Read: Varicose Veins In Bodybuilders-Risk Factors and How to Mitigate Them


As observed, steroids and peptide therapies share certain similarities in their effects, including enhanced strength, improved endurance, and increased fat burning, which are often sought after by individuals aiming to enhance their physical performance and appearance.

However, while both can achieve these outcomes, the risks associated with steroids are considerably higher compared to peptides.

Fred Kyle, a Certified Peptide Specialist at the Etalaze, advises individuals to carefully consider the potential consequences of using steroids on their health before opting for them as a means to enhance performance.

For those seeking an extra boost to overcome performance plateaus or slumps, it's recommended to consult with a professional, preferably your personal trainer or physician.

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