Categories: Steroids

Equipoise (Boldenone Undecylenate) Steroid Profile

When search for the best steroid to take, the most important aspects you pay attention to are how anabolic and androgenic it is. Equipoise is the steroid that greatly meets both requirements, being strong anabolic steroids, with moderate androgenic side effects. It was initially created as a veterinary anabolic steroid, but over the time has become one of the most demanded steroids among bodybuilders. Equipoise is trade name of Boldenone Undecylenate and is also known as Ganabol or Ultraman.

Equipoise appears as a result of an attempt to produce a long-acting injectable form of Dianabol steroid. The main thing which was changed in Dbol for this purpose was 17-alpha-methyl group (is responsible for not being destroyed by the liver when ingesting dbol pills). Despite their chemical similarities, dbol and equipoise act in absolutely different ways.

From a chemical point of view, Equipoise is just a modification of the testosterone molecule. And you are right guessing, that it presents the same anabolic properties as testosterone, while androgenic effects are quite low. This makes Equipoise more preferred among bodybuilders.

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If you take a look on bodybuilding forums you will see that there are many people who kindly recommended to avoid the concomitant use of dbol and equipoise. This is because they're considered to be almost the same, and their stack may be dangerous. But this is a wrong approach and you have to know why.

First of all, this misconception was triggered many years ago by Dan Duchaine in his books where he told that equipoise and dbol give the same results. After a time he rescinded his opinion, but it remains real for many bodybuilders even nowadays. Dbol is a progestin and a 19-nor derived, while equipoise is a slightly modified molecule of testosterone.

That’s why Equipoise presents the characteristics of dbol but is more anabolic and androgenic than it. A great advantage of Equipoise use is that it has a long-acting life, and thus is administered every 2-3 weeks. This is due to undecylenate ester who was added to this injectable steroid.

The Benefits of Equipoise

The most of the bodybuilders who used equipoise report a slight but qualitative muscle mass gains. It is believed that the slow effect of the drug is associated with undecylenate ester, which was attached to the molecule of Equipoise. That’s why during Equipoise cycle muscle gains will be more slowly than in case of dbol, but more qualitative.

This aspect is essential when designing the Equipoise cycle. Its length should not be longer than 10 weeks. Also, Equipoise can be reached in the body for a longer period of time. That’s why athletes who participate in competitions have to know this detail.

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Aside from slow, but high-quality muscle gains, Equipoise increases muscle strength and appetite. It also positively affects the blood circulation. An elevated level of red blood cells improves the delivery of oxygen to the muscles. This makes this steroid attractive to athletes.

Equipoise Dosage And Stacks

Equipoise is usually taken in 400-600 mg injections on a weekly basis. A lower dose would not be effective, while higher dosage is responsible for damaging your health, meantime the results in muscle growth would not be impressive. This anabolic steroid has mild nature, that's’ why the best is to stack it with other steroids, such as Winstrol, Anavar, Trenbolone, and testosterone.

It can be successfully used both for bulking and for cutting. The length of cycles should not exceed 10 weeks. If you worry about potential side effects and want to minimize them, then you can make your Equipoise cycle minimal length - 8 weeks.

Here are two examples of equipoise cycles for bulking and cutting.

Stack of Boldenone And Testosterone Ethanate For Bulking Up

This is a 10 weeks cycle, during which take 200 mg of equipoise weekly from the beginning till 8th week. Testosterone ethanate has to be administered in a 250 mg daily beginning with second until the 7th week.
Post cycle therapy includes the use of Tamoxifen 10 mg  (1 pill per day) from 5th to 10th week.

This cycle is best for novice chemical bodybuilders, as the equipoise lowers the side effects of testosterone while anabolic effects are very strong. This is why during this cycle androgenic and estrogenic side effects of mixed steroids are reduced. The use of Tamoxifen is however advised.

Stack of Equipoise, Testosterone Ethanate, And Winstrol  For Cutting

Adding winstrol to equipoise and testosterone will help you to get shredded and burn fat. Take 200 mg of equipoise weekly from the beginning until the 8th week. During this cycle testosterone ethanate would be taken in a dose 100 mg daily beginning with second until the 7th week.  Winstrol is taken beginning with 6th until 10th week in a dose of 50 mg each day.

As in case previous cycle,  PCT includes the use of Tamoxifen 10 mg  (1 pill per day) from 5th to 10th week.
This is also a mild nature cycle, that provides great results while side effects are still low. For greater results follow a rich diet and include in your workout more cardio exercises.

Equipoise Side Effects

Equipoise aromatase in a low degree, 50% less than testosterone. Thus estrogenic side effects as gynecomastia,  water retention and increase blood pressure wouldn’t not occur in case of a moderate dosage. However, if you want to keep estrogenic effects under control than adding Nolvadex to your cycle would be a good decision.

Also, you can consider anti-aromatase drugs such as Arimidex, Femara, or Aromasin, but they may be not necessary since Equipoise is a quiet mild steroid. Equipoise may have androgenic side effects too, such as oily skin, acne, increased aggression, and hair loss. But, in most cases, their occurrence is caused by the use of high dosage. It also decreases the natural testosterone production.

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Equipoise On Women

Equipoise is one of few compounds that are comfortable for women use. It has low androgenic activity, virilization is not encountered if used in low doses. The recommended dosage for women is 50-150 mg per week. As you see Equipoise is not a quick mass builder, but it provides steady and high quality muscle gains and preserves muscle mass after steroid ceasing.

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It is a soft steroids, with low estrogenic and androgenic side effects. If used in moderate dosage, the use of antiestrogens is not mandatory. Equipoise is a versatile steroid, and should be stacked with other steroids either for bulking up or for cutting.

For gaining muscle mass Equipoise can be stacked with testosterone ethanate. Such a combination gives an incredible increase in muscle size and strength, while side effects are much more less possible than in case of other compounds. For cutting purpose, the best would be to mix Equipoise with non-aromatizable steroids, such as Halotestin or Winstrol.

F Kyle

The "GYMRAT" of this blog, Pro-blogger and Fitness Instructor since 2008

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