Categories: Steroids

Post Cycle Therapy (PCT) For Female Steroid Users

While men are known for using steroids, it is not unlikely to find women also using them. Women who are into bodybuilding professionally are also predisposed to use steroids. However, because there is a higher percentage of men using steroids when compared to women, most of the studies and findings are done on men’s organisms.

Unfortunately, steroid consequences are more pronounced in women than in men. Just like men, women use steroids for faster body mass gain and straightness. They can gain more mass than they can while exercising without using steroids.

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How are Steroids Used?

Unlike other drugs, steroids are not made to be taken regularly. It is produced to be used at a designated time with the provision of designated resting time from usage. The length of time and the dosage of steroids you will take will be determined by your doctor alone. Because no two persons are the same, steroid usage does not have a common rule.

Must Read: Golden Rules of Steroid Use

There can be a circle lasting up to 6 to 12 weeks long, meaning you will have to take steroids daily until the end of the weeks mentioned. You are also expected to take some breaks after the completion of each cycle. This is to prevent your body from getting addicted to steroids. Then, what exactly is Post Cycles Therapy (PCT)?

PCT for Women:

Post Steroid Cycle Therapy comes in many types, and many people normally take it without waiting to meet a doctor. The truth is that most people have taken PCT on their lack of knowledge about the dangerous effects it has to offer.

There is a high tendency to cause more damage to your system if you take PCT without being directed by your doctors. When it comes to women, there is always a need to determine their stage of life and age before deciding on the right steroid.

Women of Pre-menopausal age that have been taken (AAS) anabolic-androgenic steroids can slowly reduce the amount they take with their closeness to the end of each cycle. The reason for this is that steroids have a dangerous effect on hormones, and the most effective way to indicate to a woman the effectiveness of the steroids is the return of her periods.

Women are exposed to menopausal side effects. Therefore, it is highly recommended that women reduce their intake of AAS before the appearance of their period. Further, to find out whether the hormone level has returned to normal, it is recommended for women to test their blood.

PCT Related Article: Is PCT As Important As We Are Told

What is PCT Not Recommended For Women?

Selective estrogen receptor modulators (SERM) are steroids highly not recommended for women. Another inadvisable PCT for women's Anavar cycle is Aromatize Inhibitors (ALS). The above-mentioned two post-cycle treatments are not recommended for women because they cause extreme menopausal symptoms.

The problem does not just affect older women but also affects younger women. The symptoms of menopause experienced by women are always tiring and hard, including for the women that experience it naturally.

PCT Related Article: SARMs for PCT (Post Cycle Therapy)?

The story is different from men, making it important for women to avoid such steroids. The SERM medications, like Arimidex and Nolvadex, are sometimes used to cure breast cancer. Therefore they have huge effects on the body of women. As a woman, you should not expose yourself to extremely harsh medications except for the need.

Which of The Post Cycle Therapies is Recommended for Women?

The HPTA and HPGA are recommended for women wanting to take PCT. The HPTA is known as the hypothalamic pituitary testicular axis, and the effect is mostly on the brain, assisting the endocrine system for testosterone (male hormone) production control. The way your body will react to the treatment will be depended on the following:

  • Personal Characteristics
  • The anabolic-androgen steroids used
  • The lasting period of your cycle


This day, there are several recommended PCT for women you can find online, but you should avoid listening to all of them. Most treatments online are made only for male users, but the writers do not indicate that for the readers.

Therefore, you need to search for the dangerous effect of some female PCT (Post Cycle Therapy) on the organism and ensure that you consult your doctor before selecting the therapy you want to use as a woman.


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  • This article is written as if it were originally in English then translated into Japanese and then back into English. Soooooooo bad!

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