Masteron - also known, as drostanolone and is relatively rare in the United States. Though it is well known to the Europeans. The production of Masteron was never of a large quantity and it was never before marketed in the United States.
Masteron (drostanolone propionate) for 20 years prior used for inoperable postmenopausal breast cancer in women. Then later as a cutting agent used by bodybuilders, which where it is now enjoying its popularity.
Drostanolone propionate is a DHT (dihydrotestosterone) a derived anabolic. A biological process of making more complex living organisms from simpler ones. Drostanolone altered by the addition of a methyl group. This addition prevents the hormone from a metabolic breakdown. This is by 3 skeletal muscle properties of Hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase enzymes.
Must Read: DHT Steroids To Get Ripped
It also increases the anabolic nature of the hormone as well as the attachment of propionate ester to control the release time. Masteron unaffected by the aromatase and 5alpha reductase – enzyme. There by leaves no estrogen issues, particularly with the increase or lessening of estrogen in the skin and prostate.
The true effects of Masteron will be best seen in a lean person, during the cutting cycle. This is why Masteron is generally in use at the end of the bodybuilding prep. It is expected that the bodybuilder will at this point be extremely lean.
A benefit when using Masterone is its influence on anti-estrogen is when used in moderate doses of aromatizing steroids. There is no competition between the estradiol at the estrogen receptor and the receptor is not activated by the Masteron.
However, by competing with the testosterone for the “binding site” of the aromatase enzyme the conversion is indeed reduced. It would be wrong to leave this the only reason as to what makes Masteron good. It is low in side effects as an anabolic steroid. At one point it was considered a weak steroid however, it has since been recognized as an anabolic of standard potency. It also, provides more of an aesthetically pleasing enhancement. Meaning that it does not provide strength, performance or size.
If you use a low dose weekly as would occur with most anabolic steroids this product does not perform well. The general concentration of Masteron that is given is that of 350 mg per week as provided. In some cases, smaller doses. 700 mg. per week provides a more satisfactory performance. However, a major problem with this does is the availability and the cost of the product.
Dosages are based on a number of factors. For the bodybuilder dosage once becoming lean the dosage can be as high as 1000 mg. per week. However, this dosage is not for those who have health problems such as lipid issues or blood pressure problems.
The dosage of 1000 mg. per week is for those on a 1 – 2-week cycle.
Because of the aromatase inhibitor in Maste, it should be unnecessary to use an addition aromatase inhibitor. Masteron is not as strong as such inhibitors as Aromasin or Arimidex but, should the stacking of aromatizable become too large, the aromatase effect of Masteron will be unable to handle it.
Gynecomastia has been a reported effect during a cycle using. Masteron along with such aromatizable compounds such as Dianabol and Testosterone. Instead, staking Masteron with Test e and Tren e pr0motes great increase in muscle mass and lower body fat level. Read how to mix them here: Test e, Tren e, Masteron cycle
Related post: Masteron vs Equipoise – Which is better to gain muscle?
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