Zercher Squats For Building Leg Muscles

Among dozens of exercises for building quadriceps muscle, Zercher squats are appreciated as being one of the most effective. Aside from working this group of muscles, Zercher squats help to develop body strength, endurance, and coordination. In this article, you will find all about this type of exercise: the proper technique of execution, its benefits, the recommended number of sets and reps, and some other precious advice about it.

This exercise gets its name from the name of a Canadian powerlifter and strongman Ed Zercher. It is said that back in ‘30 Ed Zercher didn’t recognize the use of squat racks which were so popular at that time. Or maybe he didn’t have enough money to buy them, nobody knows it for clear. Since he had his gym he decided to come up with a new type of squats exercise. And he did it! He created a variation of traditional squats which proved to be even more effective than the original one.

As we said, primarily through this exercise are worked quads. But, along with this group of muscles, are targeted hamstrings, glutes, and calves. After Zercher squats became known, they have been researched it.  Experts in sports medicine have revealed an unexpected advantage Zercher squats have over classic squats.

As you know, traditional squats put more load on the lower back than any exercise. If the back is weak, it limits the weight you can do squats with, and thus leg gets less load. Regarding Zercher squats, they conversely unload the back and put the entire load on the leg muscles. Thus, this exercise better targets training legs than traditional squats.

Must Read: 9 Squats Variations For Bigger Muscles

How To Do Zercher Squats Properly?

Zercher squats were initially done without the support of a squat rack. But, for your safety make use of this tool if you have it at hand.  Moreover, ask someone to assist you for the first time. All these measures are required since Zercher exercises are difficult to do, and even if they have great effects a minor error may cause you serious injuries.

In addition, Zercher squats can be done only by very well-prepared bodybuilders. This is especially important if you choose to train with big weights. You need to have enough body strength and maintain good equilibrium to do it.
That’s why beginners have to stay away from Zercher squats.

As we said, if you have at hand a squat rack, use it. Come to the squat rack and choose the most appropriate height of the bar to work with. For this, you have to know that the bar should be situated at the waist level. Next, put on the bar the load you will train with.

Read More: The Definitive Guide to the “Push Pull Legs” Routine

Further, come close to the rack position of the bar in the crook of your arms. Or, to be more clear, in the angle that forms when you bend your arms. After this make sure that your fingers face the ceiling, while elbows are at the shoulder width apart.

After taking the bar take the starting position. To do this, stand back a few feet from the rack, and place your feet shoulder-width apart, toes slightly outward. Keep your back straight, slightly bending in the lower back. The head has to be raised and oriented straight ahead. Start the Zercher squat inhaling deeply.

Do it slowly, while averting the pelvis back. All this time do not forget to keep your back straight. The downward movement continues as long as the angle between the thighs and calves will not reach an angle slightly less than 90 degrees. If done correctly, the knees visually complement direct socks feet and are perpendicular to the torso. After reaching the bottom position slowly leave the bar while exhaling. Come back to the original position, and do the required number of reps.

MUST READ: Benefits of Breathing Squats on Muscle Growth

There is one very unpleasant aspect that accompanies Zercher squats. Lifting the bar inside of your elbows can be hard sometimes. And it can cause unaesthetic and painful bruises. To avoid it, make use of something of fat grips. If they are hard to find, then use at least long-sleeved clothes or a towel wrap.

To diversify this exercise, you can include some variations. For example, you can perform this exercise with the bars under your heels, you can do it only on the part of the amplitude with a very significant weight.

How Many Sets and Reps Zercher Squats To Do?

First of all, Zercher squats have to be a part of the leg training workout, making it the first exercise in your training. Regarding the proper number of sets and reps, you have to begin with weights that allow you to do 10-12 reps. Over time, increase the weights you work with to be able to perform only 3-5 reps for each set.

If you intend to work with large loads then you will need the special technique. A barbell with a big load has to be situated much lower in the power rack. So, in the lowest position, you need all the time to put the barbell in the rack. Such a technique will make your leg grow in the quickest tempo.

MUST READ: The Definitive Guide to the “Push Pull Legs” Routine

It should be noted that this exercise will require some physical preparation, as it is one of the exercises for powerlifters weightlifters. If necessary, do not hesitate to ask teammates for help, in any case, do not forget to watch your back straight. When you master this exercise, you will get a great tool for the qualitative development of strength, endurance, and coordination.

Other exercises use the same method of keeping the bar. It is about Zercher lunges, Zercher good mornings, Zercher situps, and Zercher deadlifts. They are considered to be very effective too, but as in the case of Zercher squats are designed for advanced bodybuilders.

In a few sentences, Zercher squats are exercises for developing quadriceps muscles but also target the hamstrings, glutes, and calves group of muscles. It is similar to traditional squats, with the main difference being that the barbell is kept inside of your elbows. If in the case of regular squats, back muscles get much load and as a result can be injured, in the case of Zercher squats the load falls on leg muscle.

Zercher squats are designed for intermediate or advanced bodybuilders and are advised to use power racks. This additional measure is meant to keep you safe, especially if you choose to train with big loads. In the case of moderate or low weights, you can do Zercher squats with no power racks.


If you choose to do Zercher squats, begin with the big number of reps with low weights, and gradually increase the weight until you will be able to do only 3-5 reps for each set. Wrap the barbell to avoid bruises and pain caused by it. Perfect for this purpose are fat grips. Zercher squats are a great alternative to leg exercises and can be successfully used to prevent muscle stagnation.

Must Read: How to Do Hack Squats?

F Kyle

The "GYMRAT" of this blog, Pro-blogger and Fitness Instructor since 2008

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