Categories: Steroids

The Top 10 Safest Steroids

It’s no secret that steroids have gotten a bad rap over the years, plagued by scandals and professional athletes who decide to break the rules. But it’s hard to deny that steroids have a place in sports. While steroids may be illegal in most competitions, that doesn’t mean they aren’t safe to help you reach your bodybuilding goals.

There are plenty of steroids on the market that have been proven both safe and effective for use. Not only are they safe for you to use to build up your muscles, but they’re also often considered one of the best ways to help you amp up and repair your muscles for hardcore workouts.

Must Read: Cheapest and Safest Method of Cycling Steroids

However, even though we know they can be safe and helpful, it’s still very hard to figure out which ones are the safest for you to use. To help you find the treasure out of the trash, we’ve compiled a list of the top 10 safest steroids on the market.

The Top 10 Safest Steroids:

1) Testosterone:

Testosterone heads the list because of how readily it absorbs into the system. It is a natural compound to the system, so it should feel relatively normal in your body.


Related Article: Testosterone Conversion to Estrogen Speed

2) Primobolan:

Primobolan is considered a generally weak steroid, which makes it both safe and has a small chance for major side effects. Also, makes it a great starter for the beginner bodybuilder just getting his feet wet in the steroid world.

Related Article: Oral Primobolan Cycle – Safe Steroid Cycle

3) Anavar Safest Steroids:

Anavar is a go-to for the health-conscious bodybuilder who still wants the boost from steroids. It is very mild and has been shown to act very mildly on the organs.


It’s also been shown to have little effect on sex organs, making it a great choice for female athletes. Because it’s so mild, it easily builds up in the system and can eventually be taken at very high levels.

Related Article: Is Anavar Still the Best Remedy For Muscle Growth

4) Masteron:  

This steroid is a favorite among many top-level professional bodybuilders because it is unique among the top common steroids.

Because it’s used to treat breast cancer, you won’t have any worries about the body interpreting it as estrogen, and it is one of the only steroids not used medically for weight gain, so you also don’t need to worry about any sudden fat gain while you’re trying to gain muscle.

Related Article: Masteron vs. Equipoise – Which Is Better to Gain Muscle?

5) Deca-Durabolin Safest Steroids:

This steroid is highly effective at gaining muscle mass but should only be used by serious bodybuilders. Unlike most steroids, which need exercise only, this one will need a lot of food fuel to get this steroid up and running. But for athletes with the right diet, this will surely build incredible muscle mass.


Related Article: Deca Durabolin And Recovery Of Testosterone Production

6) Winstrol:    

Winstrol is safe when taken correctly- as an injectable, but will otherwise strain your liver. It has been placed on this list because it is considered safe for women.


Must read:: Winstrol Cycle- The Guide for Body Builders

7) Nandrolone:

Nandrolone can be a little tricky as to its effectiveness; it varies from each individual. However, nandrolone users report very few side effects, making it relatively safe to try.

Must read:: Nandrolone Decanoate

8) Omnadren:

This steroid is a mix of four different testosterone compounds. This makes Omnadren faster acting than most steroids, which is a huge advantage if you’re trying to bulk up fast.

9) Equipoise:

This is a very mild steroid that is most similar to testosterone. However, it isn't easy to use independently because it is so mild. Equipoise is also known to cause a huge appetite in its users, so don’t take it if you’re trying to diet or lose weight.

Related Article: Masteron vs. Equipoise – Which Is Better to Gain Muscle?

10) Trenbolone:

Trenbolone is listed last here because though it isn’t considered all that safe, it is known to be incredibly powerful. Because of its power, some athletes might look past possible side effects and give it a go.


When you’re looking into what steroid is right for you and your routine, you pay close attention to all possible side effects. Weigh the risks and determine which is worth it to achieve your ultimate fitness goals.

Related Article: An Eight-Week Steroid Cycle with Trenbolone and Dianabol

F Kyle

The "GYMRAT" of this blog, Pro-blogger and Fitness Instructor since 2008

View Comments

  • Its realy help full in my country ...

    We have no idea what is this stuf thank u brother

    May god blass u.

    • Overall methandienone (dianabol) is safe, with small side effects like water retention. You can take 40mg dbol daily for 6-8 weeks. But you will need to take proviron and tamoxifen tabs after the cycle. To not harm your natural test production. Dbol can give you mass and power. But still its a steroids and you must take it very carefully.

  • hey sir i am a beginner pls suggest me that which steroid is best for me to gain gud musle

    • Ramanjot - you can start with Test enanthate only for 12 weeks. Take 250-500mg a week. 1ml usually have 250mg of Testosterone in it.
      If you need more help write me in private.

  • Hi there...hey I made a cycle first time and didn't keep it right with the right diet but I still have nice result I use trembolone and anadrol but Im training better now and I was thinking WTS good for me to get good results get big and cut please help lol

    • Why not starting a Testosterone enanthate only cycle for 10-12 weeks? Takew 500mg a week, in 2 shots. You can add in this cycle Boldenone , 1ml or 200mg boldenone per week .
      You have to take arimidex 1mg during the cycle and in the last week of the cycle start taking tamoxifen for 2-3 weeks, 20mg daily. If you want you can add HCG to the cycle too . it will help keep your balls healthy. Read here our ebook about "My First Cycle"

  • Hi F Kyle

    i am a beginner in this area and i would like to take steroid but i have some questions, i hope you can answer my questions.
    1. I weigh 72kg and am 25 years old, what did you recommend to me? which steroid I can take
    2. Is it Bad or dangerous if I take steroid?
    3. How long should I take steroid?
    4. After how many months you can see the result?

    Sorry for my language, I hope you understood me

    • Hi, CMOS - nice to meet you.

      here is a good beginner steroid cycle i could recommend :
      - Week 1 to 12: Testosterone enanthate @ 250 mg every
      3.5 days (500mg/week total)
      - Week 1 to 12: hCG @ 250 iu every 3.5 days (500
      iu/week total)
      - Week 1 to 14: Arimidex @ 0.25mg every other day
      (From day 2 up until PCT starts)

      After your last testosterone injection, you'll need to wait
      14 days to start PCT. This allows just enough time for the
      enanthate ester to clear your system so that you can start
      therapy. Remember to continue taking your AI during
      those 2 weeks. You can also choose to use Aromasin, the
      recommended dose is 25mg daily.
      Post Cycle Therapy should consist of both Tamoxifen
      (Nolvadex) and Clomiphene (Clomid). The combination is
      important as they work in synergy to help you recover.
      Running only one of them will hinder your chance of
      recovery some. Your PCT protocol for this cycle should
      look like the following:
      Clomid: 75/50/50/50 (milligrams) & Tamoxifen: 40/20/20/20 (milligrams)

      There are several things you need in order to run a
      successful cycle. You can't just buy your gear and hope
      for the best. Which unfortunately, is what the majority
      does when they first start. Not only do you need your
      choice of steroids, but you also need to have backup
      plans should you run into issues. Never ever plan on
      purchasing the rest "later". That's just poor planning and
      will do nothing but get you into trouble.
      Here is a list of things to budget for:
      1. Food (this is typically your biggest expense)
      2. Steroids
      3. Aromatase inhibitor
      4. Post Cycle Therapy drugs
      5. Gym Membership
      6. Accessories (syringes, alcohol wipes, etc...)
      7. Blood Work - 3 times
      8. hCG (if you're smart)

      Your budget, especially if bulking, will consist mostly of
      food. If you do it right, you'll end up spending more on
      good food than you would on your gear. Next is steroids,
      once you've decided on your cycle, do as much research
      as possible.

      Blood work you need (at minimum):
      1. Testosterone, Total
      2. Testosterone, Free
      3. Sensitive E2 Assay (Not basic estradiol, that's for
      4. CBC (Compete blood count)
      5. CMP (Comprehensive metabolic panel)
      6. Lipid Profile (post cycle is fine)
      7. LH and FSH (pre-cycle and post PCT)

      Here is your blood work timing:

      Pre-Cycle blood work: 2 weeks prior to cycle.
      Mid-Cycle blood work: 7 to 8 weeks into a 12 week cycle.
      Or 5 weeks into an 8 weeker.
      Post-Cycle blood work: 6 weeks after PCT.

  • Hi I have a question , I'm a bodybuilder and I'm thinking about starting a cycle of deca for 10 weeks only
    Is it safe ? I mean i suffer of a skin allergy i was wondering if it had any effect ?
    Taking 200 mg a week is it okay ?
    Thank you

    • Hi James nice to meet you.
      Horrible idea for the deca only cycle bro, and to be straight to the point - your penis will stop working! go with testosterone Enanthate or Cypionate at 500-600 mg per week for 12 weeks. in 2 shots per week [ 250mg per shot ] .

      Followed by a clomid PCT of 50mg per day x 4 weeks

  • Hi!
    Thank you for your page, its really helpful! I was the guy who always wanted to stay natural, until i got to the point, where i cannot grow anymore. I havent seen any peptides on your list, and i was thinking about hgh, what is your opinion about it?

  • Thanks for your answer!
    And what do you think about the other peptides? To be honest im trying to find the stuff that has the lowest impact on my body while still get some results (more than in a natural state).

  • I'm 35, 6' and 210 lbs. started really training at 25 weighing 158lbs. I'll be honest my diet has only ever been great for a short time. I understand the importance of proper nutrition. I've always loved being a natural athlete but I'm 35 now and It's time to consider some alternatives. I'm looking to get in the best shape of my life but I also have no plans on competing in bodybuilding. The gym will always be a part of my life. So if I choose to go this route I doubt there will ever be any turning back. My questions for you...what do you recommend for my first cycle? I'm not looking to get huge over time. And what do you recommend if I choose to continue to cycle in the future? I'm looking to get and maintain a solid aesthetic physique and grow gradually over time and stay as healthy as possible.

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