Categories: Steroids

What Anabolic Steroids are The Current Pros Using Than Pros From Years Ago?

               Historical studies show that Lance Armstrong, a famous bodybuilder, beat almost all drug tests and never failed even a single drug test. He won "gold standard" trials, and the trend of cheating is increasing. These drug testing procedures are costly, and sports holders pay for Anabolic Steroids Pros.

Is Steroid Use Mandatory?

         Moreover, people love watching and enjoying monsters' muscles and impressive physiques, promoting drug trends. We can say that it's financial suicide, and bodybuilders are at an intensive risk if they continue using such life-wrenching drugs. But the fact is that the number of steroid users is rising. To get a money game or high fan following, it seems that steroid use is becoming essential to develop a massive, comprehensive look.

 Steroids History


        It has the course of historical advancement from starting to the current structure that researchers and scholars have demonstrated. From a historical perspective, Berthold, in 1849, worked on the characteristics that can enhance workforce and capacity, revealing the testes' role in blood production stimulation. After that, several experimental studies described the different steroids for bodybuilding, and the trend is rising, as we even see the mask-effect steroids that can beat the tests.

Must Read: The Laws of Steroids  & Anabolic Steroids History 

Modern Anabolic Steroids Pros:

         It needs to view the difference between the bodybuilder of the modern and historical era.

  • HGH efficacy is more if you compare it to Dbol, Tren, and Test drugs. HGH is a long peptide that stimulates muscle cell growth. Newly formed cells appear as immature cells, and they must take Tren, Test, and D-bol to strengthen the new cells. But the potential problems associated with the HGH create new cells in all body parts with stem cells. Thus the size of the heart also increases considerably.
  • Insulin is essential to take it correctly and precisely because it brings blood flow and nutrients to body muscles. It will make you stronger and more prominent at one site, while it can also kill you.
  • Tren: It is an old-time steroid, and it is still used these days. It is 4X times more potent than the androgenic Test – however, it causes an increase in BP and causes kidney failure.

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         Many other new and old compounds are used, such as Deca, Test, Winny, D-bol, Anavar, and Agin.

The Modern Era of Anabolic Steroids Pros:

     With this age of competition, people of the younger generation tend to attract people with great heavy bodies. Some compounds help you in shaping your body according to your desire. However, steroids can ruin your life if taken non-seriously and without PCT.

          It suggests that steroids can even lead to kidney, and lung failure, heart problems, BP issues, and fast aging. Thus, it needs extraordinary care and preventive measures to take every step toward steroid-based bodybuilding to avoid potential life-threatening damage.


         Large food intake and liquids used with insulin bring massive growth. The pancreas releases insulin that regulates carbohydrates metabolism and accelerates protein generation and utilization of glucose.

         Insulin possesses anabolic effects as it improves the level of stamina and endurance. It also increases muscle mass by stimulating glycogen formation. Humulin N and Humulin R are the two types of insulin used for bulking cycles. The best combination with it is the dietary combination.

Read More: Crazy Bulk's Steroids Review (The Truth)

Sustanon 250:

       This steroid is a 2-year-old anabolic steroid that is still famous. It is very effective, and even its smaller generates good Anabolic Steroids Pros.

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        This steroid causes the most negligible impact as it is mild and needs cycles of 20 weeks. It does not affect the body organs such as the liver, kidney, etc., but it has the extraordinary capacity to modify the – physique. It has high recovery powers as well. But it does badly with cholesterol and natural production level of testosterone but with lesser intensity. It is expensive, and you can find it easily.

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       It is evident that bodybuilders increasingly use peptides to get a great body. These are not steroids; these are amino acid chains with strong bonds. Peptides in bodybuilding improve the growth hormone production that helps obtain more significant muscle volume and mass. These also increase the production of testosterone. They also help in fast recovery and endurance levels. There are many other benefits as well.

Growth hormone is an amino acid. GHRH group also has MOD-GRF (1-29), CJC 1295 DAC, HGH Fragment 176-191, and Sermorelin.


      HGH was supposed to produce youthful effects as an anti-aging agent. But, different incidences revealed severe harm. The pituitary gland produces HGH that enhances growth in adolescents and children and regulates body fluids, body composition, bone growth and muscle, metabolism, and heart function. So, this is the component of many medical drugs for treatment purposes. It is also synthetically produced.

HGH Uses/Abuses:

        The trend of using this drug with steroids for performance-enhancing purposes is increasing to build heavy muscles. The FDA has not approved HGH use for anti-aging.

      The bodybuilder's physique for the competition is the foremost priority, and multiple supplemental substances of natural and synthetic origin are there.

       After the 1960s, competition levels increased, so bodybuilding competitors required high physical perfection, strength, and appearance like iron warriors.

Read More: Which needles and syringes are best for steroid use?

         Since the 1970s, a new sporting arena offered multiple platforms and lucrative contracts for athletes, opening for drug use by champions.


       Although the GH hormone was effective, excess GH causes tissue overgrowth, muscle weakness, and insulin resistance problems.

      It has many benefits, such as increased muscle mass, bone density, lipid profile, and better mental health.

Effective Administration:

      Bodybuilders now accurately know how to get the maximum potential of any product. GH addition to your cycle will bring gains. GH needs other anabolic hormones for durable performance. Optimal dosages are essential to consider. Timing and dosage are crucial; an IU kit of 200 GH for 50 days with 4 IU/ day will be efficient.

     GH is used mainly after the insulin steroid cycle during PCT works. Overuse in the long term causes serious issues.

     Steroids 17aa (1) are very potent synthesized steroids but overdosing produces less harmful impacts; however, the case is different with insulin, diuretics, and Trenbolone which are extremely dangerous if overdosed. Synthetic insulin is toxic to bodybuilding, and the interaction between GH and insulin is drastic. GH takes at the time when your body has low insulin levels.


     It is insulin-like peptide to enhance muscle growth. You can regulate IGF-1 by GH, thyroid, and the body's nutritional levels. The drug is a single-chained amino acid hormone. It also produces synthetic materials that develop the optimal body environment for muscle and protein development.


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            IGF-1 is considered an advanced hormone with posed unique qualities but gives higher results with the testosterone and Dianabol cycle. IGF-1, through hyperplasia, increases muscle cells and improves the athlete's potential beyond his genetic limits, which you can further enhance by other selective steroid cycles and training processes.

        Moreover, IGF-1 can also be used during the PCT phase, and injected into the muscles due to the fast recovery time.

IGF-1 LR3:

        It has more amino acids, about 13 additional, making it more potent than simple IGF-1. It also leads to slowing aging and fast recovery.

Mechano GF:

       It activates in response to mechanical stimuli. This peptide facilitates quick recovery after muscle damage. Peptides are in powder form mixed with water and mainly injected subcutaneously.

Steroid Stacking Procedure:

     These procedures advanced with time which has improved the efficiency of steroids.

      We now have enough familiarity with:

  • DECA/TEST cycles,
  • DECA/TEST/DBOL cycles,
  • Tren, Test, and Winstrol cycle,

    We have synthetic anabolic steroids for muscle development, performance enhancement, and fat burning.

       Synthetic steroids include Oxymetholone, Quinbolone, Nandrolone, Oxandrolone, Danabol, Stanozolol, Trenbolone, Fluoxymesterone Turinabol, Furazabol, Methenolone, Mesterolone, and Methandrostenolone and many others.


        Using steroids has advantages beyond expectations. The research has revealed that the best time for steroid injecting is to extract the maximum benefits from the process—some drugs you can take at any time, such as test enanthate and Sustanon.

More research, high demand from viewers, and an increased urge to win and achieve high have increased the tremendous use of steroids. Moreover, different types of Anabolic Steroids Pros have benefited modern users in a far better way as compared to historical users.

Read More: Use Bodybuilding Supplements Instead of Anabolic Steroids


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