Anabolic Steroids

The Best 8 Weeks Testosterone Only Cycle

Since testosterone is one of the most powerful and safest anabolic steroids, more individuals are prone to go with a test-based cycle instead of dealing with a multi-drug stack. You probably heard about it too, and once you are here, you want to know the best way to run an 8-week testosterone-only cycle for maximum effects.

Fortunately for you, we will not only reveal the step-by-step way of cycling test but also explain the reasons behind this decision and give your precious recommendations that will save you time and money.

Why The 8-Weeks Test Cycle and Not 6 or 12?

While taking a test over 8 weeks may yield more impressive results, you would cease this idea if safety is your main concern. Also, going beyond this threshold is unreasonable if you are not a competitor and are cycling steroids to increase your performance.

On the other hand, taking the test alone for 6 weeks is just too little to expect noticeable muscle mass growth. What could be worse than this is the probability that most of the gains would be gone once the cycle is discontinued.

This is because your body will not have been given enough time to adapt to the gains and will be unable to retain them once no test enters your body. Therefore, the golden mean for Testosterone-based cycle length appears to be 8 weeks.

Must Read: Testosterone Conversion to Estrogen Speed

Just know that any cycle that falls short of this term can still produce gains but will not be durable. On the other hand, unless you are a professional bodybuilder with years of steroid use, the experience of going with a 10 or 12 weeks cycle is not a healthy option for you.

Click Here to Find out More & Price of Testosterone

8-Weeks Testosterone-Based Cycle Explained:

First of all, as you know, there are several testosterone types, some of which are included in our cycles, such as Testosterone Enanthate and Propionate. What else will you need for this cycle? Letrozole or Arimidex, Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG), and Clomid during post-cycle therapy.

Our cycle starts with Testosterone Enanthate used through week 1 - week 6 at a dosage of 250mg thrice weekly. 0.7mg of Letrozole daily is recommended while keeping a close eye on estradiol levels in your body.  How to know that estradiol level is going wild? Signs of decreased libido, joint pain, or depression should make you pause for a few days and then restart your consumption at a lower dosage.

When To Introduce It

Testosterone Propionate enters in week 7 until the middle of week 8. “Why must I discontinue test prep during the last week of cycling ?” you ask. There is a very good reason behind this.

Since we meant it to be an 8-week cycle, starting recovery when test levels are still pretty high in the blood is not the best way to act. Drop its use a few days earlier so levels will fall sufficiently for PCT to begin in week  9.

Must Read: 3 Ways to Do Testosterone Cycle all year long

So if you made up your mind to run a test-only cycle, then here’s the best way to do it:

Week 1 - 6:

750 mg of Testosterone Enanthate as front load loading: Day 1.

250 mg of Testosterone Enanthate : 3 times a week

250iu of HCG: 3 times a week

0.7mg of Letrozole: Daily

Week 7:

100 mg of Testosterone Propionate:  3 times a week

250iu of HCG: Mon&Wed only

0.7mg of Letrozole: Daily

Week 8:

100 mg of Testosterone Propionate: Mon-Wed

0.7mg of Letrozole: Mon-Wed

Post Cycle Therapy (PCT): Weeks 9 - 12:

First day 300 mg of Clomid and then 30 mg of it every day. Read here all you need to know about post-cycle therapy: why it’s necessary and the best ways to undergo it. Remember that PCT is designed to help you retain most of the gains you made while cycling steroids, so do not ignore this part and take it very seriously.

What Results to Expect on An 8-week Testosterone Only Cycle?

While there are other factors to be considered when assessing the test-only cycle results, the truth is that a test could promote muscle and strength gains like no other anabolic steroids. Except for Trenbolone, you will say.

It can be, but be aware of the huge side effects Trenbolone carries, while Testosterone is much milder in this sense. After all, it’s a game of benefits and risks. You decide if you play modest but safe or hard and take upon yourself a range of harsh effects you may face later on.

So how much gain to expect? Individuals claim to gain a minimum of 20 lbs of solid lean muscle mass and manage to keep it all. And this is the best part of proper cycling. Because you can gain even 30lbs or 40lbs, the question is how much of it you will still have once you are out of use? How to ensure that the increase in weight is not fat but lean muscle mass? The answer is a proper diet and workout.

Do make sure you adjust these two components to your actual needs and then proceed to plan your Testosterone only cycle, be it shorter or longer than 8 weeks.

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If there is only a steroid cycle, you would want to run, but testosterone would be it. This takes into consideration sex drive, estrogen levels, and all the other changes that the Testosterone-only cycle causes in our bodies. They are the mildest ones compared to the many other stacks possible.

While a longer test cycle may promote greater results, sticking with an 8-week Testosterone use is known to be the safest and most rewarding muscle and strength improvements. However, some side effects can still appear, so make sure you follow the above-mentioned way of cycling, including PCT.

Read Our Article: What is PCT and Why It’s So Important in Steroid Cycles?

Have you run a Testosterone-only cycle before? Was it an 8-week, or you cycled in another way? We are eager to hear your thoughts on this matter, so share your experience in the comments section below.

F Kyle

The "GYMRAT" of this blog, Pro-blogger and Fitness Instructor since 2008

View Comments

  • I'm confused about week 1 after taking 750mg frontloading do i also need to take 3 more shots of 250mg that week or not, can someone please desribe it properly?

    • You can start with 250mg a week for the first 3-4 weeks, than grow dosage to 500mg a week and 750mg if you wish . not more than that.
      Pin it twice a week, 250mg per shot.

  • I shared this protocol in the forums i frequent as food for thought and feed back . Boy did i ever get lit up by people saying this cycle is stupid , makes no fucking sense and is complicated for a first time cycle . They say why use letrozole when you don't know how his E2 levels will react , why use this much test , why start with a long ester then go to a short one , why have both , they said the letro dose is way too strong and will crash the e2 levels and also that its almost impossible to break a pill into that dose also . What are your thoughts on this? you didn't go into enough depth on why this cycles set up this way , why using letro over something else ? since there is no protocol listed for an alternative A.I and also why using the esters the way you set them up and why front loading with a long ester that apparently wont even kick in for like 4 weeks or more .

  • I’m confused about week 1 after taking 750mg frontloading do i also need to take 3 more shots of 250mg that week or not, can someone please desribe it properly?

    Can you read and answer this question as I’m confused too?

  • Hi. Im doing depo test 100mg/100ml 1no a week. Just to increase performance a tad. Gonna be on for 12 weeks. Need some advice for this test only cycle.
    38yrs. 98kg. 1.8m tall. Good diet.

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