Taking steroids is not as simple as it may seem at first glance. It’s not just about simply ingesting pills or injecting something and after a while. You can enjoy big muscles on your body. You are far from reality if you think this way. Anabolic steroid is a huge subject to be analyzed and known in depth. It’s not only about proper dosage and mixing. Also how to come off steroids naturally correctly to avoid damaging your health and losing the made gains. This is namely the toughest part and only those with a large knowledge of steroid subject manage to keep on so hard gained muscle mass.
If there are many mistakes you can make while being on steroids, the one that will be left with big problems is to suddenly stop taking steroids. Regardless of reasons, this is the last action to take if your health and gains are important for you.
It depends on how long you were on steroids and dosage used. When supplementing with steroids, large amounts of synthetic testosterone enter the body suppressing the production of natural one. Bodygetst accustomed to such big level of testosterone and when the use is discontinued suddenly it has a shock and a number of complications arise.
The longer the time you were on steroids, the harder is fora body to remember its functions once steroid use is finished. The frame time when no artificial steroids enter the body while the natural hormones are not produced yet. This is the worst time for it and might leads to low testosterone diseases.
As you know testosterone is the hormone which causes muscles to grow. The higher is it level in the body the more muscles are built. In case of normal cycles, PCT is required to help body normalize and begin to produce its own testosterone to support the muscle mass.
MUST READ: What is PCT and Why It’s so Important in Steroid Cycles
By discontinuing use of steroids suddenly you not only put your health at risk but also have big chances to lose all your gains reducing to zero steroid cycle benefits on your body.
When cycle is finished you are encouraged to provide your body with Selective Estrogen Receptor Modulator like Clomid or Nolvadex. This SERM will stimulate the pituitary to release more Luteinizing Hormone (LH) and Follicle Stimulating Hormone (FSH) which in-turn stimulates the testicles to produce more testosterone.
There is no need for using both of them. Choose one that you fit you more since both of them provide the same results, as you see. Switch during different cycles to one or other to see the differences and pick up the one you are most happy with.
Another addition can be Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (hCG) which stimulate natural testosterone through an LH mimicking effect. HCG use is not always needed. It uses or not should be carefully analyzed as it may cause more harm than good when used for a long time.
Time is needed for hormone level to get back to normal. Taking Nolvadex or Clomid will just ensure that body has enough testosterone. To function while its level will continue to grow. PCT promotes faster recovery and this is indeed very important.
No aromatase inhibitors such as Letrozole, Arimidex, Aromasin are recommended for use during PCT because they lower the level of estrogen level. Take them during steroid cycle of it’s the case.
Stopping Anabolic Steroid Use mid cycle use suddenly is the biggest disservice you can do yourself. Whatever is the reason for this, try to finish the cycle slowly following a PCT. It’s better do not get involved in steroids use at all. Thus, if you are not sure you will be able to finish the cycle as recommended.
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iam a beginer on steroids can i take steroids
can i start my first steroid cycle and if i stop my first steroid cycle and continue to my normal life cycle what will happen
will i lose all my muscle gain...
With right diet and proper exercises you will maintain almost all of your gains.
Tell me more about yourself so that i could recommend you a nice beginner cycle and PCT. ABout diet there is plenty of information online, where you can learn from .
I started taking D-Bal from CrazyBulk about a week and a half ago. The bottle comes with 90 capsules and you take 3 a day, not at one time.
Anyway, yesterday, Feb 3rd, I had a party to go to and I decided not to take any the entire day. So once night time hit and I was at the party....I started getting really fidgety and I couldn't focus...it was incredibly difficult making eye contact.
I had to wear shades which didn't do much good so I had to leave before they began to think I was on hard drugs like Meth, Cocaine, or something.
However, when I do take the pills, I get really hyper, like ADHD hyper and I'm a nervous nelly in public. Feels like intense anxiety so I'm wondering since I'm still in the early stages of my cycle, will my body eventually get use to the pills to where I'm less hyper or have less anxiety problems?
I ask this because I'm already a shy and nervous person while in public so I'm wondering will my body eventually get use to the pills and not add to my nervousness? Thanks for your responses.