Categories: Workout

5 Impactful Workouts to Build Your Lagging Body Parts

      Do you think you have a perfectly balanced and symmetrical physique? Is there a frustrating part of your body that does not grow? There will always be a lagging body part or a specific muscle group that you would like to improve. The good thing is that you are not alone in this journey, and here you will find some Impactful Workouts for your progress.

Focus More on The Lagging Body Parts:

          Before this matter, it is essential to focus more of your efforts on lagging body parts. That way, you will successfully build and have a good physique. It will also be a good idea to follow some advice from a doctor. The following are the five Impactful Workouts that will help sculpt a well-rounded and complete body.

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#1─ Pump Up your Frequency:

      Following high-frequency and targeted training will be essential to improve your body part that has fallen behind.

      If you will like it bringing up a lagging muscle group, it is worth noting training two to three times a week. In one day, you may go heavy with the lower repetitions.

      And then switch up the workout by turning to lighter weights. Just increase the volume as well.

       If you will like it driving your muscle growth, increasing the training volume and adding some stimulation is essential.

        If you will power up your body part, add some workouts. That way, you will be able to focus on your body part. Allow some forty-eight hours of rest in between sessions.

        In addition to what you need to remember, ensure you will not go through the motion. You will need to slow down. Feel each part of the repetition from the beginning until the end. This will drive more blood into particular muscle tissue.

#2─ Change the First Exercise Being Followed:

        If you stick to the same exercise routine, it will only stop you from increasing your gains. However, this does not necessarily mean that you will never need it scrapping your routine. Minor adjustments will already make a big difference.

       This way, you will be able to break through the growth wall. You may as well begin your workout sessions, considering your muscle is not growing anymore. Start with exercises every time you focus on each muscle with the maximum energy.

         If you bring up the boulder shoulders, never revert to the dumbbell presses to kick off each lift. It will be a lot better to start with the standing barbell press, Arnold presses, and any compound variation that will drive change.

#3─ Connect The Muscle to Your Mind:

        If you do not notice any significant difference with your specific muscle group, it may be attributed to the fact that you do not activate the maximum way possible. You must evaluate your technique to building up your lagging body parts.

         When you realize you can contact or squeeze your muscle more effectively, you will be on your way to shaping it. You can easily allow the muscle and mind connection to slip.

           This is especially true if you pile on the plates and lift heavy weights. You will need to grow some more and newer muscles. Lower the weight and slow down the tempo that you follow. Squeeze every repetition being your priority.

#4─ Adjust or Add Repetitions:

        According to the fitness model named Jimmy Everett, building up your lagging body parts is about getting in extra repetitions. If you put a lot of stress on your muscle group, expect it to become a lot bigger. You could add up some stress to be able to increase the pre-set volume.

          This could also be possibly done by working in a high-rep range. If you work at about six to eight repetitions for the back, it will be just right to explore hypertrophy-related work in an eight to twelve range.

       Master about six to eight repetitions with a specific weight. Keep the weight just the same. Try to squeeze out a lot of repetitions with it. If the strength is quite at a level, you will need to drop the weight following a small percentage. You will need to do this before you up to your pre-set repetitions.

#5─ Add Some Single-Limb Work:

          If the lagging body parts are your legs or arms, you will need to add up some single-limb work. That way, you will be able to correct this sort of imbalance.

      You will need to follow some unilateral isolation work which could be your favorite technique. If your left quad is lagging, keep focusing on single-leg leg presses, single-leg leg extensions, and single-leg squats.

         If you focus on machine, barbell, and bilateral exercises, it will be necessary to add some single-limb work. This will help balance your strength and musculature.

Must Read: How To Do One Leg Squat

Follow All the Essential Workouts Mentioned Above:

            You will need to follow all the impactful workouts mentioned above for your own sake. That way, you can improve some of your body parts. And thus, you will successfully feel good as well.

Now, you have learned more about the 5 impactful workouts to build all your lagging body parts!


Building muscle mass is what I like to talk about. If your aim is to build a solid body, then my posts would be very beneficial to you. I always want to know your opinion, so don't hesitate to drop a line below or contact me.

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