Categories: Bodybuilding

Running and Bodybuilding: Is it a Good Idea to Mix Them?

       Many beginner bodybuilders consider running an effective way to gain muscle mass faster. Meanwhile, there is another category of bodybuilders who find jogging harmful and do not suggest including it in their workout program. We will try to find out which is correct and see if jogging benefits bodybuilders or only harms them. Or can we do Running and bodybuilding at the same time?

      When burning fat, we automatically lose muscle mass, too, while building muscle mass is impossible without adding fat. This is a fact, and you have to agree with this. So, it seems that running, mercilessly burning calories, is not helpful for bodybuilders.

      But if we look closely, we find out that it helps not just burn extra pounds but also gain muscle mass quickly. How? Simply, running dramatically accelerates metabolism, being a natural anabolic. From this point of view, we can say that running and bodybuilding together are good, and running is a good assistant for bodybuilders and cannot do any harm.

      But it is not as simple as it may seem at first glance. It is very accurate that running slowly destroys muscle fibers. And if you run too much, you damage your muscle mass significantly. That’s why if you combine bodybuilding and running, you need to know and follow specific rules. Performing aerobic exercise requires a lot of energy, the primary source is carbohydrates.

      So, if you want to lose weight by running, you should reduce the intake of carbohydrates. At this moment body takes energy from its natural resources. Namely, it begins to burn fat. Meanwhile, you should also increase the amount of protein in the diet to reduce the loss of muscle fibers.

Must ReadIncorporating The Correct Diet Plan That Complements Your Bodybuilding Cycle!

        If you intend to use running as a natural anabolic, you have, on the contrary, increased carbohydrate intakes and, therefore, reserves of energy in the body. There is no need to increase the amount of protein. Following this method doesn’t make your fat layer thinner, but the effectiveness of strength training will significantly increase. Also, running develop endurance; that is body recovers faster.

        When running eliminates active toxins and levels metabolism, also, more oxygen enters the body's cells (including the muscles and the brain). This positively affects the strengths and central nervous system, particularly in parts of the brain.

      An improved central nervous system work means resistance to stress, faster recovery, low risk of injury and overtraining, and better muscle growth. In order to accelerate muscle growth is required, an increase in muscle activity and the number of mitochondria. And aerobic movements perfectly fit this goal. Growth in the size and number of mitochondria leads to increased muscle reserves and provides an additional impetus to their development.

      Like other cyclical exercises running significantly develops body endurance. Also, running strengthens the cardiovascular and respiratory systems, making them work at total capacity, which positively affects metabolism and blood circulation.

Building endurance through running gives significant advantages.

Here they are:

  • Help you to train with a more significant impact, and feel confident in your abilities. Also, the recovery period after training is shorter than usual. Thus, running allows you to increase the intensity of your workouts, work with bigger weights, and speed up muscle growth.
  • While running regular loads cause the body to burn calories, processing fat reserves into energy needed for recovery. This leads to an improvement in body relief.
  • Leg muscles can be significantly worked through running. When doing heavy basic exercises for the legs are involved mainly large forces and smaller drop out of work, which leads to their underdevelopment. Running includes in work these muscle fibers, which as a result, would be involved in heavy exercise. Working with bigger weights forces the large muscles to grow.
  • Running is suitable for cutting. There are many workout programs for this purpose, but most are very strenuous. If you want to follow an easier one then choose running.

      Running gives an advantage that can not be achieved through strength training, namely, creating a balance. Treadmill running positively affects the heart but it can not get it to work at total capacity. As you see, bodybuilding and running can be combined, but you have to know what purpose you have added the last one to your training program.

       Along with this, you must consider the body type you belong to. The somatotype defines general training, not only in the gym but also outside it. This is the case when bodybuilder resort to various training combinations, like bodybuilding and running.

       Along with this, there is another crucial aspect that has to be taken into consideration too. It is about body type. Knowing your body type helps you combine training with running with excellent efficiency.

       As you know, there are three main types of body: endomorph, ectomorph, and mesomorph. Ectomorphs have almost no benefits if they combine these two types of activities. Running is excellent for reducing the thickness of the fat layer, but ectomorph has not it.

        On the other hand, running is an aerobic exercise, during which work mainly slow twitch muscle fibers. This muscle fiber is worked during weight training but to a lower degree. This means that by combining jogging and bodybuilding, ectomorphs can quickly and efficiently build muscle through a whole load of every muscle fiber and thus make the power grow.

Three Types of Body 

#1. Ectomorph:

           Ectomorphs have to choose to run in days free of training since only such a schedule will give a great result.

         So, the main thing to retain for an ectomorph is not jogging on the same day as training. Otherwise, your muscles will not have time to recover, which may lead to overtraining. Also, choose to run on a slow tempo since an accelerated one affects the fast fibers and burns glycogen, which makes the recovery period longer. You can add additional load when running, like belts or something else.
The running frequency when training in the gym has to be no more than twice a week.

Related Article: Ectomorph Somatic Type

#2. Endomorph:

      Endomorph is advised to enjoy running right after training in the gym. When working with weights, muscle stores glycogen, and it begins to burn fat for energy while jogging. Also, it is essential to follow a rapid running tempo since this leads to a significant acceleration of the metabolism for the next 24 hours.

       It is essential how you schedule running and training in the gym. Choosing to run in the morning and train in the evening is not a good idea. The best would be to do them both in the first part of the day. If it seems impossible for you, choose something else but follow the rule of preceding the running with weight training.

        Combining jogging and bodybuilding extensively works for mesomorphs. This will be an excellent method to simultaneously improve strength and endurance while working all groups of muscles. For more benefits, mesomorphs have to run on a slow tempo, alternating alternate gym training days with running.

          Be very careful to your knees. If you do squats followed by running, your knees get much load, which means a high risk of injury. This risk is primarily available in cases of endomorphs and ectomorphs.

That’s why ectomorphs are to run no more than 25 minutes and do two sets x 5 reps of squats. Endomorphs can run a bit longer, up to 45 minutes. But they also have to limit the number of locations for squats to two, lowering the weight they used to work with.

Must Read Our Article: Characteristics of Endomorph Body Type

#3. Mesomorph:

         Mesomorphs are not the subject of any risk, Thu,s they can enjoy running while working in the gym with maximum benefits for their bodies.

       So to answer the question about how effective running is for building muscle mass, we can say that running itself doesn’t give you an increase in muscle mass. But it is beneficial when combined with a gym workout as it is a tremendous natural anabolic, helping the muscle to grow.

        However, in your attempt to build massive muscle mass, the accent should be on training and running. Enjoy running as something additional if you choose to do it more seriously; it can damage you. Along with this, pay great attention to your body type and build your workout program based on your characteristics.

Checkout Our Article: Mesomorph Body Type: Training and Diet

F Kyle

The "GYMRAT" of this blog, Pro-blogger and Fitness Instructor since 2008

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  • Simply leaving behind an instant remark to state i needed a good time reading
    your blog and want to study much more in the future.

  • Yo, i would like to know, what would be the max limit in miles for running for endomorph or ectomorhp while lifting wheigts 3x per week? and running 3x times also

  • i had alot of difficulties when i started with my workout.thanks you milk who help me out with both prescription and nutrition to help me realized my dreams without any problem.any one with similar problem can ask him.

  • I think it is good to mix, because it makes more flexible and deep breathing in fresh air is always good.
    Interesting post.
    Thank you

  • Simply leaving behind an instant remark to state i needed a good time reading
    your blog and want to study much more in the future.
    Thank you

  • Yo, i would like to know, what would be the max limit in miles for running for endomorph or ectomorhp while lifting wheigts 3x per week? and running 3x times also

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