
Olympic Lifting : 25 Strategies That Work

The Olympics is one of the most excellent sports we have today. The worldwide event originated in Greece centuries ago. It was initially a reserve for the Greeks and has since expanded, and countries hold the event on a rotational basis. Until recently, the Olympics happened annually, but we now have summer and winter Olympics. You're mistaken if you think the Olympics is all about racing. Many events take place, including fitness. The Olympic lifting competition is quite competitive; only the best make it to the top. For this reason, we are equipping you with some of the best strategies to beat your opponents in the Olympics and other bodybuilding contests.

Olympic lifting is not necessarily a sport in the Olympics but a bodybuilding category. It involves snatching the barbell from the floor and lifting it above the head. Here are strategies that should help you to master Olympic lifting.

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Grip Matters In Olympic Lifting

The grip is everything when it comes to Olympic lifts. Make sure to hold the barbell firmly to engage your back. You need to rotate your shoulders as you lift the load to achieve this. A firm grip enhances your stamina and ensures you don't run into unnecessary accidents. As you do the lifting, endure your shoulders at the same level as the hips and legs slightly apart.

Know Your Competitors

You don't necessarily have to compete against someone else regarding Olympic lifts. While most professional bodybuilders compete to beat opponents, some people are there to beat their previous records. The most important thing is to know what you want and work towards achieving your goal.

Stabilize Before Olympic Lifting

As mentioned, stability is of the essence before lowering yourself to lift that barbell. Plant your feet firmly on the floor and make your hands long. Ensure the hips, back, and shoulders are in pretension before going down. Finally, take a deep breath and grip that barbell like a pro.

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Clean and Press

The clean and press technique involves spreading the legs slightly beyond the hips. Assume squatting and use your hips, core, and legs to drive the barbell up. At the same time, you should shrug your shoulders a bit to power the lift.

Distribute Weight Evenly 

Lifters who do not achieve the required stability during Olympic lifts have not distributed their weight evenly. The position of the center of gravity plays a vital role when lifting heavy weights. Always ensure it is as low relative to the load level to boost your stability. To achieve this, ensure your core and shoulder are pre-tensioned before the lifting. 

Assume the Proper Posture

Posture is crucial for every lift and repetition regarding Olympic lifting. Watch closely the positioning of your chin, back, hands, and legs before, during, and after every ride. Significantly, your toes should go underneath the bar before you lower yourself to lift it. 

The Muscle Snatch Technique

Few bodybuilders know about this incredible technique that is handy in Olympic lifting. It involves doing high reps with low weights and vice versa. The method shields the lifter from unnecessary strain, as seen with the power snatch technique.

Bar Positioning

The bar's position is another essential factor you need to consider before going for the lift. It must always be close to the body for obvious reasons. The further away it is from you, the lesser your chances of having a firm, stable grip. Never overlook this rule whenever you're doing Olympic lifting. Proximity to the barbell will also make you have a comfortable reception. 

Know Your Snatching Attempts in Olympic Lifting 

Depending on the nature of the lifting, the number of snatch attempts should always be those you can handle. While competitive lifting requires you to have as many attempts as possible, personal beating records should not make you overstretch your limits. 

Clean High Pull

Another essential technique is the clean high pull, an alternative for pulling a solid front. The technique aims to strengthen your core muscles to make subsequent turnovers simpler. 

Watch The Numbers 

Check your number and those of your opponents before the competition kicks off. Checking them not only prepares you psychologically but also gives a glimpse of your competitors. Of course, this is only necessary if you're participating in a bodybuilding contest because it is where you gauge their relative strength. 

Warm-Up Is Key to Strategic Olympic Lifting 

You can do very little to improve strength or muscle during warm-up. However, you could gain a lot more from it than those two. For instance, you are warming up before an Olympic lifting event boosts confidence and sends your adrenaline rushing. The latter should not mean tension but rather being in the perfect mood to unleash the beast within you.

You Need Discipline in Olympic Lifting 

Bodybuilding is a highly demanding sport that requires you to have the best discipline. Discipline ranges from avoiding foods and drinks that don't contribute anything positive to your Olympic lifting to keeping time. You don't have to spend valuable time chatting the day away with your buddies. Use that time to make yourself perfect in Olympic lifting. 

Check Your Squat Pattern for Olympic Lifting

The book does virtually Olympic lifting. You don't have to invent new techniques because nothing hasn't been tested. For instance, the correct squatting pattern involves making your back straight, reducing inward knee collapse, and having the proper depth. 

Muscle Action Timing

Muscles respond differently to the first, second, third, and subsequent pulls. Ensure you adjust accordingly to the muscle reaction to avoid overstretching them. Moreover, underperforming in the initial draws reduces the quality of lifts. Essentially, strive to maintain a balance so you're neither harming your body nor doing below your potential.

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Boost Your Olympic Lifting Flexibility

A static routine is all you need for strength and stability. The stationary practice should be part of your being fully conversant before the actual lifting. 

Outlift the Opposition

The Olympic lifting is all about who lifts the most weight.  Always ensure you're ahead of your opponent or training partner by a kilogram or less. That way, you will teach a competitive culture to help you fare well in any bodybuilding competition. Importantly,  choose your poundage wisely to ensure you have a competitive edge. 

Lower the Barbell Actively

Lifters don't do as much work while lowering the weights as lifting them. But did you know that reducing the barbell is an active movement that involves every muscle in your body? Furthermore, active lowering is a factor judges consider in bodybuilding competitions. 

Train Hard for Olympic Lifting 

There is no better strategy for professional lifting than consistent training. You can't learn everything through observation or reading about it. Get up every day and, take yourself to the gym, do the actual lifting using the correct procedure. Only that way will you master it to perfection. 

Don't Waste Time on Top of the Pull

Every second wasted on top of the pull is a point taken off your record. There's not much strain when the bar is down, but the same cannot be said when it is above your shoulders. Therefore, always act on the barbell when you're in a perfect position. 

Keep Your Shoulders Back

It is the best way to keep your core straight when lifting. Notably, the s rugged, laid-back shoulders will reduce the strain on the muscles in the lower part of the body. 

Do More Strength Training for Olympic Lifting

Strength training is the ultimate secret to all-all-around Olympic lifts. Boost your strength as much as possible before standing before that barbell. Use the right equipment, diet, and supplementation to perform Olympic lifting. 

Join Lifting Classes 

It is rewarding when you do everything like a professional. Instead of trying to learn everything in the streets, why not find yourself a good coach or personal trainer for the same? A good lifting course will cover general physical preparedness, flexibility, mobility,  techniques, and more. 

The Barbell Is Not Everything in Olympic Lifting 

The COVID-19 pandemic has taught us to improvise when things get thick. You can still rain for Olympic lifting even without the barbell. Work on technique and power through maximum strength, peak power, velocity, and speed. 


Olympic lifting is an integral part of bodybuilding. Every bodybuilder can't run away from it. It is also one of the most technical aspects of the sport. We hope the strategies we have shared will go a long way in preparing you to be one of the best Olympic lifters. Our shop and blog are full of goodies for all your bodybuilding needs. Please feel free to explore. 

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