Categories: Steroids

Top 8 Mistakes People Make With Steroids

             Steroids use is safe as long as you perfectly know what you are doing, what problems may occur and what results to expect. Unfortunately, not all those who go this way are totally aware of what steroids are about, the main concern is how big they will become after cycle end up.

            Such ignorance may cause a range of health problems, some of them having a catastrophic effect on your body. Today we gonna list the most common mistakes most of those who decide to enhance body performance through the use of drugs do and methods to prevent them.

1. Not Getting Enough Education About Steroids:

              With steroids, things are bit complicated than many other drugs. It is not enough to read the label and get a general image of how these steroids have to be administered to fully benefit you. There are many other details that have to be taken into consideration, and then you got a clearer picture.

Must Read: The Science of Steroids

           You need to know what certain types of steroids work for, how to mix them, which of them are for cutting, bulking or increasing them, or better saying, how to stack them to get one of these results. Before getting involved in steroid use, make sure you know all steroids use-related risks, how to handle them, what to take to minimize or to keep under control. There are no one aspects more important than other, all of them have to be taken seriously and analyzed in depth. Only so, you will be able to run an effective cycle without damaging your health.

2. Taking Steroids too Early:

               The use of steroids among young people is a real problem and this trend seems to stay linearly with every year.  Resorting to steroids to improve body shape has not to occur earlier than 21-22 years old. Until this age, young body is a developing stage, when natural testosterone level is high, being no need for elevating it artificially.

              The usage of steroids at young ages can cause an irreversible side effect, like impotence and also have the bad influence on mental health. Therefore, NO steroids allowed until body reach mature and development are over.

3. Being no Physically Prepared for Begging Steroids Usage:

           You have to be in a good athletic mood to be able to get best results from steroid use. Anabolics potentiates the muscle building process when you have the right training foundations.

             In all other cases, the gains will disappear once the cycle is over and you just put yours at health risk in vain. So, you need a good physical preparedness. Not only for training hard in the gym, but also to manage to keep on the muscle mass gains made over cycling.

4. Taking Steroids For too Long Time:

              The safer are short steroid cycles, but these are the less effective. That’s why most of the bodybuilders go with longer cycles, up to 12 weeks. More than this, there are people who even don’t interrupt steroids consumption at all, making use of “bridging method” (off period are filled with mild steroid). The longer is the cycle the higher chances to damage your health, while the uninterrupted use of steroids has terrible effects on the liver and kidney.  

             Pay attention to side effects occurred over the cycling. They are telling you that your body is not ready to handle more steroids, and time is to stop taking them. The good news with steroids is that side effects disappear once the use is ceased.  

5. High Dosage Steroid Administration:

           Not all roids work on the principle “the more you take, the better the results”. Some of them do, but in all other cases, excessive use of steroids leads to health problems and not bigger muscle at all.

            Our body can only use a limited amount of testosterone so that everything comes beyond this limit is turned into estrogen. This means gyno, water retention or testicular shrinkage problems. Who want it? Nobody. So, use safe dosage and if altered with proper training and diet, the results will be more than impressive.

6. Poor Training:

             When being on steroids, muscles have to be stimulated at maximum. Working out using regular weights is not enough. Use heavier weights and increase the progressively. Work out intensely, push yourself over your limits and amazing gains in muscle mass will be achieved.

Must Read: Weight Training According To Your Body Type

7. Use High-Quality Steroids:

           Stay away of low-quality gears sold at a very low price. A high-quality product cannot be on sale for several dollars. Carefully choose the store you buy from and make sure they sell only genuine good quality gears. To find one, lookup for users review and don’t be shy to ask via email where the roids come from and who is the manufacturer. The more questions you have and get clear answers to them, the more reliable the steroid store is.

               Counterfeit steroids may be underdosed, contaminated, expired or even contain another gear than the one mentioned on the label. Check theand make sure the components and its percentage are clearly established and the expired date is visible. Measure twice and cut once and you will not be wrong.

Click on the Banner Below to get Best Steroids Legally:

8. Poor Die:

             A high in calories and proteins and low-fat diet have to be followed when being on steroids. A deficit diet will not support the heavy training you are performing to build muscle mass. Make sure you eat right, healthy food spread in 5-6 meals throughout the day.

             You can be safe while taking steroids if you have in mind the mentioned mistakes that everybody has to avoid. Please, don’t limit to only this information and find out more details on each of them. In our steroids rubrique on this blog, you will get precious insights about roid use in general and each aspect of cycling in particular.


Building muscle mass is what I like to talk about. If your aim is to build a solid body, then my posts would be very beneficial to you. I always want to know your opinion, so don't hesitate to drop a line below or contact me.

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  • Thank you for getting back to me that fast. I also have Anabolic 10mg that I can take as an oral , along with the HGH and the test cyp. Would adding this oral help me to gain the muscle mass any sooner then if I did not add that to what I am presently taking?

    • You can stack dianabol or the stronger oxymetholone tabs, but dont forget to buy Liv 52 and tamoxifen after each roid cycle

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