Answer: Usually, the principal use of oral anabolic steroids within a cycle is to add to the total effect of the stack. In the most straightforward instance, make every week of oral use the same unless you encounter new information during the steroid cycle. There’s no reason to pyramid up, taper down, or “diamond.”
One factor is that oral anabolic steroids will preferably take place for only six weeks at a time. Alkylated steroids have liver toxicity, and nearly all orals are alkylated. When the use of orals is limited to 6 weeks, the cycle length is more significant than this. Then obviously some weeks will employ orals while others will not.
Related post: Liver damage while on oral steroids
In many cases, the best weeks to choose for orals are the final weeks. One reason is that the last weeks of the cycle need a boost more than the earliest weeks, as the body needs less help to make gains in the earlier weeks.
Another advantage of using orals at the end of a cycle is that past the last injection, levels of injected steroid are dropping and are of reduced effectiveness. Orals can boost the significance of this period.
But in other instances, the earlier weeks can have a greater need for a boost. A typical case is where the user wishes to bulk in the earlier weeks and cut in the final weeks. I’d use orals in the first weeks or the first weeks. You could save some orals for the end of the cycle: for example, five weeks’ worth could be at the beginning and one week’s worth at the end.
A final reason for changing oral dosing during the steroid cycle can be if you encounter new information as the process progresses. For example, perhaps you’d have liked to use 50 mg/day of Dianabol. Thus, you were concerned about side effects and decided on 25 mg/day.
After a week or two with the lower dose, your new personal experience might relieve that concern. So, you might decide to increase the amount. It would be entirely reasonable, as would the reverse situation.
Read more about steroid pyramiding in this article: Steroids Usage Stacking Pyramiding.
What You Have To Know About Pyramiding Steroids Doses In Different Cycles
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