Categories: NutritionSteroids

Cutting Steroids Products And Cycles

One can use anabolic steroids for three primary purposes: bulking, increasing strength, and cutting. Steroid users most often search for cutting steroids. These categories represent steroids that considerably burn fat and help achieve muscle definition. A cutting steroid cycle comes after a bulking up since it helps the body get rid of water and fat retention and assimilate during the previous process.

Need for Cutting Steroids

Each bodybuilder will choose one or another steroid based on their characteristics and needs. And this makes sense since every anabolic steroid has a primary function. Additional to this first function, other purposes can be used, such as for bulking up or increasing strength.

Generally, it is hard to stick one or another steroid to a specific category since they can be successfully used for both goals. But why is it so important to talk about cutting steroids, and why are so many people searching for information on this subject? The idea is that most people who work out want to get a nice, lean body.

They do not want to get big or increase strength like professional bodybuilders. But building an attractive body with defined muscle is each boy's or girl's dream. Cutting steroids seems to fit this purpose better since they significantly increase fat burning and help gain lean and defined muscles.

Must Read: What Statistics Say About Anabolic Steroids Use in Professional Sports?

Generally, one can use almost all anabolic steroids for cutting. The most outstanding of all steroids is Testosterone. This product is the base of each steroid cycle and can be successfully used both for bulking and strengthening. It has another significant advantage- it preserves muscle mass while burning fat.

Trenbolone and Cutting

Another steroid that great works for bulking and cutting as well are Trenbolone. This product is a pretty common choice among athletes. If you check bodybuilding communities for a piece of advice regarding the best steroid to take for bulking and cutting, then at the top of preferences, aside from Testosterone, will be Trenbolone. Equipoise or NPP is also a good choice, as they greatly serve both purposes.

All others anabolic steroids work in one or another way. Since we talk here about cutting steroids, we will mention the top 3 most effective cutting steroids. Here it is:

  • Winstrol (Stanozolol);
  • Anavar (Oxandrolone);
  • Primobolan (Methenolone Acetate);

This group of steroids is derivatives of dihydrotestosterone. It means that they do not turn into estrogen. Thereby there is no chance of developing side effects such as gynecomastia.

If, for some reason, you look for something else, then there are other good cutting steroids:

-Halotestin (Fluoxymesterone);
-Masteron (Drostanolone Propionate;
-Primobolan Depot (Methenolone Enanthate);
-Turinabol (4-Chlorodehydromethyltestosterone).

Several bulking steroids can use successfully for cutting as well. Whether you use them alone or include them in a cutting cycle, you will see outstanding achievements in leaning out. It is about Deca-Durabolin (Nandrolone Decanoate), Dianabol (Methandrostenolone), and Anadrol (Oxymetholone).

Stacking Cutting Steroids

Cutting steroids can be stacked in numerous ways. That's why experts recommend doing your homework and starting to inform yourself about all possibilities a few weeks before beginning a cutting cycle. If you are a beginner, then come to this subject very seriously.

If you are prone to estrogenic side effects and water retention, you must choose non-androgenic steroids and anti-estrogens throughout the cycle. More lucky athletes might begin the cutting process with aromatase steroids and switch to those who do not use aromatase after three to four weeks. The most effective anti-estrogens to include in your cutting cycle are Proviron plus Arimidex or Nolvadex.

Testosterone Enanthate, Primobolan, and Turanabol Cutting Cycle Stack:

It is an example of the cutting cycle, after which you will get a shredded look. It includes Testosterone Enanthate, Primobolan, and Turanabol. As we said, testosterone ethanoate is the base of each steroid cycle. Take it twice a week in a dose of 250mg.

Primobolan is an excellent choice if you want to get ripped. It has minimal side effects, while the benefits are pretty many. Take it three times a week in a dose of 200mg. It is an injectable steroid.

The third anabolic steroid in this cycle is Turanabol. Compared to the previous injectable steroids mentioned above. They will take only the first five weeks. Testosterone Enanthate and Primobolan that you would administer during the whole cycle.

It is a 12 weeks cycle, after which you must follow post-cycle therapy. Take 20mg of Nolvadex and  50 mg of Clomid during the next two weeks. It is an "easy" cutting cycle designed for people who want to get ready for the summer or just get ripped.

Tren Acetate, Winstrol, Testosterone propionate, and Masteron Cutting Cycle Stack

Another more complex cutting cycle is listed here. It is about stacking tren acetate with Winstrol, testosterone propionate, and Masteron. Post-cycle therapy includes Arimidex, HCG Pregnyl, and Clomid. One should take all these for ten weeks.


Arimidex- during the whole cycle, take 0.5 mg each day;
HCG Pregnyl -take it next two weeks after the process cycle ends. Twice a week, each dose is 2500 iu.
Clomid-next 3 weeks after the finish of the cycle in an amount of 50 mg daily.

Remember that you must follow the proper diet and rest enough for great success. Even with these two factors, you should not underestimate their importance. Since cutting steroids increases metabolism, ensure you exclude ailments containing much sugar, animal fats, junk food, and others.

Must Read: Is Post-Cycle Therapy (PCT) Necessary?

Dieting With Cutting Steroids

If you want to lean out, you have to eat clean. Do not believe all the rumors about eating everything when cutting. It is wrong, and do not repeat other mistakes. Otherwise, you will not achieve the final goal and will only risk your health. For greater effectiveness, choose the injectable form of steroids.


Cutting Steroids gives better results and less affect liver function (tablets do). However, in the end, the choice is up to you, but informed people always make the right choice. And hopefully, this article is handy for you in reaching this purpose.

F Kyle

The "GYMRAT" of this blog, Pro-blogger and Fitness Instructor since 2008

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