Categories: Nutrition

3 High-Fiber Recipes to Keep You More Energetic

           We all know that we need Fibers, but even then, most of the people are fiber deficient, even knowing that there are food items accessible in the market that are rich in fiber in every manner. The modern diet has left people with severe nutrients deficiency, i.e., tissue. High Fiber Recipes facilitates in preventing the body against cancer, heart disease, kidney stones, diverticulosis, PMS obesity, and also it proves to be excellent support for the digestive tract in every manner. Trust me; fiber is much more than just a regulator.

           We all associate the fiber with the digestive systems. However, it is worth stating here that food items rich in dietary fibers serve much more than this. It lowers the risk of cardiac diseases, diabetes, stroke, and at the same time, improves the skin and facilitates in weight loss.

Benefits of High Fiber Food:

           Most of the processed foods, which include the bread and cereals, constitute the added fiber. Such fiber sources that reused in for the supplementation are not healthier ones. Just like fiber supplements, many of these ingredients may turn out to be harmful to you.

            Therefore, just like all the other nutrients such ingredients, it is highly suggested to eat the fresh food items that enrich with the nutrients that are needed by our bodies. There are so many food items quickly accessible in the markets that are otherwise called as fiber stars.

              Fiber is well known to reduce the risk of high cholesterol as well as colon cancer at the same time providing maximum energy to the body to make it feel full for a more extended period. Other health benefits related to fiber as follows:

Digestive Health:

          The foremost plus point of the dietary fibers is that they normalize the bowel movement. It does so by bulking up the tools and making it easier to excrete out of the body. In turn, facilitates in relieving constipation and preventing diarrhea.

       Intake of plenty of fiber reduces risks of intestine inflammation, gallstones, hemorrhoids, kidney stones, and also relief from irritable bowel syndrome.

Heart Diseases:

          Fiber and to be more specific, the soluble fiber is one of the significant elements of a heart-healthy diet. Eating food, which is rich in fiber, reduces the risk of factors that are related to coronary heart disease, stroke, and diabetes.
Also, fiber facilitates in reducing the blood pressure, improves the level of good cholesterol, and reduces inflammation and sheds of excessive weight, particularly from the abdominal area.

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            Some of the research suggested that eating a diet higher in fiber prevents colorectal cancer though it still needs to be further inferred. The food that is rich in fiber is associated with the lowered risk of related issues, including pharynx, stomach, and mouth.

Skin Health:

            When fungus and yeast are excreted via the skin, they are prone to trigger the acne. When one intakes the diet that is rich in fiber, it flushes out the toxins from the body. It ultimately enhances the skin glow and improves its health as well.


           A diet that is rich in fiber, particularly the insoluble one from cereals, lowers the risk for the type 2 diabetes. In case you are already a patient of diabetes than eating soluble fiber slows down the absorption of sugar. It improves the blood sugar level.

Fiber and Weight Loss:

             In addition to facilitating the digestion and preventing constipation, fiber is known to add bulk to the diet. It is a  factor known to help in shedding off the excessive weight. It makes you feel that you are full in no time. As fiber stays in the stomach for a more extended period. Therefore felling of fullness remains there for a more extended period.

         Natural foods that are considered to be rich in fiber are usually low in calories. Therefore, adding them to diet is indeed a wise decision. Other ways that fiber helps in losing weight are as follows:

  • Fiber regulates the blood sugar level, helps in maintaining the fat burning capacity of the body and avoiding taking the insulin
  • The thread moves the fat via the digestive system at a rate faster than it can be absorbed
  • When you fill yourself with high fiber content such as fruits, you ultimately have more energy to do your day to day activities

           When your sugar levels are maintained, the capacity of your body to burn the fats is enhanced, avoids insulin spiking, and no craving for the unhealthy food items. You will have fuller feelings for long periods, and hence you will lose weight in return.

Whole Wheat Spaghetti with Swiss chard and Pecorino Cheese:

           Whole wheat pasta is the primary source of fiber in this recipe, i.e., 6grams each serving. However, the tomatoes, onions, and the Swiss chard also contribute a small amount of fiber, i.e., around 4 grams of each meal.

             Total fiber per serving is 11 grams, which meet 444% of the recommended daily fiber does.

        Chili-Rubbed Steak Tacos:

              This recipe includes corn tortillas and avocado, and both of these are considered to be the fiber-rich items. Chopped cabbage in the formula is yet again another source of high fiber.

              Total fiber served with this recipe is 8 grams, which offer 32% of the daily fiber dose recommended to be consumed.

Fresh Fruit Salad with Honey Vanilla Yogurt:

           This recipe is a sweet fruit packed tantalizing amusement for us. It is well adorned with tons of fibers straight from nature for all of us. The whole thread offered with every serving is 5 grams. 20% of the daily recommended dose of fiber met with this recipe.

           No doubt there are fiber supplements readily available in the market; however, one should prefer taking fruits and vegetables rich in fiber. It is better to enjoy fiber direct from nature rather than processed ones.

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