Categories: SteroidsSteroids Q/A

Should Testosterone Always Be Used As The Base of a Steroid Cycle?

          If you ask any steroid user, especially one looking to build up muscle mass in the body, he will recommend Testosterone to you as he has been doing. Nearly all anabolic steroid users would bet on Testosterone as providing the best base for a steroid cycle. They have got their reasons, and in many cases. It is the only hormone that would produce the desired effects but should you use it as the base of every steroid cycle?

          Personal preferences can easily modify the answer to this, but if you are concerned with the possibility. Then no, it is not a necessity, nor is it an unbendable rule to include Testosterone in every steroid cycle. However, the fact remains that Testosterone has the highest ratings when it comes to absorption. Tolerance is naturally found in the body as well.

Must Read: What To Know About Testosterone

         Although side effects can and will come with a Testosterone based steroid cycle, we highly recommend it for first-time steroid users. Here are some reasons why experts recommend Testosterone as the base of all steroid cycles.

Tolerated Well Inside The Body:

          One of the top reasons you should use Testosterone as the base of a steroid cycle is that it has a better tolerance level than most other steroids. That is because the same hormone is in the body; therefore, the body can accept this compound more naturally than the others.

It Will Not Halt Your Testosterone Production:

           Testosterone will not completely stop the test production in the body. Most other synthetic formulas do so. So if you don’t want any permanent harm to your natural masculinity, then one should include the Test as a base for every cycle. Continuous use of other steroid compounds causes a diminishing sex drive.

Provides a Lot of Boosts:

          Simple administration of Tests can give you much horsepower if you compare it to other anabolic steroids. Because it goes well with your system, you can even take simple doses, giving you a lot of kick inside.

Stacks Well With Other Compounds:

           Testosterone can stack up well with other steroid compounds for those looking to build up or enhance their strength levels. They can stack up the steroids to get the effect you need, but every base of a steroid cycle can give added side effects when you couple it. The Test will show excellent levels of compatibility with other drugs.

Read More: Best Ways to Rehab After an Advanced Steroid Cycle

Can Be Used Alone:

           Testosterone has this unique ability to act separately without any pairing. That is why experts recommend it to the newbies as well. Those wanting to hook up on anabolic steroids do Testosterone and like the results. Just simple administration of Testosterone can pack them up with great power and strength.

Safer to Use:

           If you administer Testosterone in the proper dosage, it is safer than most other steroid drugs.

Testosterone Cycle:

         The one quality that almost all steroid users have attributed is that it is the number one component in building muscles and with that. It is also the compound that the body tolerates the most. And both these qualities make Testosterone the best base product. It works well with other compounds, and people can use it alone.

Must Read: 5 Best Steroid Cycles for Beginners

            In fact, before trying out even more complex compounds, beginners should go for a pure testosterone cycle. Then start stacking it up with steroids to see which other steroids can produce the sound effects.


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