Categories: BodybuildingWorkout

Compound and Isolation Exercises

In the previous post, we mentioned basic and isolation exercises, and now we would like to detail this subject and how they work. You must know that strength training success depends largely on what exercises make up your exercise program and whether you are performing them correctly in the gym.

Main Categories of Bodybuilding Exercises

All the bodybuilding exercises are divided into two main categories:

  • Compound
  • Isolation

Compound exercises are such a training program under which are involved all major muscle groups. Their implementation requires, as a rule, the work of several joints and great physical exertion of the body. That is why the basic exercises are the main foundation of strength training and are a major component of all programs.

Related Article: The Perfect Chest Workout Routine for Power and Strength

In contrast to the base, isolation exercises are mainly for one muscle, involve a joint, and are complementary, providing good work on the specific muscle.

The Squats are the classic example of compound exercises in the training program because it "works" multiple joints (knee and hip). Extension legs, i.e., their extension in a sitting position, on the contrary, are an isolated exercise since it affects only one joint (knee).

Related Article: Benefits of breathing squats on muscle growth

Why Targeted Exercises?

It is obvious that setting up the program training in a gym from the basic exercises; you get a huge saving in time and "forces" savings. You need just a few exercises and half an hour to pump your muscles. But if you take isolated movements that focus on one, at best - two muscles, then you will have to stay in the gym "for about a couple of hours, and the effectiveness of your workout will fall.

Many new bodybuilders often make the typical mistake of ignoring the basic exercises in their exercise program in the gym and focusing on isolation. Although for beginners, basic exercises are particularly important in developing the body's muscles.


Isolation exercises are loaded with only one muscle. It’s usually carried out in the gym on the blocks or with dumbbells. All these exercises are of little use. The mechanic of isolated movements works this way: to take the weight sufficient to stimulate the growth of muscles, there can not be.

Then why practice them? All these movements are in the arsenal of professional athletes because their help made the “grinding" of already solid muscle.

So Let’s Mention Which are The Main Compound Exercises:

With the front of the thigh: squats, leg presses.
For the back of the thigh: deadlift round.

With the Latissimus Dorsi Muscle, You can do the following:

  • leverage gym
  • bent over barbell row
  • bent over dumbbell row
  • pull-ups
  • downdraft.

For Deltoid Muscles, the Most Useful Exercise is:

  • Press the bar directly above the head;
  • dumbbell bench press;
  • rolling barbell  up to the chin with the straight back

Upper Chest Can be Worked Efficiently by Doing These Exercises:

  • Press the barbell at an angle of 30-45 °
  • dumbbell bench press at an angle of 30-45 °

Lower Chest Best Exercises are:

  • Barbell or dumbbells incline bench press.

Chest (Middle part):

  • Barbell or dumbbells flat bench presses.

Related Article: How to Bench Press Properly?

Biceps: the rise of the biceps standing.
Triceps: push-ups and bench presses of all kinds. Now it’s time to mention the best isolation exercises primarily used by professional bodybuilders. The back surface of the hip: legs extension lying or standing. The front of the thigh: leg extension in the seating position.Deltoid muscle: lifting dumbbells in front of you
Chest: execution of all types and exercises that are performed on blocks.
Biceps: "Concentrated bending" with dumbbells or a barbell, bend of one arm.
  • extension of the hands standing
  • extension of one arm over the head
  • extension arms with the dumbbells back to the slope.

There is a big confusion that has to be explained. Not all compound exercises are polyarticular. Lifting the barbell exercise for the biceps is considered a classical base, although a good technique involves only one joint (elbow) and should be called isolated accordingly.

Hopefully, this post helps you understand the main differences between compound and isolated exercises and provides you with the best exercises for the most important body muscles.

More Effective Isolation Exercises

Isolation exercises are a great way to improve strength, mobility, and muscle control. You can target specific muscles more effectively and see faster results by isolating specific muscles. Isolation exercises also help to reduce the risk of injury as they don’t require as much coordination or balance as compound exercises. Additionally, they can be used to identify weak areas in your body that need more work.

An example of an isolation exercise is a bicep curl. To perform a bicep curl, bend your elbow and pull the arm toward your chest with the opposite hand. To isolate one specific muscle, you would want to lift your arm in one direction while keeping the opposite leg firm on the ground and use only your biceps. We recommend doing 3 sets of 10-12 reps for each exercise in an isolation workout. Here are some isolation exercises you can do in your free time or before a competition.

Single-Leg Hip Raise

This is a great exercise for those wanting to increase their strength and stability. With this exercise, you must start with both feet planted firmly on the ground, holding a dumbbell or kettlebell in each hand pressed down by your sides. Keeping one side strong, push off that leg and raise it as high as possible (you may lift it toward the ceiling). Lower back down into the original position, then switch legs and repeat.


Squats are a great exercise for strengthening the quadriceps while also improving balance. Start by standing with your feet slightly more than shoulder-width apart, holding a dumbbell in each hand and resting the dumbbells on your thighs. With your knees bent at 90 degrees, slowly lower yourself into a squatting position (knees should never go past your toes) and hold this position as long as possible before returning to standing.

Push Ups

Begin with hands and toes on the ground. Push up from that position until your arms are fully extended without locking elbows or pushing through the toes. Return to the start position and repeat.


Lower into a push-up position, then move your feet to the outside of one hand and the inside of the other and use that hand to help bring in your hips. Keep your back straight, and reverse your legs until they are on the opposite shoulder. Return to the start position.

A push-up is an exercise where a person's hands are placed on the ground by their sides, and their feet are about a foot away from them (typically with toes pointed slightly outward at an angle toward each other) with arms extended without locking elbows or pushing through toes. Pushing from this position will engage the shoulders, triceps, pectoral muscles, and abdominals. A push-up is performed with the arms to the side.

The feet are positioned slightly more than the hip from the ground to maintain balance and stability. The hands are placed shoulder-width on the ground with fingers pointing outward or slightly bent towards each other. From this position, an individual can balance on one arm or do a single-arm variation of a push-up by bringing one arm forward or keeping it stationary and doing the exercise with just the opposite arm instead of combined arms.


Bodybuilding is a great way to get in shape, build muscle, and improve overall health. But it can be difficult to know what exercises to do to maximize results. Full-body exercises, such as compound and isolation workouts, are an excellent way for bodybuilders to get the most out of their workouts. They help engage multiple muscle groups simultaneously, allowing faster and more effective results. Incorporating full body exercises into your routine can take your bodybuilding efforts to the next level.

Interval TrainingInterval training combines short, intense bursts of exercise followed by short rest periods. It can be done at home with a treadmill or at the gym with weights and machines. Interval training is one of the best overall exercises for bodybuilders because it allows you to get in shape in less time while increasing your metabolism and burning more calories. Compound and isolation exercises help to improve performance, endurance, and overall health by making you stronger, faster, more flexible, and able to recover from any physical activity better than before.

F Kyle

The "GYMRAT" of this blog, Pro-blogger and Fitness Instructor since 2008

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