Categories: BeginnersBodybuilding

All About Growth Hormone

Everybody coming to the gym have heard about growth hormone. Read further for detailed information about what is growth hormone, why it is so necessary for muscles, and how to increase the natural production of the hormone level.
Also we will talk about the expensive injections of growth hormone.

What Is Growth Hormone?

Growth hormone stimulates the growth of muscles, normalizes metabolism, more protein is to build muscle, less fat is deposited, improves skin tone, strengthens bones and ligaments, and it strengthens the process of burning fat.

Growth hormone secretion is maximal at the age of 20 and then decreases at a rate of 15-17% per decade. Many middle-aged suffer from a lack of the hormone - and without growth hormone is difficult to talk about some serious muscle growth.

Related Article: Human Growth Hormone Role In Bodybuilding

Related Article: Is Growth Hormone Truly a Fountain of Youth?

Growth Hormone and Weight Training

Strength training increases the production of growth hormone, this is an undeniable fact. But it is important that training does not exceed 45 minutes, or begins to produce other hormones (such as cortisol), inhibiting the secretion of growth hormone.

Some amino acids, such as glycine, arginine, glutamine, ornithine, as well as BCAAs, increase the production of growth hormone. It is therefore important to use protein supplements containing these amino acids, during training or during the night.

Click Here to Get Best Growth Hormone

How to Increase the Growth of Hormone Levels?

The second important point is that  85% of the growth hormone is produced during sleep. If you sleep less than 8 hours a day or sleep very well, you reduce the production of this important muscle growth hormone.

In addition, starvation significantly reduces the secretion of hormones. Namely, if you want to build muscle, you have to eat every 2-3 hours and never feel hungry. In addition, you need to take proteins at night.

Read More: How to Choose Dumbbells

Let’s see how growth hormone injections work and are they really effective for our body. Artificially synthesized growth hormone is used to treat children with low birth weight and for AIDS patients. Also, this drug is often used by athletes wanting to build muscle and increase relief.

Many websites recommend this hormone, offering it for sale. But you have to know that the price of the course could be up to thousands of dollars. It is important to warn that the proportion of fakes and dummies is close to 80%.

Click Below to Get Best Growth Hormone 

The efficiency of growth hormone is largely analyzed for a long time already.  The main counter-argument is that the use of growth muscle may increase muscle mass not more than three pounds, while the risk of side effects is very high.

One of the most common side effects is edema and tumor tissues, as well as carpal tunnel syndrome. In addition, an increase in muscle tissue with injections of the drug does not increase the power performance.

As you see growth hormone levels can be increased through natural methods, such as weight training, proper protein nutrition, adequate sleep. Injections and supplements are still something extremely controversial, and definitely less effective than the observance of basic rules.

F Kyle

The "GYMRAT" of this blog, Pro-blogger and Fitness Instructor since 2008

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