Beginner Bulking Cycle
Using steroids for stacking and scheduling a bulking cycle is different for everyone. Factors to consider include age, fitness or overall health level, budget, coping ability, objective, and much more.
Each body is unique. A professional bodybuilder's steroid stacks and the bulking cycle are not 100% applicable to another person. However, with the help of experience and extensive research, a list was compiled for the top 5 steroid stacks and cycles.
The Beginner Cycle (Test/Deca):
- Testosterone-Enanthate: 500mg Week 1-12
- Deca Durabolin: Week 1-12, 200mg
This is considered one of the best bulking steroid cycles for beginners. This stack is highly recommended for individuals trying steroids for the first time, a perfect beginner bulking cycle.
In this beginner bulking cycle, steroids are a Test/Deca combo that is tried and proven stack that will give an individual the maximum gains with very low side effects. This combo is also the most popular base stack out there and allows the user to modify for future steroid cycles for bulking.
Possible Side Effects And PCT (Post-Cycle Treatment):
Individuals using this particular cycle can expect gynecomastia, increased blood pressure, water retention, and increased cholesterol level. However, an everyday intake of 20mg of Nolvadex can lessen the side effects while on this cycle.
Must Read: Beginner Oral Bulking Cycle
To clear an individual’s system of hormones, a 2-week-off cycle is required and to be followed by Nolvadex for 3 weeks to have a normal production level of testosterone. A daily intake of 40mg of Nolvadex for 2 weeks is required and finishes off with 20mg for the third week.
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The Kickstart Beginner Bulking Cycle (Test/Deca/Dbol):
- Testosterone-Enanthate: 500mg Week 1-12
- Deca Durabolin: 200mg Week 1-12
- Dianabol: 25mg per day Week 1-6
Another perfect beginner bulking cycle steroids started with the Test/Deca/Dbol combo. The first combo, the Test/Deca, with the Dianabol addition. Dianabol is considered a fast-acting steroid that will allow its user to gain muscle mass and strength at the beginning of the cycle. This is also called a front-loading stack. Dianabol can be in oral form.
Potential Side Effects And PCT:
Since this is also the Test/Deca combo, similar side effects can be expected, such as Gynecomastia, water retention, high cholesterol, and high blood pressure. Any steroid taken in oral forms, like Dianabol, will directly affect the liver and should not use for more than 6 weeks in a cycle. A liver supplement is highly recommended for this stack.
Must Read: Liver Damage While On Oral Steroids
PCT is a 2 weeks-off cycle to clean the body with hormones. To re-establish the normal production of testosterone, Nolvadex should be taken for 3 weeks. First two weeks, 40 mg of Nolvadex should be consumed daily, and finished off with a week of 20 mg of Nolvadex.
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Classic Cut Bulking Cycle (Test/Tren/Winstrol)
- Trenbolone-Acetate EOD 1-12, 75mg
- Testosterone-Propionate EOD 1-1, 100mg
- Winstrol 7-12, 50/daily
The Classic Cut is considered one of the most popular stacks for those who want to build muscle. It is a simple one yet highly effective. The individual’s food intake plays a major role in the success of this program. An individual will look like a god and will be an envy to everybody when combined with a proper diet. The Classic Cut will also provide an ample amount of strength.
Potential Side Effects And PCT:
Tren is considered to be a powerful hormone. Users immediately noticing a side effect must drop the dosage to 50 mg. One should take 0.5mg of Arimidex every other day to minimize estrogen buildup.
PCT should immediately start after the cycle. Daily intake of 500iu of HCG for 10 days. Clomid should also be taken a week after finishing off the cycle. The dosage is 150mg per day for the first two weeks, followed by 100mg per day for the third week and 50mg per day in the fourth week.
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Winnie the Pooh (Test/Winstrol):
- Testosterone-Enanthate: 500mg Week 1-12
- Winstrol: 50mg per day Week 7-12
Somebody tried experimenting with Winstrol, and the results were fantastic. This combo is also very popular, especially for those who want to have an athletic build. Bodybuilders are known to use this combo for contest preparation as well as with athletes on a diet, for it is known to maintain strength. Be reminded that taking this stack will let the body circumvent sub-normal hormonal levels. This is due to Winny’s short half-life.
Potential Side Effects And PCT:
For individuals taking Winstrol orally, a liver supplement is needed. Intake of fish oil is also recommended to protect the body against collagen loss. This should be taken during the cycle.
PCT is a 2 week off cycle for clearing the body of unwanted hormones. Nolvadex should be taken for 3 weeks to re-establish normal testosterone level with a dosage of 40 mg of Novaldex daily for 2 weeks, then lowered to 20 mg on the third week.
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Lonely Bulking Cycles:
Standalone cycles are also very popular. It is the last item on this list because of the cost involved and some unknown factors in monitoring and testing for side effects.
Some of the popular single steroid cycles are:
Testosterone Cycle:
It is a very popular cycle because of the safety factor. It is a single steroid and is the safest. It has produced positive results, based on the individuals who have tried it, and is very easy to administer. 500 mg per week is the most common starting point and lasts 8 to 12 weeks. Nolvadex is also used for PCT with a dosage of 40 mg daily for 2 weeks and 20mg for the third week.
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Sustanon Cycle:
Known to provide excellent bulking results, Sustanon was another popular single cycle discovered 10 years ago. Four testosterone compounds were combined to create Sustanon. Although not so popular these days, it is still very impressive.
A good starting point is 500 mg per week for 8-12 weeks, and it will give off a very noticeable muscle mass increase. PCT is the same as Test only cycle.
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To sum up, all these stacks are very simple and highly effective. Remember to follow the PCT program for individuals who plan on tying any of the above stacks, and no major problem will arise.