Categories: Bodybuilding

Genetics: To What Extend Does It Influence Muscle Gains

For most of the people who find it hard to pack on muscle mass genetics are made the scapegoat. You have probably heard many arguments which count genetic profile as the main reason for successfully building muscle mass. The truth is that genetics influence how you add muscle mass, but it is not responsible for it. Having the right genetics significantly increases the speed of gaining muscle mass, but even less favored athletes can improve body shape if there is the main element called strong determination.

Muscle building doesn't come down just to having the right genes. But it's imperative to know which elements define muscle growth and how to influence them to get the most from your workouts. The body type you have, the structure of muscle, joints, and bones, as well as your metabolism and nervous system, are all determining to what degree your genes are helping you gain muscle mass.

The Body Type:

People classify body types as ectomorph, endomorph, and mesomorph. Ectomorph is a skinny guy who struggles for any pound they have gained. Endomorphs are fatter and prone to gain fat. Contrary to these, mesomorph is gifted with muscularity, having no problem gaining fat or muscle mass.

Must Read: Mesomorph Body Type: Training and Diet

This classification has some truth, but relying only on this is not fair. Mesomorphs are the most favored and have the most significant chances of becoming mister Olimpia someday. On the other hand, ectomorphs, or hard gainers, will never look massive and will be able to compete for some title in the bodybuilding industry. But this doesn't mean they can not improve their shape and surprise their family and other people with their bodies' appearance.

Muscle Fiber Ratio:

Muscles are composed of fast-twitch and slow-twitch fibers. I know it may sound too complicated, but if you want to build muscle mass, youu have to see how the ratio of thesefiber types affects your muscle growth. Hypertrophy is the process of building muscle mass.

Both types of fibers have this ability. However, fast-twitch fibers have a greater capacity for growth. Because genetics influences the distribution of fast-twitch fibers in the body, the upper body part may have more such threads than the lower part. The result is massive shoulders, while legs muscle is still tiny in size.

Must ReadWhat A Bodybuilder Should Know About Fast/Slow Twitch Fibers

Metabolic Rate:

Genetics largely influence your metabolism rate, which is responsible for the amount of fat in your body. Being gifted with a fast metabolism means that your body burns all the calories you've eaten, which are not packed in your body as fats. The paradox is that the more you exercise, the higher your metabolism rate.

One pound of fat needs two calories daily to sustain itself, while one pound of muscle uses eight calories. The good news goes further because even after your workout ends, the forces continue to eat calories and do it even when you are not training.

Must Read: Bodybuilding Metabolism

Bone Structure and Joints Size:

Being endowed with a lean bone structure will not help you bulk massive muscle mass. You can become one of those big guys when your skeletal volume is not able to hold such an amount of muscle. The body works by its own defined rules, and you can receive it only by using chemicals. The downside is that you will lose most of the made gains and end up with damaged health.

There are two main ways genetics influence you:

-How far and fast you can go with your muscle gains;

-What training methods work best for you.

You are Bad genetics slows down your muscle gains and does not help you win the game with iron. You will not become a champion, but you can transform your body to such a degree that your friends and relatives will be surprised.

Strong determination and will to succeed are the ones who lead you to a new level. It is always this way: something you give hard comes easily to others. And here I mean mesomorphs, who, despite an aleatory diet and training, manage to build significant muscle mass.

Not Every Workout Routine Works For You:

If genes are not your strong point, your workouts must be individually designed and fit your needs perfectly. If you want to develop your full potential, then you have to follow the routine that gives results to you. Put the accent on the progressive increase of weights you work with, as it is the key to muscle growth. Diet and recovery must not be neglected, as they may overturn all your attempts to build muscle mass.


Genetics plays a huge role in building muscle mass, but it is not the case to let it deter you from gaining the benefits of lifting weights. If you are not blessed with the right genes, it doesn't mean you will never manage to pack on muscle mass. You can do it. You m follow a proper diet and workout routine and stay realistic about your maximal gains.

MUST READ: Free Workout Routine: This is What You Have To Know


Building muscle mass is what I like to talk about. If your aim is to build a solid body, then my posts would be very beneficial to you. I always want to know your opinion, so don't hesitate to drop a line below or contact me.

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