Categories: Steroids

Best Steroid Cycle for Size

What are Steroids?


  • Also referred to as ‘juice’ or ‘pumpers’, these are synthetic testosterone usually used in bodybuilding. Apart from this, it is also used medically to reduce inflammations. There are positive and negative effects of steroids, but we focus on the positive such as an increase in muscle mass.

Classifications of Steroids:

  • A steroid is a chemical version of testosterone altered at the molecular level to last longer than real human testosterone.
  • Anabolic steroids are drugs that increase strength and muscle growth when taken in by humans. These drugs contain hormones or hormone-like substances that increase strength and promote muscle growth.

MUST READ: Types of Liquid Steroids

Muscles Built:


Steroids that are responsible for muscle building are used by athletes for performance-enhancing purposes, whereby the steroids not only increase size but also strength too.

It is always a positive expectation for those interested in weight training and later in an increase in power.

Samples of Some Steroids: Muscle Building Ones:

  • Steroids such as Halotestin can provide strength.
  • Steroids such as testosterone, Anadrol, Deca-Durabolin, and Dianabol are more effective for the best steroid cycle for size and strength.

Stacks and Muscle Building Steroid:

  • As much as there are muscle-building steroids of which the varieties have similar effects, there are also stacks that can do the same job better than some of the steroids, thanks to how effective they are.
  • To experience factual achievement in most cases, there is a need to build stacks around testosterone no matter the testosterone used. Some of the examples of stacks used are:
    • Dianabol 40miligram/day
    • Testosterone 750 mg per week
    • Deca-Durabolin dose should be 400miligram/week
    • Anadrol should be taken as 50miligrams in a day
    • Trenbolone 75mg each day
    • Testosterone 75mg per week

These steroid cycles produce a fantastic increase in strength and size as the example of dosage fond of ought not to be taken seriously.

MUST READ: 5 Best Steroid Cycles for 2019

MUST READ: 5 Best Steroid Cycles for Beginners


  • This drug, the best steroid for size and strength, is more effective when combined with other compounds such as Sustanon and Dianabol. It is also one of the most popular steroids, with a dosage of about 300mg for about 8-10 weeks.
  • Drugs primarily associated with this steroid are Karachi, Organon, and so on.

MUST READ: Mass Building Anabolic Steroids – Sustanon, Dianabol, and Deca Durabolin

The Cycle:

  • This cycle can be readily accepted by most men as this is where the muscles increase in size. Some athletes use Deca Durabolin, which does not bulk or cut.
  • Planning a steroid cycle is undoubtedly a great challenge, but it’s complicated by misguided information. Of all these plans, a  Deca-Durabolin phase is, in fact, one of the easiest schedules that you could ever come up with.

Bulking of Deca Durabolin Cycle:

  • A good number of standard practices that are done by most men is a massiveness Deca-Durabolin cycle where a very lucid stack of the Deca-Durabolin as well as of the testosterone is simply what you might need.
  • Your body should be given sufficient hormone (testosterone) to satisfy its needs during this phase.
  • Together with additional steroids such as Anadrol and Dianabol, the proper amalgamation of either of these two with Deca-Durabolin is undoubtedly one of the most used and most applied steroid cycles for a very long time.

MUST READ: The Best and Worst Deca Durabolin Stacks – Test, Trenbolone, Anavar, Winstrol, and others

In cutting the Deca-Durabolin cycle, a steroid can be added to increase muscle and tissue preservation and provide therapeutic effects. If you are an athlete bodybuilder, you might want to use this before switching to tightening/hardening agents moving towards the closing phase of this period. This cycle is not for new users of steroids.

In many cases, small doses of Deca-Durabolin are used with other steroids that promote strength to high levels along with low doses of testosterone. The massive Deca-Durabolin cycle can be as moderate and advanced while there is also a plan for cutting the Deca-Durabolin cycle.

Doses of Arimidex used may need to be adjusted to the user’s needs. The hormone balances should be maintained as Letrozole or Aromasin may be used. It’s not a necessity to use Dianabol in the massive Deca-Durabolin cycles.

It is also not a must that you use HGH, but significant benefits are accrued by any Deca-Durabolin cycle. You can also use either Testosterone Cypionate or Testosterone Enanthate, as they can be interchanged without difficulty.

Anadrol 50- this has fast strength gains as an effect and significantly increases water retention, which can be suitable for weightlifters.

Halotestin- provides super fast strength gain and no water retention, which helps bodybuilders in the last weeks of their preparation.

Trenbolone acetate- This is amongst the most popular steroids in strength sports.


Building muscle mass is what I like to talk about. If your aim is to build a solid body, then my posts would be very beneficial to you. I always want to know your opinion, so don't hesitate to drop a line below or contact me.

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