Primobolan is a mild steroid with great anabolic properties and moderate androgenic effects. It is one of few steroids that comes in both oral and injection forms. Primobolan or also called Primo for short is the brand name of oral steroid methenolone-acetate, while Primobolan Depot is the trade name of injectable methenolone-enanthate. Primo is an ester derivative of Masteron, but its anabolic and androgenic effects are stronger than in case of Masteron. Since Primo Depot has a long Ethanate ester attached to it, the length of steroid cycle has to be longer than with Masteron. And this means additional costs.
This is why the number of steroids users disappointed of Primo benefits are quite large, since not everybody may afford to spend 500 $ for a 12 weeks cycle. Primo is a great choice for beginner steroid users or even for more experienced. It doesn’t aromatize into estrogen, thus no estrogen related side effects would occur. So, such side effects as gyno, water retention, acne will not be present in the case of Primo use.
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Primo is especially used for cutting purpose, but due to its anabolic and nitrogen properties, a slow but steady and quality muscle gains will be seen. Also, with Primo, you keep muscle mass gained over steroid cycle. This is because during the cycle you gain quality muscle mass and not fat which is favored by water retention.
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That's why the weekly dose of Primo Depot should be higher than 400 mg per week. Overwise, no results would be seen and you just lose your money. Primo Depot has a short half-life, about 5 days. That’s why a weekly dose of 400 mg have to be divided into two or even three injections.
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There are many people who prefer an oral form of Primo over injections. There are many reasons for this, but the most common is that people fear needless. Also, Primo unlike to other oral steroids is not a 17-alkylated, which means it doesn’t damage your liver. But, it is much less potent than injectable one.
That’s why in the case of oral form administration the daily dosage should be higher, at least 100 mg per day. While 200-300 mg per day is considered to provide with great results. Daily dosage has to be split into two or even three intakes over the day.
Primo tabs are hard to find and quite pricey since they have to take in higher doses than the primo depot. So, Since Primo is a weak anabolic steroid an 8 weeks cycle is minimum you can go for, or the best would be to take it for 12 weeks for prominent results. Primo is that anabolic steroid that provides with lean muscle mass and effectively burns fat if it is used in enough dosage for a long time.
The rule of using anabolic steroid says to stack oral steroids with injectable and mild ones with strong. Since Primo is a mild steroid, the best is to stack it with stronger anabolics. If your main goal is bulking, then adding to Primo Depot oral steroids like Dianabol is a good choice. For cutting purpose, add to your Primo cycle trenbolone acetate or Winstrol (stanozolol).
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Even Primo is considered do not suppress natural testosterone production, this is not exactly true. That’s why adding testosterone to your Primo cycle is a wise choice, as in case of all other steroid cycles.
Along with Anavar or Winstrol, Primo is a good choice for women looking to improve their physique. Despite both forms of primo can be used by women, injectable primo is proved to give better results than tabs. Primo usually has no virilization side effects, and even they occur they are always dosage related. However, every woman during the cycle has to monitor their body, and cease Primo use once any unwanted side effect occurs. By simply ending up the steroids intake, you give the body the chance to heal.
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Generally, women respond well to a dosage of 50-100 mg of primo per week. Such a dosage is considered safe, while results are obvious. If you are going to use Primo for the first time, the best advice is to start with lower dosages for all stacked steroids. This will allow you to check body reaction, and with time safely increase the dose for greater results.
Regarding the stacks, primo can be successfully mixed with Winstrol and Oxandrolone. Such a combination would greatly burn fat while adding few but high-quality muscle mass. Women Primo cycles need to have a 4-6 weeks length. This will prevent virilization side effects, while there will obvious muscle mass gains.
Primobolan doesn’t aromatize into estrogen, thus such side effects as gyno, water retention, acne are not a concern. However, if you are not sure about this, add to your PCT Nolvadex or Clomid. Primo tabs are also safe to use as it is not a 17-alkylated, thus it doesn’t cause liver toxicity as almost all oral anabolic steroids do.
However, there is one drawback Primo carries on- hair loss. Primo is a DHT based steroids, but this doesn’t mean that it may bald at all. The truth is people prone to baldness just worsen the situation by taking Primo. So, you will blad anyway, but Primo use to speed up this process.
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Summarizing the above can be said, that Primo is a safe steroid with good anabolic effect. It is perfect for beginner steroid users looking for muscle definition. Primo proved to burn fat effectively while providing with slow but high-quality muscle gains. It has no estrogenic side effects, and primo tabs don’t damage the liver.
Primo can be successfully used by women too, in a dosage of 50-100 mg per week, with no virilization side effects. The recommended dosage for men is minimum 400 mg per week of the primo depot or 100mgs-200 mg primo tabs per day.
Since Primo is a weak steroid, it has to be stacked with one or more powerful anabolics like Trenbolone acetate or Winstrol (stanozolol), or Dianabol. If you think about going with Primo than you should know it is a pricey steroid. To see results of Primo use, you have to take it in high dosage for the long time (8-12 weeks). And this may cost you even 500 $ for a 12 weeks cycle.
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