Categories: Bodybuilding

The Full Body Training During A Session

Training the whole body during one session is considered the fastest way for 99% of bodybuilders to increase muscle mass and strength and burn fat. Despite being very effective in achieving these goals, total training continues to be the most underutilized routine in the gym. If you are on a split routine for an extended period, then switching to a total training workout will give you a lot of benefits. Total training workouts are highly indicated for beginners or experienced bodybuilders.

There is two types of full-body workout: the performance in each session of the same set of exercises or the performance of different exercises on the same muscle groups. The first type is most common among powerlifters and gyms with a limited range of sports equipment. Currently, there is no consensus on the effectiveness of the system. She has both its supporters and opponents. Here is why.

Let’s further quickly discuss what category of bodybuilders can use total workout for the best benefits:

-First, a total workout is highly recommended for overweight people. Namely, people who belong to the endomorph body type and those with an intermediate type between the endomorph and mesomorph). Using this method, they will be able to deal significantly with the accumulation of fat. It is recommended to regularly perform such workouts, 3-4 sets of 8-12 reps with average weights.

Must Read: Characteristics of Endomorph Body Type

- The total workout is very effective for bodybuilders in the sports plateau stage. Perform 2 of 2-6 reps, and you will get incredible results. In this case, the diversity of exercises used is limited to 3 main types: squats, deadlifts, and barbell shoulder presses. The whole workout should be performed once a week, alternating it on other training days with hyperextensions and a barbell shoulder press.

-Another category that a complete workout fits best is starter bodybuilding. It is highly advisable to use this method during the first 8-12 months of training. Also, it’s essential during this period. You can do the same exercises since muscle adaptation is not occurring during such a period. But after this, you must make some changes to your training program.

-Full workout perfectly fits bodybuilders in the precompetitive period, up to 4 months before this event. It is perfect for muscle definition. Workouts must be done in a high-intensity mode with 8-20 repetitions and 4-6 sets with a work weight for each exercise.

-And last but not least, the total workout is perfect for all bodybuilders for diversifying exercise programs and those struggling with muscle adaptation. The length of the full workout should be no longer than three months.
Also, this category can be included people who train two times a week.

Others can utilize not everything that works excellently for one category of people with the same success. This is available in case of total training. Despite working excellently for endomorphs and mesomorphs, it does not fit ectomorphs- people with lean bodies. The leading cause is that these people will not have enough time to recover between workouts.

Also, the total workout is not recommended for people who enjoy training just from time to time. Firstly, this type of training requires a lot of effort and burdens the cardiovascular system significantly. And without good pharmacological support, they cannot recover body resources between workouts.

Let’s further the advantages and disadvantages of working your whole body during a single session:

-During each session, we work all groups of muscles, which effectively avoids body atrophy.

-During each training is synthesized enough testosterone to stimulate muscle growth;

-If you choose to do a diversified full-body workout each time you go to the gym, then during each session, muscles are at different angles and sequences, making it virtually impossible for muscle adaptation.

-Total body training helps you to reduce the number of workouts to two or three times per week.

-If you do the same exercises during full body training, positive muscle adaptation is developed. It is about the addiction of muscle to a particular movement; as you suppose, this fact limits muscle mass growth but encourages the development of strength and muscle endurance.

Among the disadvantages should be mentioned the following:

-Full body training is tiring, and if you are not very well prepared, it may cause time overtraining;

-Performing the same exercises for 2-3 months can cause a loss of interest and reduces the motivation for training.

-The length of full body training is somehow more extended than a traditional one; that’s why the latest exercises are performed usually at the limits of effort.

-Since full body workout includes shoulder barbell presses, squats, and deadlifts, the stress on the joints and the cardiovascular system is high. People with health issues in these regions should avoid this program method.

Full-body training is different from split-style training. The last one is the most useful in the gym and is great to use as it offers more time for recovery. Also, you can choose upper or lower split, push or pull split, and so on. You can choose whatever type of slip you want, depending on your preferences and experience.

Must Read: Weight Training According To Your Body Type

Another essential advantage of the split method is the possibility to focus on weaknesses and work them the way you want. Only compound movements can help you with this, and it is no room for them in the case of full-body training. Compared to split program training, full body workout make you focus on the most valuable movements that work great for more than one group of the muscle of your body.

Since it composed form 2-3 types of exercises, you have to choose one exercise for the lower part and another. For the upper part, like push and pull. Also, for a significant impact on your body, you can include in your full-body training one explosive movement, such as deadlifts with weights.

With the points above in mind, it can be said that full-body training is an excellent alternative to the split training method. Full body training includes basic movements while splitting one compound. However, the method you decide to use for your training depends only on you. Goals, training history and other factors specific to your daily life influence it.

Remember that our body needs contracts not to get stuck at a level and have no progress. And all this despite your hard work in the gym. That’s why it is the right time to consider full-body training during a session if you are on a split training method. And vice versa.  Nevertheless, be careful about all the disadvantages of full-body training; if you find that it does not fit you is better to avoid it.

F Kyle

The "GYMRAT" of this blog, Pro-blogger and Fitness Instructor since 2008

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