
30 Gym Slang Terms Explained

          For a new beginner, the gym can be a very confusing and exciting place to be in. It's a different world, with its own cultures and a foreign language they use. It can be challenging and scary for a person who wants to start going to the gym. That is why people return from going to the gym even before they begin. It doesn't have to be complicated. That is why we have created this gym slang term that you can explain in a way you will feel familiar with terms regularly used at the gym without even going there.

Bodybuilder #1 Gym Slang

              A bodybuilder is anyone in the gym to train primarily for their body looks or aesthetics. They qualify to appear muscular and big for competition in some contests.


            Powerlifters pay little attention to their appearance, trying to sculpt their six-pack and aesthetics. They mostly train for strength; they perform as athletes or compete somehow. A power lifter's main aim is to have more strength and be able to lift heavier weights or throw things further.

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             It has visible veins due to continuous exercise and low body fat. The skin appears very thin so that you can see through it.


             Newbie is a general term in other settings, like a work newbie, which refers to a person who got employment recently. A gym newbie is also used more similarly to those different settings. A gym newbie is a person who is new to the gym and unfamiliar with how things are done.


            Adding more plates of weight to your workout to set your personal best, increase muscle mass, and build your strength. Bodybuilders use stacking to achieve a particular result faster, hence this gym slang.


            These shoulders are solid as a rock due to high-intensity workout exercises that strengthen your muscles and do overtime on your back.


            It's adding muscle mass to your body through training and eating more calories than you need to gain weight. Bulking involves training regularly and eating more food than usual to gain more muscle mass in your body.

Cheap Reps

             After exercising for some time, muscle fatigue sets in, and the weights become too heavy; some lifters employ an improper form to make a lift by using a muscle group to assist in the movement.


         High-intensity interval training gym slang is exercises that alternate between high-intensity and low-intensity recovery periods. This is putting in or exercising using every strength you have and slowing it down to half the speed you used or even lower.


         They are round weights made of high-density rubber, placed on the end of the bars, or adjustable dumbbells to add weight continually. Most palates are 1, 2, 2.5, 5, 10, 17, 20, or 25 kilograms.


           The term v-taper describes a bodybuilder look requiring a wide shoulder, trim midsection, and a big back. When one can achieve this, look at the outlines of the torso; it forms the shape of the letter 'v', hence the name v-taper.


         You are reducing body fat with training and nutrition while retaining maximum masculinity. Cutting mainly involves working out to reduce your body fat and, at the same time, remain muscular.

Forces reps

             When you are already tired and unable to do more rep on your own, the spotter or your partner will help you do an additional repetition of an exercise by helping you pick on the necessary slack, allowing you to complete the set.


            He is a bodybuilder with an incredible size and shape with unreal muscle development. These people look so fake and perfect that they tend to get stares from others like they are rare specimens.


          People say that where there is no pain, there is no gain. Gains in a gym are called training hard and dieting to give you all kinds of pay or benefits. To gain in a gym, you must push yourself and let go of certain pleasures, such as eating healthy food and not junk food, which can be challenging to some people.

Maxing Out

            You are lifting many plates with heavy weights for one rep. This is going big and pushing yourself to the limit of your capabilities by lifting as many heavyweights as possible for one rep.

Gym Rat

            Anyone who you will constantly find at the gym is a gym rat. These people spend most of their time at the gym, and you will always find them when you go there; it's like they live there.

Personal Trainer

            These are professionals at the gym who help their clients get in the shape they desire, whether a client wants to lose or gain weight. Personal trainers guide their clients by assisting them through dieting, workouts, nutrition, and how they deal with their health and weight. They act more like gym teachers.

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         Weight lifting movements, using weight plates, dumbbells, or barbells to add more strength and gain muscles. This is lifting different weights so that you can gain powers.


            Any working out condition where you challenge your performance and endurance of your heart and lungs, like swimming, running, treadmill, stair climbing, etc.

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          Maintaining calories means eating just enough food, not more or less than you need to keep your weight. Eating the same calories your body can burn in a typical day because you don't want to gain or lose weight, keeping your overall weight the same.

Pre-workout Gym Slang

             A pre-workout is a drink a bodybuilder, lifter, or anyone takes before going to the gym for improved performance and energy. The glass usually has a lot of caffeine and other compounds that are supposed to help you lift more weight, experience improved recovery, and help reduce fatigue, making you work long hours without getting tired.


          While using metal machines, your hand can get sweaty and become slippery. Bodybuilders and lifters use powdered chalk to grip heavy lifts better. The chalk prevents your hands from being watery; therefore, you can easily lift your weights.


             After performing a set of exercises, one pauses for a while by taking some predetermined amount of time to rest for about two to three minutes, depending on the training you are performing. It is common to rest in between sets on a significant compound movement.


            One starts with easy warm-up exercises before getting to the gym's main activity. Before lifting heavy weights, most lifters will warm up by lifting exercises with small and lighter weights.

Work in

            This is when a person requests you to use the same machines or free weights as you are using. When you take your rest time, the other person will take his turn to lift and exercise with the consequences and vice versa. Work is exercising together using the same machines at alternating times.

Full Range of Motions (ROM) Gym Slang

          Full range of motion is when a bodybuilder or a lifter extends the exercise to the furthest beneficial point. Lifters and bodybuilders usually get more excited and load more heavyweights than they can handle. They lie to themselves about contracting the entire muscle; ultimately, they can only move the heavyweight's minimal distances.


          The gym slang is called supersets when you exercise more than once without resting. This gym slang is when you exercise without taking rest periods between activities. It is continuously working with no break.


           Any workout exercise in which the equipment or the bench is placed in such a manner that your upper body is now in an inclined position.

Weekend Warrior

            People who usually go to work on weekdays don't have time to visit the gym as they are always busy, but they crush the gym every Saturday and Sunday; hence they are the weekend warriors.


           The gym should be where we all feel safe; we all have different insecurities, and going to the gym should not add any more. Feeling like you belong to a place enables you to work and exercise without having to look over your shoulders and not worrying about what other people think of you. The above gym slang educates you and helps you become more familiar with different terms used at the gym.


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