Categories: Steroids

Top 15 Most Trusted Steroid Manufacturers (Concentrex is #1) 2024

The booming steroid market has as many scammers as legitimate manufacturers and suppliers. That should sink deep if you’re a regular steroid user or a beginner. Steroids have long been demonized and blamed for various health complications people thought to use steroids experience. On the contrary, there are safe and beneficial steroids, but you need to do your homework well. Everything concerning steroids starts at the lab, and anyone can own a lab, whether legal or not. Find below the top of the most Trusted Steroid Manufacturers on the market.

Most Trusted Steroid Manufacturers

That puts manufacturers at the core of the steroid business. People have been duped before into buying counterfeit steroid products that are of little or no help to them. But if you’re very unlucky, you will not only find a product that does not only help you, but that harms your body. We have prepared a list of steroid manufacturers, which have proven legit and reliable through our in-depth analysis. There are more trusted manufacturers than those listed here, but you should seriously consider buying from our list because they have a clean record of integrity and transparency.

 1) Concentrex

Concentrex is an advanced and established anabolic steroid lab with many years of experience in the game. The manufacturer is number one on our list because of various factors. First, virtually all the company’s products are legal and medically approved globally. Secondly, Concentrex produces safe products that are free from harmful artificial additives. Lastly, the brand has consistently produced trusted steroids, thus building itself an unrivaled reputation over any other manufacturer. Concentrex is known for anabolic steroids such as Deca, Sustatrex, and Tren.

Related Article: Top 10 Legal Steroids Products And Brands On The Market

2) Para Pharma

Another respected steroid manufacturer, Big D Pharma, manufactures high-quality anabolic steroids with natural ingredients. If you’re looking for anabolic steroids for cutting the cycle and bulking, this company should be your first option.

Most importantly, they have been in business for years, so they know how to go about their thing and have maximum benefits to the user. Besides manufacturing and distributing anabolic steroids, Big D Pharma has assembled a team of professionals and experts to educate users about their products.

3) Hilma Biocare

This relatively new steroid manufacturer is slowly building a name thanks to its high-quality products, such as TREN-ACEBull100. Users with experience with the manufacturer-cum distributor have also cited a shorter delivery time. Bulldog’s return policy is also worth mentioning since all its products can be replaced within a few days after delivery.


4) Kalpa Pharmaceuticals

Kalpa Pharmaceuticals is another brand that has won the public’s trust thanks to its wide variety of quality asteroids. The company manufacturers, among other anabolic steroids:

  • Oxandroxyl
  • Turanaxyl
  • Testoxyl Propionate 100
  • Boldaxyl 300
  • Dianoxyl 10
  • Proviroxyl
  • Anavar

Kalpa produces its steroids in both injectable and oral forms. Most importantly, the company pays attention to the research and development of the product to ensure it is healthy and beneficial to the user.

Must Read: Are Legal Steroids Alternatives as Effective as Manufacturers Claim?

5)  Dragon Pharma

Dragon is a renowned pharmaceutical company based in Europe. However, its products have recently arrived in other parts of the world, including the US. The company manufactures anabolic steroids such as Sustanon 350, Trenbolone 100, and Propionat 100, among others. Dragon puts a lot of effort into their products' research and balancing aspect, which explains why it is quickly penetrating the highly competitive steroid market. The company’s steroid injectables are known to be painless due to the special oil it’s made with. It's also made and shipped out of China.


Faizer boasts of extensive high-quality Swiss services regarding their steroids. We have since established that the company has some of the purest, high-quality steroids in the market. This is due to the specialized knowledge of its team of experts, which also has many years of experience in steroid manufacturing. The company’s best-known product is Testosterone Enanthate 250. Most steroid users prefer buying from Faizer because they’re quality-conscious and design their products based on select therapeutic groups. Such priorities ensure their clients only get products that match their fitness needs.

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7) Balkan Pharmaceuticals

One of the leading manufacturers of Anapolon, Balkan Pharmaceuticals, also produces Oxandrolon, Danabol, and Primobol. The company typically delivers orders within 12 days. Additionally, the products are legit and pose no danger to the user’s health. Balkan has also been positively reviewed regarding on-site communication and overall customer service. Products ordered arrive in perfect condition, so you don’t have to worry about interferences while the product is in transit. Most importantly, Balkan sells its products in both retail and wholesale to various markets inside and outside Moldova.

8) Ultima Pharmaceuticals 

This manufacturer is renowned for manufacturing steroids such as TREN A, Sustanon 300, and Test P 100. Although the company’s activities have reduced significantly, it remains one of the most trusted and respected steroid manufacturers ever to hit the market. One thing that stands out about Optimal is its dedication to customer satisfaction. You will rarely find a negative review for the company among those who have tasted its steroid products.

9) Asia Pharma

Asia Pharma is a giant steroid manufacturer in the Asian continents, best known for drugs such as Cypiobolic, Durabolic, Aquabolic, Decabolic, and Turanabolic, among others. The lab's products are unique in yielding impressive results even when taken in small doses. In addition to producing safe products, Asia Pharma’s steroids are great for cutting cycles. You may not know that this lab is recognized by the World Health Organization thanks to its adherence to research-based manufacturing methods.

10) Axio Labs

Axio is a top manufacturer of anabolic steroids such as Decaplex 300, Testaplex C 200, and Trenaplex E 200, among others. Ethics and aesthetics are the company’s two principal pillars that guide its operations. Additionally, Axio conducts thorough research on its products to ensure safety. Most importantly, most steroids manufactured by the company are budget-friendly and come in the highest quality.

11) Sciroxx

         Pentadex 300 is the company’s top-rated product. Sciroxx also produces other anabolic steroids such as Nandrodex, Oxanodex, Halodex, and Oxydex. This company has received many positive reviews due to its steroid products' accurate dosing, purity, and legitimacy. Most importantly, steroids associated with the company have been found to give desired results within just five days of use.

12) Syntha Pharma

USP is one of the biggest Pharmaceutical companies in the US. The company manufactures popular anabolic steroids such as Testosterone Propionate 100, Anavar 10, Boldenone Undecylenate., and many more. With over 200 years of experience in drug manufacturing, USP has some of the best standards in the world. Most importantly, the company uses rigorous research and technology in its manufacturing activities. As such, it has built trust with other public, making it the ideal place to find high-quality, legal steroids.

13) Pharmacom

          Ever heard of Trenbolone Enanthate -  PharmaTren E ? Well, Lixus is the pharmaceutical company behind this highly potent anabolic steroid. Other steroids by Pharmacom include:

  • PharmaSust
  • Oxandrolos
  • PharmaTest C
  • PharmaTren A

Although Lixus does not usually sell directly from its website, we can confirm that the products sold by their affiliates are legit’. Furthermore, Lixus is an established brand with a clean record concerning the safety and quality of its steroid products.

14) Schering

Last but not least on our list is the veteran chemical company Bayer Schering. The company has over 40 years of experience manufacturing a range of drugs, including anabolic steroids, and known for steroid drugs such as Testoviron Depot, Primobolan S, and Primobolan Depot. According to various reviews, Schering has never delivered a bad batch to its customers. That speaks volumes about the quality of the products and the company’s integrity over the years. Most importantly, the company educates its users about the products they want to purchase and tells them how to identify fake drugs.


The steroid business is quite risky, from manufacturing to consumption. A lot could go wrong in any of the stages, and the consumer bears the biggest brunt. As such, one must do a thorough background check to determine whether the product they’re about to take is legit. The easiest way to get accurate information about a certain steroid is through the manufacturer.

As long as you’re dealing with an established brand like Concentrex, one of the Most Trusted Steroid Manufacturers, you have nothing to worry about concerning the legality and quality of the product.


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