
Human Chorionic Gonadotropin – A Hormone of Health

            Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) is a protein hormone produced mainly by females during the early stages of pregnancy. This natural hormone has several vital roles in the body. It is one of those hormones that, when detected in females, will be an essential sign that they are pregnant.

           Being a hormone, it can influence several physiological functions of the body. It has, therefore, for this reason, been adopted to be used for medical purposes by specialists around the world. Here in this article, we will consider how the hormone can be helpful to all people, including men.

Commercial names of Human Chorionic Gonadotropin

           Human chorionic gonadotropin nowadays is a drug with different commercial names. The common ones include Pregnyl and Novarel. Also, a related drug called Ovidrel. These drugs are in injectable forms and not orally taken. Different drug uses may either mean that it is an endocrine drug or a drug for fertility purposes. Endocrine drugs tend to influence the hormonal levels in the body; therefore, the body will react to how the hormone changes. Fertility drugs, on the other hand, improve your fertility status.

Effects in the body of Human Chorionic Gonadotropin

           Once injected, HCG will start affecting the body in about 4 to 12 hours. During this time, it is highly concentrated in blood if measured. In the body, HCG has a half-life of about 30 hours and is usually excreted in the urine. The effects of the hormone are very similar to those of another hormone in the body called luteinizing hormone. It will affect ovulation and estrogen production in women. At the same time, in men, it will affect spermatogenesis and the production of testosterone and the related hormone dihydrotestosterone. These effects have found their way into the specialists of bodybuilders and are currently utilizing it in that sector.

Biological roles of Human Chorionic Gonadotropin in the body

         HCG is an essential hormone during early pregnancy days. Here are some of its functions during these critical days in the fetus's life.

  • Keeps the corpus luteum functioning

       The Corpus luteum is an essential temporary endocrine gland in early pregnancy. It produces two critical hormones, estrogen and progesterone. The role of HCG here is to make sure that the corpus luteum continues to have these two hormones until the placenta is mature enough to start producing these hormones, at which point it disintegrates.

  • Stimulate the production of testosterone in the fetus

            HCG also helps stimulate the fetus to produce testosterone. Testosterone is essential in the fetus allowing for the differentiation of the sexual organs.

  • Enhances the production of corticosteroids

          Corticosteroids are another critical group of important hormones, and their production is essential.

  • Help suppress the reaction of maternal lymphocytes

          A fetus is usually considered a foreign object by the body, and typically, the mother’s body is supposed to reject it through the reaction of lymphocytes. However, the baby is not usually left with HCG and other factors.

Human Chorionic Gonadotropin and pregnancy detection

        One of the earliest signs of pregnancy is the detection of HCG in blood about 24 to 48 hours after implantation. The hormone, after a few days, will be detected in urine. Waiting for long periods, for exa, simple, after about 16 weeks, will not lead to a positive pregnancy test using HCG because its levels will be deficient both in blood and urine.

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Roles of HCG as a drug and supplement

  • Fertility

       Human chorionic gonadotropin as a drug is very important regarding fertility issues. It generally improves fertility in men and women, usually by encouraging sperm and egg production in men and women, respectively.

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  • Sex-linked conditions

            Besides fertility, Human chorionic gonadotropin comes in strongly as a drug used to relieve some sex-linked conditions in both men and women. For example, cases of undescended testes in male infants and undeveloped female sexual traits in teenage girls can easily be cured using HCG.

  • Weight Loss

            As a supplement, on the other hand, human chorionic gonadotropin has been implicated in helping reduce weight loss. This, however, has not been approved, and therefore purchase for this purpose is illegal.

Indications for the use of HCG

           Having seen the roles of HCG as a drug, here are some areas and groups of people who will need HCG upon their cases being presented to a health practitioner who specializes in the area.

  • Deficiency of testosterone in the body.
  • Life-threatening spontaneous abortions.
  • Cryptorchidism is undescended testicles in infants, either unilateral or bilateral.
  • Male hypogonadism.
  • Bleeding in women is considered dysfunctional.

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Things to consider before using Human Chorionic Gonadotropin

           As a medication, HCG has some restrictions on how to use it, when, and when not to use it. All these guidelines were stipulated not long ago (2011) by the Food and Drug Administration. Here are some of the things that you need to consider before it is safe for you to take Human chorionic gonadotropin as a medication.

  • Pregnancy

             Pregnant mothers are not safe to take HCG because they are already producing plenty of it, and any additional hormone is likely to interfere with the pregnancy. The hormone has been proven to cause congenital disabilities and should never be taken during pregnancy or when one plans to become pregnant sooner.

  • Allergies

            Some people are usually allergic to some drugs, HCG being included. It may not just be the hormone itself but even the component in the drug. It is, therefore, essential to know if you are or are not allergic to HCG before going ahead and taking it for whatever purpose you want. Allergic reactions can be deadly hence the reason to be more careful.

Prostate cancer patients

           Human Chorionic Gonadotropin is not considered a safe drug to be used by those who may have prostate cancer. This is because the hormone is likely to accelerate the progress of cancer to more ugly phases. Even people with other cancers sensitive to male hormones can quickly be accelerated by this hormone when it is used as a drug or a supplement.

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         Other factors that medical specialists consider before administering Human Chorionic Gonadotropin as a drug include:

  • If one has any cardiac-related conditions.
  • People have kidney diseases and conditions.
  • Seizures and migraines.
  • Asthmatic people.
  • People with ovarian cysts.
  • People in the early stages of puberty.

Side effects of using Human Chorionic Gonadotropin

         Any drug has side effects. For humans, chorionic gonadotropin is a hormone that makes it even more dangerous regarding side effects. Here are some side effects you are likely to encounter when using HCG.

  • I am experiencing fatigue and a headache.
  • Easily irritate and also restless.
  • One is likely to become depressed.
  • Gynecomastia in males.
  • Sudden swelling of the extremities.
  • Probability of having multiple pregnancies usually increases.
  • Life-threatening allergic reactions.
  • Thrombosis is highly likely to occur.
  • Problems are likely to occur in the ovaries, including swelling and capturing.
  • Some teenagers enter puberty earlier than expected.

Components That Are Likely To Interact With Human Chorionic Gonadotropin in the Body

           Once taken as a drug or a supplement, human chorionic gonadotropin is likely to interact with several compounds in the body, which in most cases may lead to allergic reactions or even bring about other adverse effects that are not allergic reactions. It is good that your specialist knows whether you have been using some of these components or anything that might contain them.

            Generally, HCG will interact with several medications, vitamins, and supplements taken together with the diet, such as protein supplements, herbal drugs, and even recreational drugs.

  • Drugs that affect blood

         Drugs that affect any aspect of blood will interact with human chorionic gonadotropin when taken as a drug or a supplement. These include those drugs, which are brought to treat clotting disorders, and those taken to increase red blood cell count.

  • Drugs for the treatment of some cancers

          Besides, drugs for the treatment of cancers that primarily interact with HCG are those that will have effects on blood supply. A good example is a thalidomide, which also implicates in causing congenital disabilities.

  • Alcohol

         Besides drugs, HCG will also interact with alcohol. When HCG is taken in the hope of improving fertility, then alcohol should not be accepted. This is because their interactions usually lead to congenital disabilities.

Human Chorionic Gonadotropin & Dosage

           Like any other medication, dosage when it comes to human chorionic gonadotropin when used as a drug, is crucially important. The dosage for HCG will depend first on the condition that treats and secondly on the sex of the patients. Different states require different doses, as do the sexes. Taking an overdose of the drug is considered an emergency, and you should make an effort to conduct the poison center as soon as possible. If you miss the dosage, there is usually not much concern, but efforts should be made to reschedule the dosage within the shortest time possible.

The Human Chorionic Gonadotropin Diet

            For reasons other than medical purposes, some people tend to be on an HCG diet, especially in the hope of losing weight. However, the diet is not good at all for several reasons. The main reason the diet is not a good choice is that it accompanies a diet with low calories. Of course, the low-calorie diet will make you lose some weight, but the low amount of calories is disastrous, especially to the brain, since it cannot maintain it. It is generally not a safe option if you want to lose weight, and one should not go for it.

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  • HCG Diet formula

            Having said that HCG diet concept is not an excellent choice to go for, people out of curiosity may wonder what can be a perfect HCG diet formula for them. The truth is HCG has not been regulated by the FDA, and therefore finding sufficient information on this aspect is not easy, or it does not even exist. However, talking to a knowledgeable physician may help shape things and make you find the right HCG diet formula.

How the Human Chorionic Gonadotropin diet work in weight loss

         How does HCG come in to reduce weight? People have reported losing a lot of weight using this supplement, although it is not safe, as already stressed. The idea of how it reduces weight comes from how the HCG produced during the early stages of pregnancy works. These days, the hormone instructs the body to use stored fat for energy purposes so the mother can sustain the baby.

           Therefore, when taken as a supplement, it will, in the same way, instruct the body to use stored fat, implying that the user will not have to ingest many calories. The result is usually a weight reduction due to body fat use for energy purposes. Therefore, weight loss is not due to the hormone's action but because it causes a change in diet, which triggers a weight drop.

HCG Drop

         Besides the normal HCG used as a medication and as a supplement, there is another product similar to HCG called HCG drop.

  • Roles of HCG Drop

         The product is believed to affect metabolism and weight loss. It has been implicated in helping shape metabolism and reduce weight, proving importance to those who lose weight.

         However, the concept is not well established, and it has been shown that effectiveness depends on how the person's body will take it. This means that an HCG drop may be very effective for some people while not affecting others.

  • HCG Drop reactions

          HCG drops are not regulated by Food and Drug Administration. Therefore very little information is known about it. Especially regarding how it will react with some components in the body and other medication one is taking, consult a specialist in case you want to try out the product and see how they may advise you.

Recommendations on the use of HCG by Athletes

         Even though using HCG by athletes may not be the best thing you can do as an athlete, there are specific recommendations that, when followed, may give some good results. The offers are below:

  1. If one has been taking anabolic steroids for at least six months and wishes to try out HCG, then it is recommended that you reduce intake of the steroids the moment you start on HCG. HCG here is believed to minimize testosterone deficiency. Upon completion of your anabolic steroid cycle, then you should also stop the HCG dosage as well.
  2. To ensure optimal levels of testosterone in the body, it is recommended that HCG be taken during a break of at least two weeks for anabolic steroid cycles lasting between 3 to 4 weeks long.

        Sometimes the athlete may be on prolonged anabolic steroid use without bothering about using HCG. In such a case, one should incorporate the HCG in post-cycle therapy. Inject HCG every day for a total of 20 days.

HCG and Cycles

     Look at the recommendations. Let us now turn to the cycles. If you meet the above suggestions, you can check if these cycles work.

  • HCG cycles for Men


         For men who wish to use HCG, the best cycle will depend on how much they weigh. An athlete weighing about 70 kg will require between 1500 to 3000 units of Human Chorionic gonadotropin daily. The dosage increases with an increase in weight up to a maximum of 10000 units of every injection per day.

  • HCG cycles for Women

         For women, HCG is mainly prescribed for medical purposes. The recommended cycles for women vary and include the following:

  1. Injecting 3000 international units(IU) twice every three days for three weeks.
  2. Injecting 1500 international units of HCG every day for at least 5 to 6 weeks.
  3. Using about 500 to 1000 units two times a week for eight weeks.
  • Safest cycle to use

         A safe cycle will be suitable for athletes on anabolic steroids. It involves taking HCG in the 3rd week of the anabolic steroid cycle in doses of between 1000 and 1500 units of HCG. The dosage typically divides into two injections and should end at the end of the anabolic steroid cycle. Upon completion, one should enter post-cycle therapy.

What happens in the case of long-period anabolic steroid cycles?

          Some anabolic steroid cycles are particularly long, or sometimes some athletes continue using the steroids without necessarily stopping. In such cases, if one still wants to incorporate Human chorionic gonadotropin in the cycle, then the pattern changes slightly. This means you should take HCG every six months, if not every quarter of a year. The dosage is usually 1500 units every 4th day.

  • HCG cycle for shorter Anabolic Steroid Cycles

           For those athletes who prefer shorter recovery anabolic steroid cycles, the cycle for HCG also changes slightly. For example, there are those anabolic steroid cycles that run for a period of about only three weeks. The HCG dosage is between 1500 to 2500 IU once every 3rd or 4th day.

Related Article:: Recommended Recovery Time Between Anabolic Steroid Cycles

  • HCG in Post Cycle Therapy

             Under recommendations, it was mentioned that it is good to have HCG as part of Post-cycle therapy for those athletes who have used anabolic steroids for a longer time without incorporating HCG. So how does it come in, and in what dosage? Having HCG during this period is very important because it serves to help one avoid some significant side effects, especially atrophy of the testicles. The HCG also helps maintain the muscle size gained over the cycling period. HCG does this through its ability to help realign the hypothalamus pituitary axis back to normal functioning.


         The post-cycle therapy involves chloride (50 mg) administered two times a day for the first 30 days, tamoxifen (20 mg) every day for 40 days, and 2500 units of HCG daily for the first 16 days.

Forms of HCG Commonly used

          Most forms of HCG that you are likely to find are injectable forms. HCG itself is a powdered substance, which comes, sealed in ampoules. As an injectable supplement, administrate it either subcutaneously or intramuscularly.

Preparation of Human Chorionic Gonadotropin for Injection

          Human Chorionic Gonadotropin must be adequately safe for injection into the body. Typically use sterile water or an isotonic solution for dilution purposes. The volume injected depends on the content of the bottle. For example, a bottle having 1000 pieces of the hormone will mean that only 1 ml is injected. The ampoules should be processed with alcohol using the syringe and then introduced in a bottle containing a special powder. Care should be taken to have as few bubbles as possible. After that, shake well to ensure that the powder is well dissolved when the drug is ready for use.

         You can reuse the prepared solution for as long as possible, provided it is stored in a refrigerator. The temperature should not rise to more than 20-degree centigrade, and the answer should not expose to sunlight.


           Human chorionic gonadotropin is essential if used for the right reasons and at the right time. While it is necessary for the lives of bodybuilders and athletes, care should not take to misuse it because it has disastrous effects. FDA regulates its medical uses, which is a good thing. On the other hand, other services do not control d; therefore, their applications will depend on how much you want to risk yourself.


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