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Steroid Cycle Protocol : How Has Your Two-Week Protocol Changed?

It will take patience and time before you can proceed with anabolic steroids or change their steroid cycle protocol. It is common for bodybuilders to start using them from day one, but it seems even more common for them not to be able to train without steroids successfully. The longer you can wait, and then by using a consistent on/off cycle, you will see the desired results when bodybuilding.

What Are Steroid Cycles?

The term steroid cycle refers to a set of drugs and supplements that are typically used in combination for some time to achieve desired effects. The most common use for steroid cycles is bodybuilding, but they can be used for other purposes as well.

A steroid cycle is made up of three components: an anabolic, a testosterone booster, and an estrogen blocker. The anabolic component increases muscle mass, while the testosterone booster assists the development of male secondary sex characteristics.

The estrogen blocker stops the production of natural hormones that would otherwise counteract the effect of these two components and cause unwanted side effects such as gynecomastia or water retention. The goal of a steroid cycle is to create a hormonal environment that leads to greater muscle mass and strength than would be possible without steroids.

The anabolic component stimulates excessive protein synthesis, while the testosterone booster aims towards increasing lean body mass and reducing levels of sex hormone binding globulin (SHBG), which in turn facilitates more significant anabolic activity.

As with any supplementation, there are risks involved with relying on these compounds and side effects such as gynecomastia and suppression of natural testosterone production. When it comes to anabolic steroids, both dihydrotestosterone (DHT) and nandrolone are the two most popular drugs of choice.

These two compounds are the most versatile ingredients on the market due to their high potency, potency/doses, ease of administration, and mild side effects. As a doctor who cares for patients with hormone-sensitive cancers such as prostate cancer, I have had great success with combining DHT.

Change Steroid Cycle Protocol

Things have changed since ten years ago, including the two-week cycles. You have to be careful and protect yourself from gynecomastia. There was a time when Clomid or even Nolvadex was recommended since Anastrozole was not understood regarding the number of doses to be taken. When you take the wrong dosage, your estrogen levels will become too low.

Estrogen Control

When bodybuilding, you must be aware of your body and what is being produced adequately. For instance, if your estrogen is out of control, there is the risk of developing gynecomastia, and males will experience their breast tissue growing abnormally. Using an androgenic/anabolic steroid could cause some bloating in the body. To reduce the bloating, you could use an anti-estrogen.


Taking an anti-estrogen will do three things for you, with some being noticed quicker than others. It will do the following:

 Increase your sex drive
Aids in muscle growth
Lean body mass is supported

One thing to remember is that taking the anti-estrogen will block the aromatase enzyme. This is how testosterone is converted to estrogen. One of the most potent anabolics your body produces is testosterone. This hormone helps with any muscle-building the body is experiencing.

Steroid Cycle Protocol: Anastrozole

When using large amounts of steroids called aromatizing, or when one has a higher risk of getting gynecomastia. It has been known for achieving estrogen blockage. When taking Anastrozole, there is a risk of making your estrogen levels fall too low. To make sure you are taking the proper dosage, after using it for a week, get tested. It could be done either with blood or a salivary test.

It will only take a small amount of Arimidex each day to get the testosterone to a moderate level. When taking 0.5 mg each day, some bodybuilders have experienced that being too much and have had to reduce the dosage.


Letrozole is an aromatase inhibitor that is a third-generation type II and is used for estrogen control during bodybuilding. The medical field uses this for treating women with the following:

• Postmenopausal in women with positive estrogen receptors
• Postmenopausal in women with estrogen receptors that are unknown breast cancer

Before women can get letrozole prescribed, they must have a tumor that will be considered an estrogen receptor, unknown or positive.

When using it for bodybuilding, though, it is used for either eliminating or reducing excess estrogen that was caused by taking aromatizing steroids.

Comparing Steroid Cycle Protocol

To make a proper comparison, time frames and the dosage of drugs consumed must be equal. In other words, comparing a two-week cycle against a ten-week one is not reasonable. To properly achieve the comparison, you would have to do a process on then off for ten weeks at a time and then do five two-week cycles on then off to compare results.

Choosing the Best Steroid Cycle Protocol

A steroid cycle protocol uses anabolic androgenic steroids (AAS) to improve muscle mass, strength, and physical appearance. A steroid cycle protocol aims to increase the amount of testosterone in the body. This is accomplished by taking AASs that are known to increase testosterone levels or by taking steroids that have a low conversion rate from testosterone into estrogen.

There are many different types of steroid cycles, but they all have one thing in common: they are used to achieve some goal. Whether it be muscle gain, fat loss, increased strength, or improved performance in sports, there is always a reason behind using steroids.

A long-acting testosterone ester is needed to ensure the drug is active in the body for extended periods. Erythromycin 500 mg can be taken 2 times per day with meals to prevent any gastrointestinal side effects. An antiandrogen like spironolactone or cyproterone acetate will block some of the estrogenic effects that can arise from a testosterone cycle.

To maintain health, there must be a documented history of regular testing of testosterone levels during the cycle. The following is the basic outline of a first-time, three-month testosterone ester and progesterone cycle (with 500 mg erythromycin taken twice per day with meals) for a male: Testosterone cypionate 100 mg/ml injected intramuscularly every 2 weeksSpironolactone 100 mg once daily oral dose. Intermittent spiron olactone 100 mg/day for 3 days a month.


Bodybuilders looking to put on muscle mass should use a steroid cycle protocol with a high-volume and high-intensity workout, eat a high-protein diet, and take supplements. A steroid cycle protocol combines all the different anabolic steroids bodybuilders use during their training. This type of protocol aims to increase muscle size and strength as fast as possible. The most important thing for bodybuilders who want to build muscles is to work out hard every day, eat enough protein, and take supplements such as whey protein, creatine, or multivitamins.

If you doubt what will work for you, consult a professional before proceeding with a new program.


Building muscle mass is what I like to talk about. If your aim is to build a solid body, then my posts would be very beneficial to you. I always want to know your opinion, so don't hesitate to drop a line below or contact me.

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