About anabolic steroid use, a cycle is defined as the actual timeline in which a person uses steroids. Once a person takes steroids, it is called an On-Cycle. When the steroids are not in use, it is referred to as an Off-Cycle.
Must Read: 5 Best Steroid Cycles for 2018
Steroid users have a wide variety of options in today’s anabolic steroid market. Many users try combinations of different steroids in addition to various dietary supplements available in the retail market as opposed to individual steroids. This allows the body to maintain its balance. Without them, a body can get an imbalanced form.
Various kinds of steroids are currently available on the market today with the most common being:
Deca Durabolin, which is excellent for achieving performance gains. Users typically see results after eight weeks. You could also see the results before this duration. It depends on the type of steroid that is being taken up.
Dianabol is suitable for users who are interested in weight gain. This is a short-use steroid that is used for periods of about six weeks.
Sustanon is a weekly use steroid.
Winstrol may be taken anywhere from 5 to 10 weeks intervals.
Equipoise is taken in 1 to 10 weeks intervals.
To fully understand the culture of anabolic steroid use, you need a deeper understanding of the special terms currently in use today:
• Stacking: The user will use two or more drugs to achieve more significant results.
• Pyramiding: As the name implies, pyramiding is a process by which users begin steroid use, slowly building up to the maximum dosage and then tapering off gradually. This is generally done over a specific period and may be combined with stacking.
Pyramiding is the best way to begin a steroid regimen, particularly for new users. This allows the user to determine how the body will react to the steroids without significant risk of side effects.
Although many first-time users fail to heed this advice, it is never a good idea, to begin with, large doses before ascertaining which cycle and steroid combination works best for your body.
Must Read: How to Prepare for your First Steroid Cycle?
Each type of anabolic steroid is different. As such, there are no general answers for how long steroids may be taken. Different timeframes exist depending on the substance used, how many different meanings are used in conjunction with each other, what other supplements are taken, and the user's experience. That being said, the minimum time for each substance should give the user an idea of how long it will take before results are noticed.
There are three different levels of steroid use:
Beginner: This is for the novice with little to no previous steroid use.
Intermediary: Users who have used anabolic steroids are seeking more significant results.
Advanced: Users who frequently use anabolic steroids and wish to see maximum results.
Users must begin with the lowest possible level when beginning a new substance or stacking new substances together. This will allow the user time to determine how the body will react without maximum side effects.
There are two commonly used methods of ingestion for steroids available today.
Oral: Steroids are taken in the form of pills or liquid.
Intravenously: Steroids are injected into the body through the use of needles.
Must Read: Oral Steroids vs. Injection for Inflammation – Which is the best?
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