Categories: SteroidsSupplements

RAD 140 – One The Best Selective Androgen Receptor Modulators

          Entering the world of bodybuilding and trying to work out which supplements to take can be easily overwhelming. When one walks into the store, the shelves are lined with promises of bulk and beauty. But where does one even start?

Knowing The Facts:

The best possible place to begin is before one even decides on which brand they are going to use. Whether it is a SARM based supplement or a SERM based supplement with Ostarine or RAD-140 - it is important to know the facts.

You need to know that the supplement you are considering does, and how it works. You also need to consider the outcome you are hoping for, and any possible side effects you may encounter along the way. Taking steroids and steroid stacking can carry heavy consequences depending on volumes taken and frequency of usage.

What is RAD-140 SARM?

To explain the worthwhile use of RAD-140 as opposed to any other steroid, one does need to have a full understanding of the terminology involved:

Agonist – an agonist is a molecule which can enable a receptor. Depending on the strength of the agonist, will determine the effect it can have on a molecule.

Modulator – a type of agonist, but it enables to receptor and molecule to bind to each other. The receptor can cause different reactions in different tissues. This is helpful especially if you want to bulk up in some areas, and not alter the tissue in more sensitive areas like the larynx, scalp lining or even a prostate and a liver.

It basically means that when it comes to Anabolic Steroids, you want to use a product that is not going to have the same general effect all over your body. You want it to work where it needs to, and not in places that it does not need to.

For example, we inject testosterone to cause an androgenic effect in certain tissues but do not want it to cause an androgenic effect in all tissues like your prostate. Ideally, the ratio of Anabolic Steroids to Androgenic should be 20:1.

Certain Products Differ:

- Norbolethone 16:1

- Oxandrolone 12:1

- Norethandrolone 16:1

What's the RAD-140 Ratio?

RAD-140 has a ratio of 90:1 which is visibly different from Oxandrolone, Norbolethone, and Norethandrolone. RAD-140 is also one of the many magical steroids that are powerful enough to limit the androgenic effect of testosterone on the prostate and other unwanted areas.

Read More: What are SARMs (Selective Androgen Receptor Modulators) ?

There are still certain avenues that need to be researched in terms of the effect on the body, especially for the female sex. Synthetic Anabolic Steroids can have a nasty effect on the larynx and consequently the voice of a woman, as well as the scalp lining.

RAD-140 still has yet to demonstrate its effectiveness in these areas, but the outcome could be completely different to that of synthetic Anabolic Steroids. For men, overall it can be quite useful when stacking because it does not affect the prostate.

Side Effects of RAD 140 SARM:

Researches didn't find yet any side effects caused by RAD 140 SARM use. However, show maximum caution to dosage. Click here to read the US National Center for Biotechnology Information research on RAD 140.

Dosage For RAD 140 SARM:

The recommended dosage of this selective androgen receptor modulator range between 0.3, 3 and 30 milligrams daily. This works great for increasing lean muscle mass and keeps you safe. Any dosage higher than this increases the chances of facing health problems.

Bottom Line:

At the end of the day, one does need to choose a steroid stack that suits you. There are products that are more effective than others, and as technology develops, products are improved. There is always research being done and new information being provided.

If you do decide to try out a new product, it is always worthwhile to keep a listen out to any changes in the product claims or in any new symptoms that may have been discovered. Overall, a product is ready when it is put on the shelf, but keeping up to date can only be beneficial.


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