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Bulking or Cutting – You Gotta Eat Big to Get Big and That is The Truth



Bulking or Cutting

          It seems nowadays everybody wants to be jacked and tan. Well, I am here to tell you that sometimes you need to just get big, strong, and FLUFFY. If you are always on a quest to get lean and wondering why your lifts aren’t going up, but hey you look good with your shirt off right? So then why the hell does you compete in a sport that the strongest person wins, not the leanest or the tannest but the one who can lift the most weight possible. So what is better bulking or cutting?

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          If you’re reading this and think who cares about being that strong I want to look good and be kinda strong so I can get all the likes on Instagram then maybe you should actually compete in a BB or physique show where looks matter. Now I’m not saying go to the store every day and eat all the chocolate bars and ice cream, but you will be eating that stuff if you really want to gain some weight.

           Adding muscle and size is extremely hard to come by if you can add albs of muscle to your frame a year you’re lucky, but take any person and you can drop 20-30lbs in an 8-12 week diet. So its time to put up your screens, stop the salads and cardio and get ready to get huge and strong.

          We’ve all heard it you gotta eat big to get big and that is the truth, you have to eat and consume a massive amount of food in order to grow, sometimes to the point of force-feeding.  Now I know this sounds appealing to some of you but it is not as fun as it sounds.

Bulking or Cutting - You Gotta Eat Big to Get Big

            All you start to think about is the food it consumes you. You can go about this in two ways you can eat anything and everything in sight and just get there right away or you can be a little more methodical in your approach and gain at a steady and progressive manner.

           In this article, we will talk about both methods as I definitely feel they both have their benefits and can both yield the results you want over time. Always keep in mind and this is the hardest thing for some lifters is that any approach you take to gaining weight and adding the size you will ALWAYS accumulate some fat, so if you’re an endomorph get mentally ready for the struggle of feeling “fat”.

          They eat everything and anything approach was an extremely popular approach back when geared lifting was king and all anybody cared about was being huge and strong. If you look at a lot of the top lifters in the sport they eat a lot and they eat almost anything they want because our sport requires calories aka energy to perform our a task where these calories come from is not as important on this approach just that they are there.

Control What You Eat

           Clearly, these trailblazers make sure protein is the cornerstone of their diet but they also know that eating 5,000-6,000 calories a day of clean food is no small task and can be a daunting one so they supplement with high-calorie foods like ice cream, pizza, pasta, and the occasional cheesecake and by occasional I mean every day!!

Must Read: How Many Calories A Day To Eat To Build Muscle?

          Now if you have the genetics and/or the right kind of supplements you can stay lean as do some of the top lifters tend to do or if your genetics are lacking you will start to look doughy but that is ok as our sport it's not about how you look but who is the strongest.

         Let me say that again it's not about how you look but who is the strongest. So a day of eating on this approach will be a lot of protein throughout, an occasional junk food, tons of carbs and anything else you can fit down your gullet before you go to bed.

This is just a Rough Example of a 220 lbs Athlete:

Dirtier Day

Meal 1:

4-5 Pancakes with Syrup

4-5 Whole Eggs

Sausage and Bacon

Meal 2:

Snickers Bar

Big Glass of Milk

Meal 3:

2 Chipotle Burritos


Meal 4:

2 PB&J’s

Big Glass of Milk

Meal 5:

Large Meat Lovers Pizza

Some Cookies

Bed Time:

Big Bowl of Ice Cream

Protein Shake

Cleaner Day

Meal 1:

3 Biscuits

4-5 Whole Eggs Omelet with lots of Meat

Meal 2:

Protein Shake

4tbsp of PB

1 Banana

Meal 3:

2 Burgers and some Fries


Meal 4:

2 Protein Bars

Big Glass of Milk

Meal 5:

Chicken Parmesan



2 cups of Chocolate Milk

Protein Shake


Demystifying Hypertrophy Training




Hypertrophy training, often referred to as bodybuilding training, is a method focused on increasing muscle size and definition through targeted exercises and specific training techniques. Professional bodybuilders have mastered the art of hypertrophy training to sculpt their bodies into peak physical condition.

At its core, hypertrophy training involves lifting weights at a moderate to high intensity for a moderate number of repetitions. The goal is to create micro-tears in the muscle fibers, which then repair and grow stronger and larger during the recovery process. This leads to muscle hypertrophy or an increase in muscle size.

Understanding the basics of hypertrophy training involves knowing how to manipulate variables such as sets, reps, rest periods, tempo, and intensity. By adjusting these factors, individuals can tailor their workouts to target specific muscle groups and achieve optimal results.

Proper nutrition and adequate rest are also crucial components of hypertrophy training as muscles need sufficient fuel and time to recover and grow. Consistency in training and adherence to a well-rounded program are key pillars in unlocking the full potential of hypertrophy training.

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By demystifying hypertrophy training and embracing its principles with dedication and focus, individuals can effectively work towards achieving their desired physique goals while enhancing overall strength and endurance.

Principles of Hypertrophy Training

When you engage in strength training, you put strain on your muscles. This stress prompts the body to repair and adapt, resulting in an increase in muscle fibers. Here are the basics about this form of training you need to familiarise with:

Training Frequency

For new bodybuilders, a frequency of 3-4 times per week is often recommended to allow for sufficient recovery between sessions. Professional bodybuilders may train more frequently, sometimes up to 5-6 times per week, as their bodies have adapted to higher training volumes over time.

Intensity and Volume: New bodybuilders typically start with moderate intensity (around 65-75% of their one-rep max) and moderate volume (3-4 sets of 8-12 reps per exercise). Professional bodybuilders often incorporate higher intensities (75-85% of one-rep max) and higher volumes (4-6 sets of 8-15 reps per exercise) to continue stimulating muscle growth.

Exercise Selection

Both new and professional bodybuilders focus on compound exercises (e.g., squats, deadlifts, bench press) that target multiple muscle groups simultaneously to maximize muscle recruitment and overall hypertrophy. However, professionals may incorporate more isolation exercises to target specific muscles or muscle groups that need extra attention.

Progressive Overload

Both groups prioritize progressive overload, which involves gradually increasing the weight, reps, or sets over time to continue challenging the muscles and promoting growth. This can be achieved through methods such as increasing resistance, shortening rest periods, or varying exercise techniques.


Both new and professional bodybuilders emphasize the importance of nutrition for muscle growth and recovery. This includes consuming an adequate amount of protein to support muscle repair and synthesis, as well as sufficient carbohydrates and fats for energy and overall health.

Rest and Recovery

Adequate rest and recovery are crucial for hypertrophy training. Both new and professional bodybuilders prioritize getting enough sleep (7-9 hours per night) and incorporating rest days into their training schedules to allow muscles to repair and grow.


While both new and professional bodybuilders may use supplements to support their training and nutrition goals, professionals may have more sophisticated supplementation protocols tailored to their specific needs and goals. We recommend supplements such as protein powders, creatine, branched-chain amino acids (BCAAs), and pre-workout formulas.

Monitoring and Adjustments

Professional bodybuilders often closely monitor their progress through measurements such as body weight, body composition, and strength levels. Based on these assessments, they make adjustments to their training, nutrition, and supplementation protocols to continually progress towards their goals.

Arnold Schwarzenegger's Hypertrophy Workout Routine

Arnold Schwarzenegger's volume workout is a legendary approach to hypertrophy training that he popularized during his bodybuilding career. Here's an explanation of how his workout relates to hypertrophy training:

High Volume

Schwarzenegger's training program was characterized by high volume, involving a large number of sets and reps per workout. This high volume stimulates muscle growth by subjecting the muscles to prolonged tension and metabolic stress, both of which are key factors in hypertrophy.

Multiple Sets and Reps

Each exercise in Schwarzenegger's workout typically included multiple sets (often 4-5 sets) with a moderate to high number of reps (8-12 reps). This approach allows for ample time under tension, which is essential for stimulating muscle growth and hypertrophy.

Compound and Isolation Exercises

Schwarzenegger's workout included a combination of compound exercises (e.g., squats, bench press, deadlifts) and isolation exercises (e.g., bicep curls, tricep extensions) to target various muscle groups from different angles. Compound exercises help to maximize muscle recruitment, while isolation exercises allow for targeted muscle stimulation and hypertrophy.


Schwarzenegger typically trained each muscle group 2-3 times per week, allowing for sufficient frequency to stimulate muscle growth while also providing adequate recovery time between sessions. This frequency helps to maximize hypertrophy by consistently exposing the muscles to growth-inducing stimuli.

Intensity Techniques

Schwarzenegger often incorporated intensity techniques such as drop sets, supersets, and forced reps into his workouts to further increase the intensity and stimulate muscle growth. These techniques help to push the muscles beyond their normal limits, triggering adaptations that lead to hypertrophy.


Schwarzenegger employed periodization principles in his training, alternating between phases of higher volume and lower volume to prevent plateaus and continue making progress. This periodization strategy helps to optimize muscle growth by varying training stimuli over time.

Mind-Muscle Connection

Schwarzenegger emphasized the importance of the mind-muscle connection, focusing on contracting and feeling the target muscles working during each repetition. This approach helps to maximize muscle fiber recruitment and engagement, enhancing the effectiveness of each exercise for hypertrophy.

Nutrition and Recovery

In addition to his training program, Schwarzenegger paid close attention to his nutrition and recovery strategies to support muscle growth and hypertrophy. Adequate protein intake, proper hydration, and sufficient rest are essential components of any hypertrophy-focused training program.

Overall, Schwarzenegger's volume workout is a comprehensive approach to hypertrophy training that incorporates high volume, frequency, intensity techniques, and periodization to maximize muscle growth and achieve an impressive physique.

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10 Groups of Athletes That Can Benefit from Hypertrophy Workouts

We have prepared for you 10 groups of athletes that should consider hypertrophy training

1. Combat Sports Athletes

Martial artists, boxers, and other combat sports athletes can enhance their power and endurance through hypertrophy training.

2. Track and Field Athletes

Sprinters, jumpers, and throwers can improve their explosive strength by including hypertrophy training in their regimen.

3. Football/Soccer Players

Both American football players and soccer players can benefit from hypertrophy training to increase muscle mass and strength.

4. Gymnasts

Building lean muscle mass through hypertrophy training can help gymnasts improve their strength-to-weight ratio for better performance.

5. Swimmers

Swimmers can enhance their power in the water by incorporating hypertrophy exercises to strengthen key muscle groups.

6. Cyclists

While endurance is crucial for cyclists, adding hypertrophy training can boost leg strength and overall performance on the bike.

7. Basketball Players

Building muscle through hypertrophy training can improve basketball players' agility, jumping ability, and overall athleticism on the court.

8. CrossFit Athletes

CrossFit enthusiasts looking to excel in competitions can benefit from hypertrophy training to increase overall strength and muscular endurance.

9. Triathletes

Incorporating hypertrophy exercises into triathletes' routines helps prevent injuries by strengthening muscles that support joints during long-distance races.

10. Powerlifters

While powerlifting focuses on maximal strength lifts, including some hypertrophy work can aid in building a solid muscular foundation for lifting heavy weights more efficiently.

By tailoring a specific hypertrophy program to suit each group's athletic needs and goals, these athletes have the opportunity to optimize their performance levels while reducing the risk of injury associated with repetitive movements in sports-specific activities.

Final Thoughts

By understanding the underlying principles of progressive overload, volume, intensity, and frequency, individuals can tailor their training programs to effectively stimulate muscle growth. Whether you're a novice or a seasoned athlete, hypertrophy training offers a structured framework for optimizing muscle hypertrophy and sculpting a physique that reflects dedication, consistency, and strategic planning.

Embracing the science behind hypertrophy training empowers you as an individual to surpass limitations, break plateaus, and unlock their full potential in pursuit of their fitness aspirations. With proper guidance, commitment, and perseverance, anyone can harness the transformative power of hypertrophy training to sculpt a stronger, more resilient, and aesthetically pleasing physique.

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Calorie Dumping: A Bodybuilder’s Guide




"Calorie dumping" in bodybuilding refers to a strategy where an individual consumes a large number of calories in a single meal, often following a period of low-calorie intake.

This practice is believed to support muscle growth by providing a surplus of energy and nutrients.

The idea is that after a period of restricted calorie intake, the body becomes more efficient at utilizing nutrients, making it more receptive to absorbing and utilizing the surplus calories in a short period.

However, this approach may not suit everyone and should be approached cautiously as it can lead to discomfort and potential digestive issues.

Calorie dumping, also known as refeeding or cycling calories, is sometimes preferred by bodybuilders to help prevent metabolic adaptation and aid in breaking through plateaus.

By occasionally consuming higher calorie levels, they aim to boost metabolism, replenish glycogen stores, and maintain hormone balance for better muscle growth and fat loss in the long term.

Bodybuilders focus on controlled nutrition plans to optimize muscle growth and minimize fat gain. However, occasionally, you might increase the calorie intake temporarily before an intense workout or competition to boost energy levels, but this isn't considered calorie dumping in the traditional sense.

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Long-term and Short-term Benefits of Calorie Dumping

Short-term benefits include replenishing glycogen stores, boosting metabolism, and providing mental relief from a strict diet.

Also known as a "refeed" or "cheat day," bodybuilders do calorie dumping for several long-term reasons:

Best Foods for Calorie Dumping

Foods that are high in protein and low in fat can be great for bodybuilders for calorie dumping. Chicken breast, turkey, fish, tofu, egg whites, and low-fat dairy are good options.

Vegetables like broccoli, spinach, and peppers can also be helpful due to their low calorie content and high nutritional value.

There are some foods that can be great for calorie dumping for bodybuilders:

  1. Chicken Breast: High in protein, low in fat, and versatile in cooking methods.
  2. Turkey: Lean protein source aiding muscle building and repair.
  3. Fish (Salmon, Tuna): Rich in omega-3 fatty acids and high-quality protein.
  4. Egg Whites: Low in calories, high in protein, and versatile for various dishes.
  5. Tofu: Plant-based protein source with minimal fat content.
  6. Low-Fat Dairy (Greek Yogurt, Cottage Cheese): High protein, low-fat options aiding muscle recovery.
  7. Broccoli: Low in calories, high in fiber, and rich in vitamins and minerals.
  8. Spinach: Nutrient-dense green, packed with iron, vitamins, and antioxidants.
  9. Bell Peppers: Low-calorie vegetable loaded with vitamin C and other antioxidants.
  10. Quinoa: High-protein grain alternative with a good balance of essential amino acids.

These foods offer a mix of high-quality protein, essential nutrients, and are relatively low in calories, making them ideal for bodybuilders looking to manage their calorie intake while supporting muscle growth and recovery.

However, managing calorie intake and expenditure is crucial. For bodybuilders aiming to manipulate their body composition, a structured routine combining resistance training, cardiovascular exercise, and a controlled diet is essential.

Tailoring calorie intake to support muscle growth while maintaining a caloric deficit (if aiming for fat loss) or surplus (for muscle gain) is key. Consulting a nutritionist or a fitness professional can help create a personalized plan aligned with specific fitness goals.

Calorie Dumping At Night or Daytime?

When Is Calorie Dumping Considered Inappropriate?

One should avoid calorie dumping when they are in a bulking phase aiming to gain muscle mass. During this phase, consistent calorie intake is crucial to support muscle growth.

Calorie dumping, or suddenly dropping caloric intake too low, can hinder muscle development and potentially lead to a loss of muscle mass.

Calorie Dumping VS. Calorie Cycling

Bodybuilders often use "calorie cycling" instead of calorie dumping. It is a strategy that involves varying your calorie intake throughout the week, alternating between high, moderate, and low-calorie days.

The technique is used to support muscle growth while managing body fat. It helps prevent metabolic adaptation, keeps the body from plateauing, and can aid in maintaining a higher metabolic rate. By manipulating calorie intake strategically, it's possible to optimize muscle retention during fat loss phases and support overall performance.

Calorie Dumping VS Reverse Dieting

Another method is "reverse dieting," gradually increasing calorie intake after a certain period. Focus on nutrient-dense foods, proper macronutrient distribution, and mindful eating to support performance and muscle growth without resorting to calorie dumping.

The goal is to minimize fat gain while boosting metabolism and restoring hormone levels.

It involves incrementally adding calories back into your diet over time, typically in small increments each week, to allow the body to adapt to higher food intake without excessive weight gain.

This approach helps prevent rapid weight regain, supports metabolic health, and can aid in maintaining a healthier balance in the body post-competition or intense dieting phases.

More Ways to Increase Calories Intake

As a bodybuilder, you need to know when it's necessary to up your calories intake.

Those aiming to increase calorie intake should employ strategies like consuming calorie-dense foods (nuts, nut butter, avocados), incorporating more frequent meals, adding healthy fats, opting for larger portions of protein and carbohydrates, utilizing protein shakes or weight gainers, and being mindful of nutrient timing to fuel workouts efficiently.

Tracking intake and gradually increasing calories is key to controlled growth and energy provision for intense workouts.


Bodybuilders should be aware that this phenomenon can occur after a period of reduced calorie intake, causing a temporary decrease in weight that may be mistaken for significant fat loss.

It's important to differentiate between actual fat loss and transient changes to avoid discouragement or misinterpretation of progress. Staying consistent with a well-balanced diet, adequate hydration, and sustainable training is crucial for long-term success in bodybuilding.

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Tren Cycle for Beginners




Bodybuilders must have a clear approach to the tren cycle for beginners. Trenbolone is a potent steroid that should be cautiously and properly researched.

For beginners, starting with a lower dosage and gradually increasing it over time is recommended. This allows the body to adjust to the effects of trenbolone and helps minimize the risk of potential side effects.

Start With A Plan

It is also important to have a well-structured cycle plan in place. This includes determining the cycle duration, dosages, and frequency of administration. Consulting with a knowledgeable healthcare professional or experienced trainer can provide valuable guidance in creating an effective cycle plan.

Additionally, proper nutrition and training protocols are essential during a trenbolone cycle. A balanced diet of protein, carbohydrates, and healthy fats will support muscle growth and recovery. Combined with an appropriate workout routine tailored to individual goals, this can maximize the benefits of the trenbolone cycle. Remember that safety should always be a priority when using any steroid.

Educating oneself about potential side effects, risks, and proper usage guidelines is crucial before embarking on a trenbolone cycle or any other steroid regimen. You're right! Proper nutrition and training protocols are crucial when using trenbolone or other steroid. A balanced diet is important to provide the necessary nutrients for muscle growth and recovery. Including sources of protein, carbohydrates, and healthy fats can support your body's needs during the cycle.

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Tailor Your Training Routine To Individual Goals

In terms of training, having an appropriate workout routine tailored to your individual goals is key. This can help optimize the benefits of the trenbolone cycle by ensuring that you're targeting specific muscle groups and incorporating exercises that promote strength and hypertrophy.

Dig Out More Information

However, it's important to prioritize safety when using any steroid. Before starting a trenbolone cycle or any other steroid regimen, educating yourself about potential side effects, risks, and proper usage guidelines is essential. This will help you make informed decisions regarding dosage, duration of use, and post-cycle therapy (PCT) to minimize potential risks.

Furthermore, consulting with a healthcare professional or qualified fitness expert with steroid experience can provide valuable guidance throughout your journey. They can monitor your progress, address any concerns or questions you may have. Always remember that responsible use of steroids involves thorough research, consideration of potential risks/benefits ratio, and being mindful of your overall health and well-being.

The Frequency of Tren Cycle for Beginners

When it comes to cycling Trenbolone, there are several factors to consider. The frequency of the Tren cycle for beginners can vary depending on individual goals, experience level, and tolerance to the compound. Typically, Trenbolone cycles range from 8 to 12 weeks in length. However, some advanced users may extend their cycles up to 16 weeks.

It's important to note that Trenbolone is known for its strong side effects, including potential cardiovascular strain, suppression of natural testosterone production, and liver toxicity. Therefore, using this steroid responsibly and following proper cycling protocols is crucial.

Many experienced users recommend starting with a lower dosage during the first cycle to assess how your body responds to Trenbolone. Incorporating post-cycle therapy (PCT) after completing a Trenbolone cycle is also advisable to help restore hormonal balance and minimize potential side effects.

Ultimately, beginners' frequency of the tren cycle should be determined based on individual goals, understanding of the compound's risks and benefits, and consultation with a knowledgeable healthcare professional or experienced steroid user.

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Tren Cycle for Beginners Steps

When using trenbolone (tren) for beginners, it is important to understand the step-by-step procedure clearly. Tren is a powerful anabolic steroid that should be cautiously approached, especially for those new to using performance-enhancing substances.

Before starting a tren cycle, it is essential to consult with a healthcare professional or an experienced fitness expert who can provide guidance and monitor your progress throughout the cycle. They can help determine if you are ready for this level of supplementation and ensure your safety.

The step-by-step procedure for a tren cycle typically involves the following:

1. Research and Education: Thoroughly research tren and its potential benefits, risks, and side effects. Understand how it interacts with your body and what precautions must be taken.

2. Establish Goals: Clearly define your goals for using tren, whether it's gaining muscle mass, increasing strength, or improving athletic performance. This will help guide your dosage and duration of the cycle.

3. Dosage Determination: Start with a low dosage to assess how your body reacts to tren. Beginners start with around 50-100mg per week, split into several smaller doses.

4. Cycle Duration: A typical beginner's tren cycle lasts 8-12 weeks. It's important not to exceed this timeframe as prolonged use can increase the risk of side effects.

5. Supportive Supplements: Consider incorporating supplements such as liver support agents or testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) during your cycle to mitigate potential adverse effects on liver function or natural testosterone production.

6. Monitoring Progress: Regularly monitor your progress during the cycle through objective measures such as body composition analysis, strength gains, and overall well-being.

7. Post-Cycle Therapy (PCT): After completing the Tren cycle, implement an appropriate post-cycle therapy protocol to help restore natural hormone production and minimize any potential side effects associated with discontinuing Tren use.

Where to Source Your Tren

When purchasing trenbolone, it is important to prioritize safety and legality. Trenbolone is a controlled substance in many countries, and its sale without a prescription is prohibited. Therefore, being cautious and ensuring you purchase from a reputable source is crucial.

One of the most reliable options for buying trenbolone is through licensed pharmacies with proper prescriptions, such as These pharmacies adhere to strict regulations and quality control measures, ensuring you receive genuine products.

However, it's important to note that using trenbolone for non-medical purposes, such as bodybuilding or performance enhancement, may not be legal in some countries. In such cases, attempting to purchase trenbolone from underground or illicit sources can pose serious risks to your health and legal consequences.

It is always recommended to consult with a healthcare professional or an authorized medical practitioner who can guide you on the appropriate usage and legal avenues for obtaining trenbolone based on your specific circumstances.

Tren Cycle for Beginners Take Away

Beginner bodybuilders need to understand the approved dosage guidelines when using trenbolone, a powerful anabolic steroid. Trenbolone is known for its potency and effectiveness in promoting muscle growth and strength gains. However, it is crucial to cautiously approach Tren Cycle for Beginners due to its strong nature.

For beginners, starting with a lower dosage of trenbolone is generally recommended to assess their tolerance and response to the compound. The approved dosage for beginner bodybuilders typically ranges from 50mg to 100mg per week. This conservative approach allows individuals to gradually introduce trenbolone into their system while minimizing the risk of potential side effects.

It is important to note that every individual may respond differently to trenbolone, and factors such as age, weight, fitness level, and overall health should be considered when determining the appropriate dosage. It is always advisable for beginners to consult with a knowledgeable healthcare professional or experienced coach who can provide personalized guidance based on their specific circumstances.

Additionally, regardless of experience level, it is crucial for all users of trenbolone or any other anabolic steroid to prioritize proper cycle support and post-cycle therapy (PCT) protocols. These measures help mitigate potential side effects and ensure a safer and more effective experience with trenbolone.

In conclusion, when using trenbolone as a beginner bodybuilder, adhering to approved dosage guidelines ranging from 50mg-100mg per week is essential. Consulting with healthcare professionals or experienced coaches can provide valuable insights tailored to individual needs. Prioritizing cycle support and PCT protocols further contributes to optimizing safety and effectiveness during the usage of this potent anabolic steroid.

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