Anabolic Steroids

What Kind of Gains to Expect on Halotestin Steroid Cycles?

Despite not being one of the most popular steroids among bodybuilders. Halotestin, also known as Halotest (Fluoxymesterone), has some properties that outclass many other popular AAS. In this article, we will discuss the true power of Halotestin cycles, providing valuable info on what gains to expect with this steroid and what you should do to make all these gains permanent.

Because we know that gaining muscle or strength while cycling is not the hardest part; the most challenging is maintaining all these gains once the cycle is finished. It is available for Halotestin too.

Since we want you to always be mindful of safe steroid use, we will get you through the proper Halotestin cycle and dosage for various bodybuilders in this article. You will also be advised how to take it safely, avoiding any unwanted side effects AAS is known for.

We will never forget to remind you that safety should be your primary concern before entering any steroid cycle. Thereby, get educated and find as many points of view on the AAS you are about to use as you can. Because the more you know, the easier it is to prevent any side effects.

Must Read: How to Take Steroids Without Side Effects

What is Halotestin?

         Halotestin is an anabolic steroid with powerful androgenic properties that come in oral form. On Wikipedia here is said that Halotestin, more known as Halo steroid in the fitness world, is approximately five times as potent as an AAS as testosterone. It was created in ‘50 and is primarily used for treating male hypogonadism and puberty may delay in boys.

           In bodybuilding, Halotestin is one of the first choices of powerlifters and strength athletes. Because of the enormous gains you can expect when using Halotestin Cycles. It is a cutting steroid that can easily compete with Anavar and Masteron regarding its immediate effects in burning fat. But it loses ground regarding side effects; we will discuss it later.

Recommended Reading: Why Steroids Like Halotestin And Oral Turinabol are rarely discussed?

What are Halotestin Gains?

The most crucial gain to expect with Halotestin is strength due to its androgenic effect. Halotestin will increase your strength and aggression, causing you to work out in the gym like a beast. Add to this it’s no estrogenic activity, which means that all gains are water-free. Also, you have the perfect steroid for getting that perfect look.

From this perspective, Halo steroid is primarily used in pre-competition or during cutting Halotestin cycles. Its results are impressive and don’t wait too long to appear. However, if you are a newbie to steroid use, Halotestin maybe not be the best option. It is especially true for those who already experience mood changes or aggression, as Halo worsens these symptoms.

Don’t expect Halotestin to help you gain muscle mass because it will never act like this. By its nature, Halo steroid doesn’t cause muscle growth but can successfully melt away those last few stubborn pounds.

Halotestin Dosage:

Regardless of how much you want to get rid of fat, Halotestin should never exceed 40 mg daily. Otherwise, you enter a dangerous zone with harsh effects on your health. Due to its short half-life (6-8 hours), many users take 10 -20mg of Halo steroid before the workout for a fantastic strength boost. Then split the remained amount throughout the day. This is a good practice of using Halotestin that we share and encourage you to use yourself.

Since Halotestin is an oral steroid, prolonged use can cause irreversible damage to your liver. Check out this article about the liver damage caused by oral AAS and see why you must be careful when ingesting steroids that come from pills. Halotestin use should last six weeks, while four weeks is safer.

Like other oral steroid cycles, Halotestin can be stacked with other AAS, but it can work fine to the same degree. Start with 20 mg for the first 3-4 weeks of the Halotestin cycle and see how it works. If your body gives no warning signs, the dosage can be slightly increased, and other steroids added to your processes, such as Equipoise (Boldenone Undecylenate) or Testosterone.

If it were to name a steroid, do not try to stack Halotestin with, then this is Trenbolone, as this is already a very androgenic compound. No need to mix two of the most androgenic steroids - Trenbolone and Halotestin. You are taken unless you are an advanced steroid user and understand the risks.

Keeping Halotestin Gains:

It is not very likely to preserve strength gains caused by Halotestin while you are off. Instead, you can get a great outcome of this strength, materialized in a hardened look. A proper diet and workout regimen can be kept for a long time. As we said, it is perfect for pre-contest use. Halotestin results are The same results can be achieved with other orals, such as Masteron or Winstrol, with fewer side effects than Halotestin. It’s more a matter of choice, as they are approximately priced and carry almost the same results. Here is a debate on the best cutting agent to use: Winstrol or Halotestin.


Halotestin is a great hardening agent which will increase body strength due to its androgenic nature. Also, aggression at rates you might never experience before. Halotestin is perfect for use in terms of significant effects ahead of the competition. It offers it can compete with other cutting steroids like Winstrol and Masteron. But it loses ground regarding side effects, as it is pretty toxic for the liver and causes red blood cells to increase like no other oral do.

Why would you want to choose Halotestin over other cutting orals? Because if your goal is to look extremely hard and act in just 2-3 weeks of use with no risk of water retention at all. Then Halotestin Cycles might be the agent you need.

F Kyle

The "GYMRAT" of this blog, Pro-blogger and Fitness Instructor since 2008

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