
Steroids during the lock down – side effects with no real workout.


           Steroids have, in recent years, become common among sportspeople. Although some are used to treat some illnesses, most are used at least illegally in some countries to help improve performance and muscle mass. The steroids used to fall in the category called anabolic androgenic steroids (AAS) because they are derivatives of the androgen testosterone hormone. Testosterone in the body ensures that muscles are strong and is responsible for male sexual characteristics. The steroids can imitate the naturally produced testosterone, and this is why they are used.

            As derivatives of hormones, they can have adverse effects on the user's body, especially if one takes them without working out. Working out is becoming difficult at this time when the world is practically shut down due to the Covid-19 pandemic. It is, therefore of great importance that we review how the common Anabolic Androgenic Steroids can affect one during this period.

Types of Anabolic Androgenic Steroids

              Before looking at the specific types of these steroids, let us try to categorize them. AAS are so many and so far, up to about 30 types are on the market. Some are still used for purely medicinal purposes for example, the steroid Nebido. Others cut across the two, sometimes used for medicinal purposes and for enhancing sporting performance. Such a steroid include Anadrol. Then there is a category purely used for enhancing performance for example, the steroid Anadur that lacks any medicinal value. Steroids can also be classified based on what they are intended to achieve in the body, for example:

  • Bulking steroids.
  • Steroids for enhancing performance.
  • Cutting steroids.
  • Steroids for healing and recovery.
  • Steroids for enhancing metabolism.

          Still, we can classify steroids based on the form in which they taken into the body, that is

  • Oral steroids.
  • Injectable steroids.
  • Implants.
  • Steroids that are applied on the skin as gels.

 Common Androgenic Anabolic Steroids

1 Fluoxymesterone (Halotestin)

           Fluoxymesterone is an oral steroid with some medicinal value, which is important in treating conditions such as low testosterone levels in males. It is solid under different trade names, the common of which is Halotestin.

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  • It is a white crystalline powder
  • Odorless
  • Melting point is about 240 degrees Celsius
  • Insoluble in water
  • Each tablet contains about 2, 5 or sometimes 10 mg of the fluoxymesterone
  • Other ingredients include calcium stearate, sucrose and targacanth among others



  • Massive gains of muscle mass are hard to come buy.
  • Has a high degree of hepatic toxicity in high doses.
  • Exposure to heart problems, and mood swings.
  • Can lead to withdrawal symptoms.
  • Hair losses and changes in skin color.
  • Virilization in women for example their voices deepen.

Must read:: Bodybuilding and Hair Loss

Why to buy Halotestin?

          Despite the many side effects that you may be exposed when you use the steroid, it has something good you can benefit from if you use it according to how a specialist prefers. It is particularly important when it comes to cutting, helping you burn sufficient amount of fats. However, you can always get alternative provided that this steroid is in most cases illegal.

2 Boldenone undecylenate (Equipoise)

          Equipoise is an injectable steroid that goes by many names, including Ganabol and Ultragan. It has been compared to Dianabol only that it lasts longer. It has a long history, first having been used in veterinary medicine in racehorses as a supplement to improve their appetite and help build their muscles.

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  • Suspended in oil since it is soluble in it.
  • It differs from testosterone in having a double bond hence not aromatized.


  • Good bulking effect.
  • Water retention is minimal.
  • Capacity to boost athletic performance.
  • Capacity to boost muscle strength.
  • Promotes fat loss.


  • Some water is retained hence elevated blood pressure and acne.
  • Damage to some organs such as the liver and kidneys

Why you should buy Equipoise?

        Equipoise is a common AAS that when used appropriately will give very good results in terms of bulking and cutting as well as improving athletic performance. It can even produce better results when used among other steroids that you may have. Equipoise can come in strongly as an alternative to testosterone simply because the testosterone incorporated in it does not get aromatized easily hence minimizing the side effects of estrogen.

3 Mesterolone (Proviron)

             Mesterolone is an interesting anabolic androgenic steroid, the first to be released to the market in 1934. The steroid is important and in the treatment of low levels of testosterone but serve an important function in enhancing muscle mass. It works mainly by inhibiting estrogen production and increasing testosterone potency.

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  • Less anabolic capacity
  • Low androgen potency
  • Cannot be aromatized to estrogen
  • Derived from the hormone Dihydrotestosterone
  • Has less effect on gonadotropin hormones
  • Has high affinity for the Sex Hormone binding globulin(SHBG)


  • Important in treatment of anemia and testosterone deficiency
  • Important in treating fertility in men with low sperm count
  • Used for enhancing performance for body builders


  • Development of unwanted acne
  • Not recommended for women who want to burn fat and or enhance performance
  • Increased hair loss
  • High blood pressure together with kidney and liver problems
  • High doses may cause dysuria and enlargement of the prostate gland

Why you should buy Mesterolone?

             Mesterolone is good when it comes to giving people a hardening effect. Its inability to be converted to estrogen helps largely to ensure that there is low water retention. It also boosts the naturally produced testosterone and if one has low levels, then it is a good steroid that you can buy.

4 Methandienone (Dianabol)

         Dianabol is a popular oral and sometimes injectable steroid. It has come a long way into become a popular steroid since its introduction into the market around 1955. It is one AAS that is more inclined towards enhancing performance although it may have therapeutic uses.

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  • Derived for testosterone and modified to reduce androgenic properties.
  • It has anabolic effects.
  • Works great when combined with other anabolic steroids.


  • Developed solely to enhance performance.
  • Has therapeutic uses for example in treatment of hypogonadism.


  • Toxic to the liver leading to liver problems.
  • May suppress the natural production of testosterone.
  • Has some estrogenic effects such as increased water retention.
  • Hair loss and acne are also common.

Must read:: How to protect LIVER during steroid cycle

Why you should buy this steroid?

           Dianabol works faster and more effectively, producing visible effects within a concise time, usually about 2 weeks. It is a great steroid that increases the mass of your muscle, your energy and even speed. When used during the bulking cycle, it quickly gives you the mass you want and this is why you should buy this steroid during this time.

5 Anavar (Oxandrolone)

          This is an orally taken anabolic androgenic steroid that was first described in 1962. It is best known for its weak androgenic effects and has previously been used to treat muscle wasting disorders and other related conditions. It currently has many therapeutic uses including in people with burns but body builders also take advantage of its effects.

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  • Derived from dihydrotestosterone hence has anabolic effects
  • Strong anabolic effects compared to testosterone
  • Less androgenic potency compared to other similar AAS
  • Kidney is responsible for majority of its metabolism with the liver taking a small part
  • Has effects on increasing RBC production


  • Helps in weight gain in cases of surgery or burns
  • Helps patients with weight loss to regain weight without much effects
  • Reduce body fat especially in the abdomen and viscera
  • Women can comfortable use the steroid without much side effects


  • Hair loss is common due to androgenic effects
  • Can increase low density cholesterol in the body
  • Women can experience virilization with development of male feature such as a course voice
  • Growth of children may be suppressed
  • Gynecomastia may occur in males and dysuria.

Why you should buy this steroid?

           Anavar is particularly important when producing solid muscle, not lean muscles, like most other common steroids. It also burns fats at a higher rate and has great effects on enhancing metabolic activities of the body. Aside from its body enhancement properties, it has essential therapeutic uses that can be of help if used. This is makes it the best steroids to buy and use of course in appropriate dosages.

6 Deca Durabolin (Nandrolone Deanoate steroid)?

          Deca Durabolin is also an anabolic androgenic steroid whose major intake is via muscle injection. It has found major uses among those who want to enhance performance and build their muscles but has therapeutic effects as well where it is of use in AIDS patients, helping them in wait-related diseases and anemia.

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  • The steroid is mostly a white crystalline powder.
  • It is insoluble in water but soluble in acetone and alcohol.
  • More anabolic effects compared to testosterone.
  • Low levels of estrogen activity.
  • Has effects on protein synthesis and in production of IGF.
  • Leads to nitrogen reduction in muscles.


  • Important in people with low testosterone levels.
  • Improves muscle growth as well as the strength.
  • Treatment of anemia and kidney diseases.
  • Used in enhancing performance and physique by athletes.


  • Can lead to problems with erectile functioning and libido.
  • Suppressing the production of testosterone.
  • Estrogenic effects such as gynecomastia.
  • Androgenic effects such as hair loss and acne are common.
  • Virilization may occur in females.

Why you should buy Deca Durabolin?

          For bodybuilders and athletes, these steroids s worthy buying. It produces desirable effects especially in the joints and their connective tissues, helping to increase strength. This helps in making someone endure exercise for a long time. Its therapeutic effects cannot also be left out; when needed, they can be of great use.

7 Anadrol (Oxymetholone Steroid)

          Since its formulation in 1959, Anadrol has developed to be among the strongest anabolic steroids to be used for several reasons. It is manufactured from Oxymetholone and was initially used therapeutically for the treatment of Anemia. Non-therapeutically, it has found its way into people who want to improve their appetite, RBCs, and strength.

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  • It is a Dihydrotestosterone derivative.
  • It is taken orally.
  • Has anti-estrogenic effects.
  • Its major effect is muscle growth.
  • Highly toxic to the liver.


  • It has many therapeutic uses such as in the treatment of osteoporosis and muscle wasting syndrome in AIDS patients.
  • Useful in helping gain body weight and muscle mass.
  • It enhances performance and improves the physique.
  • Improves the strength of athletes.


  • High blood pressure to people with pre-existing medical conditions.
  • Estrogenic effects, especially Gynecomastia, is common.
  • Androgenic effects such as acne and male pattern of hair loss.
  • Liver toxicity and development of tumors is common.
  • Dyspnea, problems with libido and mood swings are common.

Why you should buy this Anadrol?

           Anadrol is beneficial to athletes who intend to ensure that their strength is highly boosted. This is because the steroid has mass building capacity through its effects on protein synthesis. This is very noticeable when combined with other steroids. If one is on a well-balanced diet, then Anadrol greatly ensures that they gain weight drastically. It is, therefore a good steroid to try out during this lockdown period.

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8 Trenbolone Steroid

           Trenbolone is an AAS mainly used in veterinary practice as a drug. An injectable steroid serves to increase appetite and improve muscle growth in livestock. It has existed since 1963 and clinical trials were first done on human beings. It has been common among athletes particularly around 1980, where it used to be illegally exported from European countries.

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  • Has both strong androgenic and anabolic effects.
  • Causes an increase in ammonium ion uptake into muscles when metabolized.
  • More powerful than testosterone.
  • Has no water retention capacity.
  • Has effects on RBC production.
  • Suppresses glucocorticoid production.


  • Promotes fast growth in cattle.
  • It enhances performances among athletes.
  • Useful in helping gain muscle mass.
  • Can be used in humans to treat some disease conditions such as anemia.


  • It has androgenic effects that cause virilization in females.
  • Exposure to cardiovascular disease conditions such as increased blood pressure.
  • Can cause tren cough effects and sometimes respiratory distress syndrome.
  • Progestronic effects are also seen leading to gynecomastia.

Why you should buy this steroid?

         Trenbolone is an advantageous steroid to athletes and is worth buying. It affects mainly lie on blood vessels, hardness, density and dryness. It will enhance your strength and help you burn sufficient amounts of fats.

9 Winstrol (Stanozolol Steroid)

        Stanozolol is an anabolic androgenic steroid closely resembling testosterone and is marketed mostly as Winstrol. It first appeared on the market in 1962 and currently has many therapeutic properties.

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  • It is a derivative of dihydrotestosterone.
  • It is available as an oral tablet steroid.
  • Has high degree of bioavailability.
  • Has effects on protein synthesis and RBC synthesis.


  • Important in the treatment of edema and anemia.
  • In veterinary practice, it is useful for giving appetite to livestock and enhancing their muscle growth.
  • Improves strength in athletes and even speed.
  • Reduces body fat.
  • Women can use it without major side effects.


  • Swelling, vomiting and nausea are common side effects
  • Can lead to testicular atrophy and an increase in size of the prostate
  • Heart attacks and liver problems are common especially in males

Why you should buy Winstrol?

          Winstroll is important to you if you want to enhance your performance. It increases strength without necessarily increasing weight, which is what some sports people like it.

10 Testosterone Cypionate

           This injectable steroid has therapeutic use as a treatment for hypogonadism. Its use dates back as early as 1951 and has be sold under several different trade names including Depovirn and Duratest.


  • Is a derivative of testosterone
  • Strong androgenic effects and a moderate anabolic effect
  • Low clearance rate compared to testosterone
  • It is white crystalline powder


  • Important treatment of hypogonadism
  • Important in body building and enhancing performance


  • Gynecomastia and erectile problems are common in high dosage
  • Cardiovascular problems are common
  • Problems with libido, and sometimes depression
  • Injection needles

Why you should buy this steroid?

        Testosterone cypionate helps men with low testosterone level hence is a very important steroid. Testosterone has an important role in the body and therefore its deficiency may cause serious problems. The steroid proves to be important in bodybuilding due to these effects.

11 Testosterone Propionate

          Testosterone propionate is a slow releasing anabolic steroid owing to its short ester.

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  • Has a shorter half-life compared to other similar steroids.
  • Derived for testosterone.
  • Administered through intramuscular injection.
  • Works by inhibiting secretion of gonadotropin from the pituitary gland.


  • It is an important drug in veterinary practice.
  • Less side effects compared to other steroids.
  • Helps greatly in increasing muscle mass.
  • Improves performance.
  • Great when it comes to cutting.


  • Injections predisposes people to infections.
  • Androgenic effects such as hair loss and acne are common.
  • Reduced libido and emotional problems.

Why you should buy this steroid?

          The positive effects on the body including enhancing athletic performance and helping build body mass are some of the reasons why this steroid is worth buying and tying out during the lock down. Its low side effects are also an important consideration as to why you should buy testosterone propionate.

12 Mibolerone

             Mibolerone is an anabolic steroid that is best known for its high affinity for androgen receptors.

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  • Has both androgenic and progestagenic effects
  • It is orally administered


  • Important veterinary drug
  • Important in body building when used in correct dosage


  • Leads to liver damage and hypertension
  • Acne and insomnia are a common occurrence
  • Virilization in females and abnormalities in menstruation

Why you should buy this steroid?

        When used in correct amounts accompanied by the required exercise and diet, Mibolerone has an important effect on building the body and ensuring that you have the required stamina during a vigorous activity.

Steroids and the #lockdown

           With the lock down, using steroids is likely to bring unwanted side effects, first because access to places of work out may be restricted and secondly because even getting the steroids might be a problem. Let us look at the side effects of steroids under these two situations:

  • Restricted workouts

With reduced workout, there are several side effects that could occur with use of steroids. These include:

  • There is likely to be cardiac problems, a common side effect of steroids with no real workout.
  • Hepatic problems that may include liver damage and growth of tumors.
  • Loss of bone and sometimes occurrences of osteoporosis due interference of calcium metabolism.
  • Stunted growth in adolescents who use them.
  • Gynecomastia and sterility may occur in males.
  • Problems with menstruation and deepening of voice occurs in females.
  • Addiction and emotional disorders develop.
  • Development of psychiatric symptoms such as impaired judgment and paranoia.
  • Infections as a result of sharing needles and even poisoning.
  • Withdrawal

        With the lockdown, you may not get access to the steroids and as a result, withdrawal symptoms may set in. most steroids leads to these symptoms when one fails to use them. The symptoms include:

  • One experiences fatigue.
  • Depression and insomnia are also common withdrawal problems.
  • Reduced libido and unexpected mood swings.


           Most of these steroids are illegal especially when used in sports settings. Therefore, sometimes they are not of the right quality and one may get doses that are not required. One should always be careful where they are securing the steroids and the quality. As long as you have a trusted supplier, you can comfortably use them in the right dosage. Do the necessary in order not to experience the side effects. With the lockdown, it is also good that you access information that might help avoid experiencing the side effects in such situations.


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