Categories: Steroids

Anavar – Cutting Cycle

What is Anavar?

Anavar or oxandrolone (oxandrin) is a drug made in the last century. By then, it suffered many transformations and today is used as an anabolic steroid derivate which replaces some atoms in the biomolecular structure.

Anavar is used worldwide, but its most common usage is as a steroid that helps you gain and preserve body mass. Anavar is not one of the most potent steroids, but it can astonish you with the result. Anavar is in the form of a tablet, so you don’t have to take it intravenously.

Side Effects:

Anavar won’t leave many consequences in your organism. Because of its mild nature, it will not leave any traces on your liver. Because it’s mild, many female athletes and bodybuilders use it. Like any other steroid, Anavar can have some serious side effects, but they are infrequent. Experience has shown us that Anavar users are pleased with it.

How Does Anavar Help in Fat Loss?

Avatar is a steroid that has an effect not only on your muscles but also on fat loss. His molecular structure is made like that, so you can also lose fat while using Avatar.

This doesn’t mean that you can stay at home, take Avatar, and fat will magically be transformed into muscles.

You still need to go out and practice. This only means that Avatar can help you in the process of losing weight.

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What Dose Should I Take?

This can only decide your doctor, but there are some simple rules with Anavar. It’s not recommended to take less than 20mgs per day because this is the minimum dose that provides some results. The maximum dose you can take shouldn’t be over 80mgs per day.

This is a range where everyone can fit in. More than 80mgs per day can harm your organism, but if you go over 100mgs per day, you will have adverse effects on your organism, and the result will be the same as when you take 80mgs. So you shouldn’t insist on taking the higher dose.

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Anavar Cycles:

Anavar's main purpose is to make sure that you will have enough strength after you finish taking it. It also helps in your muscle creation, but strength is the primary effect. Anavar is not just like any other steroid. It can be used longer because of its specific structure.

During the therapy, Anavar will not shut down your HPTA, especially if you take minimum doses. This steroid is top-rated because it does not aromatize. Aromatizing is a process where steroids turn into estrogen. HPTA shuts down if you use some other steroids with more testosterone.

Anavar can even be used in the brakes you make after each cycle. It’s recommended that you take post-cycle therapy after using every steroid, so you have to take post-cycle therapy after just using Anavar. Post-cycle therapy will help your organism to recover and will help you to keep the impressive results that Anavar has provided you.

Anavar will stay in your organism shortly after the cycle is over – about three weeks. Many other steroids for oral usage stay in your organism for about 8 weeks, and intravenously taken steroids can be in our blood flow for months.

Is Anavar For Me?

Anavar is a steroid that can be used by men and also by women. It has almost no consequences for our organism and minimum side effects, and that’s why women use it rather than men. Medically looking, Anavar is the best steroid for persons with bone pain or osteoporosis.

Doctors recommend using only Anavar or stacking it with Halotestin, Proviron, Equipoise, Primobolan, Winstrol, and HGH. Anavar is not a steroid for those who have some kind of heart disease or stroke, blood clots, high levels of cholesterol, or high blood pressure. Also, it’s not recommended for persons with kidney or liver problems.

Pregnant women shouldn’t use any type of steroid, so this one shouldn’t be used by them too. If you feel any symptoms of these diseases, you should stop using Anavar and contact your doctor. If you abuse Anavar usage, it can lead to deep depression, insomnia, or even changes in your libido.

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Building muscle mass is what I like to talk about. If your aim is to build a solid body, then my posts would be very beneficial to you. I always want to know your opinion, so don't hesitate to drop a line below or contact me.

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  • I'm curious about the 2 week on and 2 week off Dianabol and Anavar oral cycle what are the recommended dosages for a beginner
    Regards Niko

    • You can take 40mg of dianabol each day, 20mg in the morning and 20mg after the cycle, take it for 6 weeks. the main side effect is water retention, so i recommend you to take proviron and tamoxifen after the cycle for 2 weeks. 20mg a day

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