Categories: BodybuildingWorkout

The Benefits of Warm Up Exercises Before Workout

Warm-up exercises before a workout can help you prevent injury and get your muscles ready for a workout. Here are some activities that you can do before a workout:

1) Jumping Jacks

2) Arm Circles

3) Leg Swings

4) Butt Kicks

5) Leg Raises

6) Planks

7) Pushups

8) Squats

9) Wall Sit

What Warm-Up Exercises Do To Prepare Your Body

As mentioned, it is essential to warm up before any physical activity. The exercises that we do before our workout are called warm-up exercises.

Warm-up exercises are important because they increase blood flow and it also helps to prevent injuries. There are many different types of warm-up exercises. Some people prefer stretching, while others prefer doing a few jumping jacks or pushups.

An example of a warm-up exercise is running around the block. This can be done in place, or you can run in place, walk, or jog. Some other examples include jumping jacks, pushups with your hands on the ground, skipping, and jumping rope.

A good warm-up exercise is doing a couple of jumping jacks and then walking in the place, alternating the arms. This gets your body warmed up without putting too much stress on your joints.

The importance of warming up is essential. If you're not doing any warm-up exercises before your workout, you are putting yourself at risk for injury. Warm-ups can vary in terms of what they consist of, but there are some common patterns that people.

Create Time To Warm Up

Even if you do not have enough time, you still do not have to pass the warm-up stage and go straight to the workout. The main reason is that unheated muscles are more exposed to injury, and it can happen that a few minutes quickly turn into weeks of treatment.

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The warm-up is the act before the training. Its duration should not exceed 12-15 minutes. The first five minutes focus on the treadmill or exercise bike, and the next five minutes work on the preparatory workout. Also, do not forget to do warm-up sets before each critical activity.

Cardio Exercises for Warm Up

Wrap-up should always include cardio exercises. Warm-up must necessarily begin with an exercise bike, treadmill, or ellipsoid. In contrast, these will make the heart beat faster, raise body temperature and send more oxygen and nutrients to the muscles.

Must Read: Best Cardio And Weight Exercises To Lose Weight

The duration of cardio exercises should be around 5-7 minutes. At this stage is very important to maintain a moderate rhythm and not get overtired. The main task is to get a little sweat but not exhausted and get too tired of performing the main workout.

Let's see exercises for a beneficial warm-up. Many bodybuilders still make confuse between warm-up and stretching. They are different things. In no case, stretch cold muscles because there is an excellent possibility of severe injury or muscle rupture.

A wide range of exercises prepare the body for the load, and among the simplest and most influential are pushups on the floor, side lunges, and lunges forward with one leg.

How to Warm up Properly?

Many still neglect this aspect when it is not as essential as base training.
This is a wrong approach, and that's why every time you do any warm-up exercise, remember that the most important thing is the manner you perform them, not even their number. Keep in mind that movements should be as smooth and calm. Your main task is gradually bringing the body to working condition and warming up your muscles.

On the one hand, take your time and do not try to reduce the warm-up duration because cold muscles easily get injured. On the other hand, try not to do not exaggerate with exercises and carry out light activities, as the main workout will continue.

Warm Up Before Weight Training

Another aspect of warm-up is performing it before the weight training. Once you get involved in the main workout, do not forget to make warm-up approaches with minimal weights before each exercise. This will help to prepare precisely the ligament, which will continue to work.

At least two warm-up approaches will be needed: the first with a weight of 50% of the worker and the second with about 70 percent of the working weight. The number of recommended repetitions is around 12, and the execution rhythm should be as quiet and slow as possible to preserve power for heavyweights.

Why It Is A Bad Idea To Skip Warm-Up Exercices

Warm-up exercises are as important as the main workout. They help to prevent injury and also improve performance for the main activity. The problem is that many people skip them because they don't want to waste time or think it is unnecessary. This is a big mistake because there are many disadvantages of cutting warm-up exercises.

1. Injury may happen: Warm-up exercises prevent injury. If you skip the warm-up, you increase your risk of injury. This is because muscles are not adequately warmed up, increasing their risk of damage during the main workout.

2. Improve performance: Skipping warm-ups may reduce performance for the main workout as muscles don't work as optimally as they could have with a proper warm-up routine.

3. Time Waste: The time it takes to do a proper warm-up routine is negligible. You can warm up for a minute and get ready to work independently.

Some of the most common warm-up exercises are:-Jogging in place-Clasping hands behind the head with elbows pointed down-Standing calf raise with one leg at a time -Recording individual bodyweight squats with three-second count-Flexing fingers and toes-Pushing hands out in front of the chest.

Advanced Warm-Up Exercises

One way to do a more advanced warm-up is high-intensity static stretching. This stretching is best done with a partner or in front of a mirror so you can see the progress. If you're going to try this, start with gentle stretches and gradually increase the intensity. Some examples are:

  1. Bending forward at the waist while reaching arms back overhead
  2.  Standing on one leg while holding a partner's hand
  3.  Standing on one leg with the other extended behind you
  4.  Standing on one leg and crossing the other muscle group over it (elbow to knee)
  5.  Bending waist backward while reaching arms overhead in the opposite direction. If you decide to do this, remember to use a mirror to get feedback from your co-worker or watch yourself in action.


As you can see, skipping the warm-up stage and going straight to the weight training may cause injury or even rupture of the muscles. The second rule is not to make you warm up the scene longer than 15 minutes maximum. Find time to go through our blog and find more informative articles that will be instrumental in helping you build a healthy bodybuilding career.

F Kyle

The "GYMRAT" of this blog, Pro-blogger and Fitness Instructor since 2008

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