Getting injured is the thing that athletes hate most of all. Everyone is afraid of losing their muscle mass, and for the good reasons. Not just the pain you might feel make you nervous, but the thought that you have to abandon gym for several weeks or even months and let the all progress flow down is really frustrating. During the time you set at home and wait to heal you are at risk to lose a big part of the gains made through hard work. Are you willing to accept it or looking to alternatives to minimize this effect?
Nobody says it is easy, but with a bit of knowledge, you can go over this period with minimal losses of your muscle mass. Have to be mentioned that you success directly rely on how serious the injuries are. To stay out of the gym for a few weeks is one thing, but when this term is longer than a few months is not the case to expect wonders. The longer is the recovery frame, the greater the chances to get thin and have the fat replacing your muscle mass.
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That’s why one of the prior tasks is to shorten the recovery time as much as possible. Please don’t take it as a direct affront to your doctor advice. Contrary, try to carefully follow all the recommendations the physician set for you. This is essential for fast recovery. Keeping your decent shape is possible if you follow some of the most important factors that directly contribute to this.
Make a clear limitation of your “before” and “after” diet. If you trained for bulking, you use to eat a lot to promote energy and food for your muscle mass. Drop your calorie intake down to your actual needs and follow a maintenance level. If you continue to go on the surplus diet without exercising then you are in the right path toward rapid fat gains.
Please keep in mind that, with minor exceptions, fat individuals are so because they eat more than their body consume, and in turn, the surplus is stored as fat deposits. Even a small training stimulus is enough to make their body use at least some of the calories for building muscle mass.
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It could seem to you that going with a deficit calorie intake is a reason to keep your fat under control. Frankly speaking, it is not at all, unless you injury has been caused by the fact of being obese. In all other cases, eating too less is totally in detrimental of your muscle mass. By keeping a minimal training stimulus your need to fuel your muscle in order to preserve.
Every time you decide to cut off your food intake your body eats own muscles. So, when it comes to diet your body will get healthier faster when the necessary calorie intake is ensured. And this means following a maintenance level.
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Well, this not apply for cases when your trauma is such nature when this is impossible. If you injured your shoulder, for example, you can focus on the lower part body easy training. And vice versa. The idea is do not stop exercising at all. Do it lightly, with moderation and no pain at all. If there is a minor pain while exercising then is better to left that movement at all.
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Just pay attention to uninjured areas and focus on their development. These areas never were your target, but now, once limited to exercises you could do, this is a great tool to keep your body in an active stage. Some of the basic fitness exercises would be good enough to help your body preserve muscle mass.
Stretching is more important than you may think and while recovery it get even greater importance. It increases the body flexibility, reducing the chances of injuries. While on your recovery time it will be good to begin stretching as to come back to the gym with no soreness and fully ready for a new round of trainings.
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Don’t try to come back to the gym too early. Once pain is leaving your body you can take it as a sign to get back in the gym. Don’t do it unless you have the confirmation of your physician. Ignoring your doctor’s indications may cause serious health issues. Surely you don’t want it.
Wait to heal for 100% and take one more week. Don’t jump into training when you 80% healed motivating that you don’t want to lose too much muscle mass. In most cases, that 20 % you think you gain will throw you back far than you imagine.
Once back in the gym, should you begin from the point where you was last time or take it slowly as a beginner but in a faster tempo? We answered this question in one of our previous posts about first training after a pause. Read it to find out how the first visit to the gym after a layoff should look like and what training routine is better to follow.
Sleep enough, eat well, drink enough water, restrict stress, cut out bad food from your diet and keep on with all other good things that help you get healthier faster. An injury could be very frustrating, but when you know how to deal with it you go over it in much rapid tempo. Keep the above-mentioned advice in front of your mind and make use of the whenever it happens to be in such a situation.
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